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Chapter 230 Something Happened to the Girls

After Mr. Deng finished speaking, he raised his neck and drank one glass of wine to the bottom, and did not stop for the other two glasses, and drank three glasses in a row.He Mulin was very proud of himself, or in other words Tao Xinming or Mr. Deng's unwarranted Princess Lan, so he drank it all in one gulp.On another occasion, a small person like Deng Hua is not worthy of a toast to Director He, let alone a toast!

Mi Huafeng nodded: "Yes, there are fewer and fewer young people who are rooted in poverty-stricken mountainous areas and seek the well-being of the common people. Yangzhou City can still lend a helping hand to the old districts. This year, one-third of the municipal construction stone The share will be contracted by Gucheng County!"

"Thank you, Uncle Mi!"

As the capital city of Lingnan Province, Yangzhou City was undergoing massive construction projects at that time, and the city was rapidly expanding outwards, transforming itself into an international metropolis.One-third of the stone materials used in municipal construction here will definitely wake up the leaders of Gucheng County from their dreams.

The mayor of Mi Deng Hua served the wine, and the latter was very straightforward. Before Mr. Deng could speak, the glass of wine was drained.With the previous two proofs, Vice Governor Cao Penghui, Vice Governor Wang Zhijun, and Director Li Gu also expressed their willingness to do their part for the people of the old district.

Mr. Deng drank twelve glasses of wine in a row, and he was paying a military salute to several leaders: "Thank you uncles for your help. Deng Hua is very grateful. My nephew will remember this kindness. Whenever my uncle finds my little brother Nephew, this love must be repaid!"

Mi Huafeng's half-smile was half-smile, if there were no figures behind Mr. Deng's scenes, his words would be like farting to the leaders.But with his previous knowledge, his promise is very important. There is no one who does not get wet shoes when he often walks by the river. No one can guarantee that he will not be approached by the Disciplinary Committee for the rest of his life.

Although Mr. Deng is insignificant personally, he can't stand the power of the princess behind him, and although a prospective son-in-law is far from reliable, since there is such an opportunity to make friends, who would be foolish enough to miss it?For several leaders, whoever’s stone is used, it is worthwhile to make a little profit with the great master of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection!

Liu Cheng rushed in from the outside, leaning over to Tao Xinming's ear: "Tao Tao and Lan Xin are being held hostage by the Hong Kong government!"

"What? Who did it?"

Deng Hua stood up abruptly, his face suddenly changed. Others didn't have his perverted hearing ability. It was just the young man lost his composure for the first time tonight. Several people looked at Secretary Tao whose face changed greatly. It seemed that something was serious.

Liu Cheng saw that Secretary Tao did not stop him, so he replied: "It seems to be a commercial dispute. The other party does not allow Six Arts Entertainment to release discs. So far, it has only restricted the actions of everyone in Six Arts Entertainment."

Tao Xinming stood up: "I'm sorry everyone, my little girl has a problem with the Hong Kong government. I need to cross the border immediately..."

"Uncle Tao, I'll go!"

Deng Hua looked at Tao Xinming firmly, and the latter frowned: "It's not Gucheng County over there, so why do you?"

"A lot of things are sensitive right now, and your identity is even more inappropriate to come forward, and I will not use my official identity." Deng Hua clenched his fists, no matter which woman was hurt, he could not tolerate it.The highest pursuit after rebirth is to protect the people around you. This goal is the bottom line that must never be touched!

Tao Xinming narrowed his eyes: "Can you guarantee Lan Xin's safety?"

"As long as nothing happens before I arrive!"

Deng Hua's resolute, firm gaze reminded Tao Xinming of his other identity. This identity may be top secret, but to Secretary Tao, the anti-corruption storm that just passed, and communication with Secretary Lan, already knew.

One thing Deng Hua said was right. Now that 97 is approaching, it is difficult for the authorities to come forward on many things, which will leave excuses for certain forces.Western forces have been smearing China all the time, especially on the issue of the return of the Hong Kong government. The British Empire is as painful as cutting flesh.

For the British Empire, the Pearl of the Orient, the Hong Kong government, definitely does not represent a little bit of economic interests, but the political interests contained in it are what they pay attention to.With a bridgehead like the Hong Kong government, or in other words, with this bargaining chip, they have too much initiative in dealing with China.

For a long time, the Hong Kong government was returned to China. Inside the British Empire, those hawkish soldiers were extremely dissatisfied, and some even clamored that the Hong Kong government should be regarded as the Falkland Island of Argentina.Those admirers of colonialism still cling to the concepts of more than a hundred years ago, and they still want to reproduce the infinite beauty of the British Empire!

Therefore, it is absolutely inconvenient for Secretary Tao to cross the border at this time: "What do I need to do?"

Tao Xinming didn't hesitate either. The soldiers who came to the battlefield were decisive.Since this kind of matter is positioned as a commercial dispute, it is even more inconvenient for the authorities to come forward, and everything must be handled in accordance with commercial rules.What is worrying right now is that the Hong Kong government's entertainment circle is not so peaceful, and many low-level methods are definitely not news at the top.

"Comrade Huang Fei, please take care of me. I want the most detailed map of the Hong Kong government, and I need someone to drive me to the border."

Pointing at Huang Fei, Deng Hua didn't say much. After all, there were not two people at the scene. Tao Xinming already understood: "Okay! Liu Cheng, you go see Deng Hua off and listen to him on the way."

Give a military salute to all the leaders: "Uncles, the situation is urgent, and my nephew is rude, please bear with me!"

"Go, go!" Mi Huafeng waved his hand. Even with the presence of the two vice-governors, Mayor Mi is very official, "Don't worry about the stone here, everything will be handled according to the procedures, waiting for your good information!"

Based on Mr. Deng's performance in receiving the news, everyone has already confirmed that this princess Helan has an extraordinary relationship.With this level of knowledge, several leaders became more and more eager to make friends. Cao Penghui nodded: "This is my business card. If you need anything, please contact me at any time. I still know a few friends over there."

It is adjacent to the Hong Kong government, and everyone here has a relationship there, but it is usually hidden.Now the four leaders readily took out their business cards, which is equivalent to contributing their own relationships.

This statement is not for Mr. Deng, if you do your best in the matter of Princess Lan being trapped, the favor of the Lan family will continue in the future, at least you will also befriend the black-faced god who is about to rise in front of you!

Mr. Deng's car was speeding along the road, with a very special license plate hanging on it, allowing unimpeded traffic along the way.Deng Hua was in the back seat, carefully checking the map of the Hong Kong government that he obtained from the Lingnan Military Region. Tao Xinming went to ask for it in person. It is said that the power of the Lan family was used. Otherwise, Tao Xinming's identity would not be enough to get this map. .

I saw it online in my previous life, saying that the Lingnan Military Region once had a top-secret action plan in view of the fact that the British continued to make small moves on the issue of the return of the Hong Kong government.It seems that this map is prepared for special situations. The map is so detailed that it is outrageous!

Seeing this map, Mr. Deng sighed quietly. The leaders of the older generation still have the courage to show the courage to fight at all times. First of all, let those jumping clowns not dare to fight like dogs!

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