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Chapter 221 Institutional Vision

Huang Yuying's eyes fluttered, and suddenly she pinched the little man's waist, and she put her small mouth into the man's ear and said something.With Mr. Deng's superhuman hearing, he didn't even hear clearly, but the little girl's bright red face and extremely shy appearance, the silence is better than the sound!

Deng Hua was itching in his heart: "Uh, well, in fact, the most important point of the college student village official plan is to let the village officials and the villagers get along with each other, and they must understand the most pressing problems of the villagers. It is not that many things cannot be done, but that they have not been in-depth. If you go down, you can't find the problem."

Huang Yuying nestled comfortably in the man's arms. If possible, the little woman hoped that she could snuggle forever: "You mean, the village official plan is a pilot after all, and the conditions in Gucheng County are limited. The most important thing is to explore the feasibility of this policy. , and practical significance?"

"That's right, the secretary's sister is the smartest!" The man's hands were looking for the Range Rover, but his mouth was not idle, "There are some things that should be done, such as asking college students to help eradicate illiteracy in the village, for example Let the village officials help folk products with a little guidance.

Although college students do not have so much practical knowledge, one thing is for sure, their knowledge is wider, and their vision and aesthetics are more in line with the urban petty bourgeoisie group, and this group is precisely the largest consumer group of folk products! "

The woman's face was flushed by the man, her body was like a puddle of water, soft to the bone, and the little woman said in a tired voice, "I know you have a lot of tricks, um, ok ok, let me go quickly, just let me go for a while." Sister Lu Yao is coming..."

Before the words fell, there was a knock on the door, and the two of them were in a hurry. When Lu Yao walked in, the beautiful secretary's face was like a mountain of azaleas: "Secretary, it seems inappropriate for me to hold three positions at the same time, isn't it? Let Director Xiao Deng straighten me up, and I will be the full-time director of the education committee."

Lu Yaoquan pretended not to see the bright red cheeks of the secretary. The little girl calmed down, her eyes dodged: "Ah, not too old, okay? Deng Hua is too young, and his time in the deputy department is too short. Speaking of which, the State-owned Assets Management Office and the Labor Export Office are temporary institutions." , will be abolished in the future. If it is replaced by someone else, I am not at ease, and it may cause trouble."

Director Lu frowned and looked at Deng Hua. He was the one who set up these two departments: "What do you think, Director Xiao Deng?"

This question was a bit abrupt. For any leader, it would be disrespectful for Director Lu to ask his subordinates about their personnel arrangements in person!It's just that at this moment, the beautiful secretary is obviously out of state, and her soul seems to be out of her body. It is obviously a waste of time for Lu Yao to ask her again. Why don't she just ask the key person directly, it seems that this kid can be more worthy of a family!

"Both the State-owned Assets Management Office and the Labor Export Office can become permanent institutions!" Mr. Deng poured tea for two women attentively for the first time. enjoy.

The two women looked at him quietly, waiting for his explanation: "The difference is that the functional positioning of the two institutions has changed slightly. The State-owned Assets Management Office will lead the restructuring of county-owned enterprises. The current production efficiency of county-owned enterprises is low. It is difficult to compete with those township and village enterprises in the booming coastal and border economic zones.

The labor export office must not only do a good job in training migrant workers, but also solve the worries of migrant workers, such as left-behind children, women, and the elderly. If they do not make early plans, they will cause many social problems. "

"left behind children?"

This is the first time the two women have heard this term. This term is still a bit new to today's Gucheng County. The number of farmers who go out to work is small, and they are all farmers who are selected from the best and have no burden.Just based on the literal meaning, the two women also understand that in the future, this problem will inevitably become an obstacle to building a county that exports labor services.

"Sister Lu Yao is right. We hold three positions at the same time. It is indeed easy for people to gossip. We might as well change the name of the State-owned Assets Management Office." Deng Hua took a sip of tea. This time it was Lu Yao who helped pour the water, "It is called State-owned assets The management company fully accepts the supervision of the enterprise by functional departments such as the Second Light Industry Bureau.

This is also in line with the idea proposed by the central government to separate government from enterprises. Administrative means to manage enterprises is outdated, and it is time to operate in accordance with the market economy model.Immediately start to renovate and upgrade the county-owned enterprises and upgrade the industry. Maybe Zheng Hanwen can supervise this department. "

At this time, although local enterprises in various places are not in trouble, they have already shown signs of dissatisfaction with the market economy.Those township enterprises obviously have a more flexible business strategy, a more precise market orientation, and a marketing concept that is most in line with market demand.

Whether Huang Yuying or Lu Yao, they are very clear about the current problems faced by county-owned enterprises.The two came down from Yanjing City and had a different perspective from the local cadres. Naturally, they would not be like those natives in Gucheng County, who were arrogant and arrogant.

It's just that the Chinese government didn't have a mature management model before, and the central government was only in the stage of theoretical discussion for the restructuring of small and medium-sized enterprises.Two years later, there will first be a wave of restructuring fever in Jiaodong Province. In fact, it is more appropriate to call it a short-selling fever!

In a certain place in Jiaodong Province, a "charismatic" red second generation, relying on someone above him, boldly sold all the state-owned collective enterprises, without even borrowing the pretense of restructuring!

At that time, this incident caused heated discussions across the country. Although Director Xiao Deng was an otaku in his previous life, he was also an otaku in the system, and he had heard of the guy who didn't feel sorry for the boy who sold his grandfather.It just so happened that such a prodigal son was touted as a person who had the courage to explore and was regarded as a pioneer of reform.

With such a gimmick, and wearing such a dazzling aura, it is natural that the official fortune will be prosperous!It was not until more than ten years later that a series of scandals broke out among the political stars who had already reached the provincial and ministerial level.Except for a group of women, the most important thing is to collude with businessmen, sell state-owned assets at a low price, and make huge profits from it!

The county magistrate is still some time away from the nationwide business depression, which is enough time for this big stupid bird in Gucheng County to take off early.Deng Hua believes that as long as they take the first step, enterprises in Gucheng County have every chance to find a development path that suits them under the impact of the tide of market economy.

Only the two women in the room in Gucheng County knew about the relationship between Zheng Hanwen and Deng Hua, and the two women were relieved to hand over the state-owned asset management company to him.After all, the three people in the state-owned asset management company have put too much effort into cohesiveness. If they give up halfway, or if they are stolen by people with ulterior motives, it will be a disaster for Gucheng County!

"Alright, you're still here to help him, don't let him go, I don't believe Zheng Hanwen is an athlete who can understand economic management!" Huang Yuying nodded, and then glared at the sour-faced Director Deng, "And Well, since the Labor Export Office is so important, let your old leader, Deputy Director of the Investment Promotion Office Qiu Hai, take it on."

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