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Chapter 234 News

Before Boss Fei could finish speaking, Deng Hua stretched out his hand and grabbed Boss Fei's ear with a little force. His hand was so strong that he almost tore off his ear all at once, leaving only a small piece of skin attached!

At this time, Boss Fei didn’t look like a big boss, and he was tortured by Director Deng like a ghost. Deng Hua said coldly: "I was arrested by you, and now tell me that I am not here, okay, let you see Let's see what is..."

"Don't, don't, don't!" The boss was so frightened that he lost control, and a smell came from him, this guy is too ruthless!Every shot seems to have no scruples, "Hero, they were taken away by the Yamaguchi-gumi. We only want to fish in troubled waters after we get the news..."

Deng Hua stretched out his hand and pulled out a piece of flesh from the big brother's wound. The person next to him trembled when he saw it, it was so cruel!If it is said that they have done this kind of thing in the past, many times they have done more than this, but when this scene happens to their own people, it is too scary!


The boss lost his voice in pain: "Where did they go?"

Fei's second son trembled with fright: "Treasure Island! They were sent to Treasure Island! Over there, because the Liao family tends to the mainland, arresting Ms. Liao's grandson is just a warning to other rich people..."

"Fuck!" Deng Hua waved his hand, and the Eight Immortals table made of hundred-year-old oak was smashed by him with a punch, and the debris shot out. A dozen gangsters were hit, and no one dared to cry out in pain!This table, when Boss Fei hit it just now, the teacup was shattered, and there was only a little dent on the table.

Such a solid solid wooden table was smashed with one punch, which shows that this person is already furious, and no one wants to follow in the footsteps of the boss and the rudder.The empty hall was eerily silent, all the wounded were enduring the pain, no one knew if this person would pull his ear off, it was too bloody!

Hooligans have always been fearless of life and death, and there are even desperadoes who dare to face swords and guns. All their courage is pinned on the premise of the hope of victory.Like this, no one wants to seek death in the face of a god of death!

"When did you leave? What means of transportation? Where did you start?"

Fei Lao replied tremblingly during the Second World War: "It takes three hours to walk, from the West Wharf, take a fishing boat, and transfer to a freighter from the Yamaguchi-gumi on the high seas!"

Deng Hua picked up the second brother who had just been thrown on the ground by gangsters: "He was held hostage by the Yamaguchi group. He set off from Sai Kung Wharf three hours ago. A fishing boat will transfer to a freighter on the high seas and go to Baodao, asking for support! "

Several bosses on the ground exchanged glances, and they were indeed from Ice Scorpions!Deng Hua intentionally made this call in front of them to put strong pressure on them. Even if he doesn't show up anymore, these people's fear of Xiaolong's troops is enough to guarantee the safety of Six Arts Entertainment Company!

A clear voice came from the phone: "Wait a minute, I need to ask for instructions, and I will call back in 5 minutes!"

Putting down the phone, Deng Hua looked at the big men present, and asked grimly, "How did you get hurt?"

"Yes, uh!" Boss Fei was about to speak, but was kicked by his brother, and then changed his mouth, "It was a car accident, we had a car accident, brothers are fighting, gangsters are fighting!"

"Smart! Smart people will live a long time!" Mr. Deng said as if he was chatting with someone, without a hint of anger, "Six Arts Entertainment will establish a foothold in the Hong Kong government. If you want to cooperate, you can also play, sir. Stay with me. Remember, the safety of everyone in Six Arts Entertainment is entrusted to you. No matter who has an accident, I will add some salt to your wounds. Even if you hide in Africa, I will dig him out and light the sky lanterns! "

Deng Huacai didn't believe the explanations of these bastards. Without the help of local snakes like them, how could the Guojiang Longshankou Group succeed so smoothly?What's more, he is clear about the background of the Fei family brothers, and they themselves are the nails planted by the Baodao side in the Hong Kong government.

A few girls had accidents, and Deng Hua had the intention to kill, but it was better to intimidate than to kill. The dead don't know how to fear. Only by making the living feel fear can the future safety of Six Arts Entertainment Company be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Deng Hua stood up, stepped down heavily, and there was a "bang", and the barrel of the AK47 made of all steel turned into a bow, leaving a deep footprint on the hard concrete floor!The flying debris splashed onto the body, piercing deeply into the skin like stray bullets!

The one who got stuck by the debris, held back the pain, and could only admit that he was unlucky, so he dared to scream.Deng Hua shot again, and the three black stars "tuk-tuk-tuk" three times, all fell into the ground, leaving only the handle of the gun outside: "I'm here today, when I come back from overseas, I will visit my house, let's There will be a period later!"

No one saw how Deng Hua moved, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye. For a full 10 minutes, no one in the hall dared to move, but Gu Le returned to normal: "Master Duo, he is gone!"

"Leaving?" Lord Ruo cried out in pain at this moment, "Call right away..."

"Brother, are you going to call the police?"

"Fart!" If it wasn't for the serious shoulder injury and the inability to move his hands, the idiot who asked the question would have been slapped, "Call the ambulance! Listen to me, I haven't seen that person today, no matter who leaks the news, I will kill you." He's full!"

"Yes!" The gangsters resisted the pain and replied, in fact, there is no need for Master Ruo to ask, who would dare to provoke this devil-like existence!It's just that from this day on, there is a legend of a nightmare circulating in the underworld of the Hong Kong government. All the gangsters who have experienced this night will not be able to recover from the fear for a long time.

Deng Hua appeared at Saigon Wharf, where a speedboat had been prepared long ago, and the driver waited for Deng Hua to get on the boat, and immediately rushed away as if in the night.The speedboat sailed for more than ten kilometers before landing on a patrol boat in a sea area. Deng Hua climbed up quickly along the hanging rope without saying a word.

There was no one on the deck, and Deng Hua sat quietly on the bow, letting the seawater from the speeding patrol boat rush over him, instantly turning him into a drenched chicken.Deng Hua didn't know if he could catch up with the other party before he entered the waters of Treasure Island. He breathed quietly, trying to make himself as good as possible!

Fortunately, the body has fully recovered a few days ago, and the internal strength seems to have gone a step further, from the thickness of a spider's silk to that of a hair.Feeling the internal force flowing through the meridians like mercury pouring down the ground, Deng Hua was grateful for the nameless exercises given to him by the old man. Without the powerful combat power brought to him by this set of exercises, he would never have achieved what he is today.

Right now is the darkest moment of the night, and it is estimated that in another half an hour, the east will be pale. At that time, even if it encounters the other party's ship, it may be troublesome.It is impossible for this patrol boat to start a war with the other party. At most, it will send itself nearby and return to the voyage. Deng Hua knows this very well.

Looking into the dark night, Deng Hua murmured: "Hold on, I'm coming!"

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