Deng Hua didn't have much impression of Yang Jian's mother, only the photo in his hand.Originally, Yang Jian could not live by committing crimes by herself, but this woman wanted to avenge her son. Doting her son without limit is probably the source of Yang Jian's criminal path.

A figure flashed by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the mansion, and with Mr. Deng's super strong eyes, it was not enough to see who it was.He was waiting. He didn't believe that woman would be like him back then, staying home for several days without going out. It would be a waste if such a beautiful sea breeze didn't come out to blow.

He took off the plastic gloves, wiped off the oil stains around his mouth, and checked the Type [-] sniper rifle again. It is said that Mr. Deng also admired the little devil's character of striving for perfection.A weapon that has been used for decades, when it was test-fired a few days ago, it was still a hit. It is definitely a murderous weapon!

The floor-to-ceiling windows over there were pushed open, and a slightly fat woman came out, taking a deep breath towards the inland direction.Deng Hua unhurriedly picked up the [-]-style sniper rifle, and after aiming for a while, the woman seemed to have a premonition, and suddenly looked to this side, it was now!


With a soft sound, Deng Hua stopped looking at the other party and took the time to organize all his belongings, leaving behind the Type [-] sniper rifle, got up and floated away.There was already a mess over there, the woman's eyebrows were a little red like an Indian's, but a bloody hole the size of a fist exploded in the back of her head!

The woman's eyes were wide open, as if she didn't believe that she would die unexpectedly. The body stood there for tens of seconds before falling to the ground. Red blood and white brains splashed across the French windows, rendering a poignant scene.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the people inside the mansion realized the situation. There was a piercing alarm bell in the mansion. Immediately afterwards, agents with weapons rushed out of the French windows one by one, and were immediately stunned by the sight in front of them, even though they were all professionals!

No one knows better than them how well-defended the mansion they are in is, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as impenetrable.It has been built here for many years, and there has never been any safety accident, and it has become a model for the foreign agencies of the Military Control Bureau.

When the leaders of the Baodao Government Affairs Council secretly came to Hong Kong, they stayed here. They once praised the security facilities, thinking that the security level of this place is no less than that of the US president's resort.Now all the halos are shattered with this sudden shot, and there is no safe place here anymore!

The agents carefully surveyed the scene, and some responded quickly. They immediately leaned on the wall and searched in possible directions. According to the estimated ballistic trajectory, the gunman was in the mansion below!

Several members of the Hong Kong Government Station of the Military Command rushed out with weapons in their hands, outflanking them there. Even though they knew it was futile, they couldn't help but make gestures.The dignified deputy station chief was shot to death in his own home, and all personnel at the Hong Kong government station under military control will be implicated!

These people have privileges in the Hong Kong government. In fact, the British Hong Kong government has been secretly flirting with Taiwan, but it is limited to certain rules and has to make some gestures.In fact, here, the military command has many special treatment, just like breaking into an empty mansion right now.

The search should have been done by the police, and the agents did not take the police officers of the British Hong Kong authorities seriously.These agents were indeed professional enough. Based on the estimated ballistics, they immediately found Deng Hua's lurking location. After searching, they found the Type [-] sniper rifle and a pile of food residue that Mr. Deng deliberately left on the scene.

Obviously, the gunman has been lurking here for a long time. He has eaten at least three meals, five empty water bottles, half a smoked chicken, two roasted pigeon heads, a few Japanese side dishes, and half a box of seaweed roll rice!

The agents looked extremely ugly. It was obvious that the gunman left a lot of things on purpose to humiliate them.This guy is too arrogant, he regards this place as a picnic camp. It is obviously a trace of one person, but he has prepared food for two or three people!

All the evidence at the scene showed that the other party was demonstrating and intimidating!Just why was the new deputy station master killed?Although the deputy station master did submit enough documents when he defected, and there was even an authentic handwriting of Tang Yin, this was the real reason why the woman took the position.

The agents were all speculating whether the attack had the color of personal grievances?After taking office, the deputy station master once used official channels to hire killers in Southeast Asia. This is not news in the station. After all, women are newcomers, and many things need other people's guidance and help.

In any case, the death of the deputy station chief is bound to have a profound impact on many strategies of the military command and even Treasure Island. Even if the assassination is related to personal grievances, it probably has an official background. It is impossible to achieve such perfection alone !

Those with a keen mind have already connected the death of the deputy station chief with the murder of the Yamaguchi-gumi freighter, and they have their own channels.Thinking of the elusive killer on the information, everyone shuddered. After killing so many people, not a single living crew member found out!

Deng Hua came to the beach early, got on the prepared small boat, and sailed into the sea. Regardless of whether he could catch fish or not, it was necessary to enjoy it comfortably.The release of the new album was very successful, and Mo Zhu was very annoyed that his brother did not attend the ceremony: "Where is the fish you caught?"

"Hey, my brother's skills are not good, so I didn't catch it, but, my brother thought of a new song, do you want to listen to it?"

Mr. Deng was in a good mood to solve a problem, and Lan Xin's eyes widened: "What song? Sing it and listen to it!"

Liao Yufeng, who followed the little girls step by step since the girls moved into the Liao family's mansion, did not believe that those few songs were sung by Mr. Deng.Growing up in the Liao family, the elite education that Liao Yufeng received from a wealthy family is enough for Mr. Deng, a country bumpkin in the ancient city, to look up to.

Whether it is classical music or modern painting, high society etiquette or tasting of various delicacies, English fencing and Japanese judo cover almost everything.Even he may not say that he can casually come up with a trendy song that can cause a sensation at the launch event.

At this moment, seeing the longing eyes of the girls, Mr. Liao felt sour in his heart: "I didn't expect Deputy Director Deng to be a singer-songwriter. No wonder I was talking and laughing with the Fei brothers a few days ago. It's very strange. Why did you finally give up on the Fei Group?" cooperation case?"

Singer is definitely not a noble profession in the eyes of wealthy families, and even a bit low-class.What Liao Yufeng said was undoubtedly intentional, just to hurt Mr. Deng's image in the eyes of the beauties.As for the Fei brothers, they are even more the nightmares in the hearts of beautiful women. Liao Yufeng's heart is clearly revealed when he says this!

The problem is that Mr. Liao's elite education seems to be missing an important link, that is, there is no in-depth discussion on the character of women.He didn't know that once a woman fell in love with a man, everything about him would become an advantage.It is always unreasonable for women to like men. No matter how good Mr. Liao is and how personable he is, in the hearts of girls, he is still not as cute as Mr. Deng with a finger!

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