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Chapter 2525 Healthy Wine

Obviously this is a tonic prepared by the surname Cheng for himself. Thinking of this, he suddenly picked up a wine jar, swung it round and threw it on the wine jar: "I smashed these...what are you doing?"

No one thought that Hong Tu would hug Sister Nao, everyone was stunned, this guy is so bold, he dares to eat anyone's tofu, this is a man killer messing around, he is not afraid of being bullied?

In fact, no one knew that Hong Tu ate Naojie's tofu more than once, but it was only when the two of them were in private, and it was the first time in public.

Maybe it's because I drank a little too much tonight, and I feel a little weak after messing around. The most terrible thing is that Mr. Tu's hands are not in the right place, and I can't touch the head of a man or the waist of a woman!

This guy hugged Sister Nao, wrapping his hands around his waist, his body firmly pressed against the woman's buttocks. The muscles he had exercised all year round were tight and elastic, and he was extremely sensitive to being held back by the man behind him.

A strong breath, even covering up the smell of wine, rushes towards his face, and he feels that something is wrong with him, his hands are weak and his body is weak, and his mind suddenly goes blank.

This dizziness has never been felt before!Hong Tu took the jar of wine lightly: "My aunt, these are all mine. Do you know how much this jar of wine is worth? Priceless!"

Finally waking up from that weird giddiness, huh?Hu Nao glared: "Who are you fooling? You think I don't understand these things, right? Aren't you the accomplice of the surname Cheng who flirts with women?"

cough cough!There are still underage girls here, can you restrain yourself a bit?But it's not a day or two for Sister Nao's thick lines, and being with her is to endure her thick lines.

Hong Tu was also helpless: "Eldest sister has two sides to everything. Of course, this thing can add to the fun, but health preservation is the key. Taking this urn of wine back to grandpa can make him ten years younger."

real or fake?How can the wine that adds to the fun keep in good health?But thinking of the medicinal wine in those old people's homes, he looked suspiciously at the wine urn: "Don't fool me, be careful that I smash your wine cellar!"

This is cruel enough!As long as there is a wine cellar, which one is not regarded as a treasure?Now Sister Nao actually threatened Professor Hong Tu with this, probably only Sister Nao dared to threaten him with this?

It's not clear why a scholar meets a soldier!Hong Tu had this feeling: "How dare I fool my sister? Look at the tiger penis and tiger bone. Now that tigers are protected animals, I don't need to say how precious these tiger penis and tiger bones are."

This is really the case, and I don't know where Cheng Dong bought it. The tiger penis looks very majestic, and it is definitely not from a farmed tiger. Maybe it was smuggled.

In fact, everyone present did not know that Cheng Dong did not create this Jiangnan villa outside the Great Wall, he took it from the previous owner by force, and the wine had been brewed for more than 20 years.

The medicinal materials soaked in these wine urns were all scavenged from various places by the previous owner, and some were even contributed by the underworld. It can be said that Cheng Dong picked up a big bargain.

It's a pity that Mr. Cheng is not good at drinking. After he got the wine, he hadn't enjoyed it for two years before it fell into Hong Tu's hands. These two brothers really are a natural couple who love and kill each other.

Is it precious?Sister Nao knew very well that what Hong Tu was talking about was not money value: "Are you sure this thing can keep you healthy? Then I'll take it back to grandpa, who the hell, Xu Xiaofeng, will you also bring some back to your grandpa? And the little lion, the teacher's secretary also It should be mended, or Zhang Han can bring some back to You Wangzi?"

puff!Minister Zhang took a sip of wine, if someone else dared to run on her like this, a woman would definitely fight her hard, no matter if the other party was a man or a woman, the problem was that she couldn't make trouble with her sister.

Speaking of the favor owed by the Zhang family to the Hu family, it is still a big favor. In the red era, the Zhang family was in full swing. At that time, Mr. Hu and a group of old people were knocked down. Zhang Han's father was not polite to those old people.

On the contrary, after Zhang's family fell down, Mr. Hu spoke uprightly, saying that Lao Zhang was also a tragic figure created by the times, so Xiao Youyou's grandfather could take care of his life, otherwise he would really die in prison.

So regardless of being a generation older than Hu Nao, Zhang Han has no confidence in front of Nao Nao, who made me not do good things back then?Everything happens for a reason!

It would be good if the debts owed in those years were not recovered by others. Now that Zhang Han wants to regain control of the Zhang family, the first thing he has to face is the creditors of the year.

It's true that he was stepped on by Lao Zhang back then, but now he has turned over. No matter who makes a stumbling block, it is enough for Zhang Han to drink a pot. Maybe let alone the rise of the Zhang family, even a woman can survive by herself. question.

As for the incense left by the Zhang family back then, it was really not enough to compete with the creditors. Smart people would never make a super enemy for themselves.

The nonsense in front of her can't be called a super enemy, but the Hu family behind her is definitely not something Zhang Han can contend with, and the You family is also free, so Zhang Han endured it!

cough cough!Won't fight?Sister Nao is simply poking someone's scar, and it's an extremely private scar. No wonder Minister Zhang would take the initiative to seduce him. It turns out that Xiao Youyou's father has long been unable to do what he wants!

This is the extreme privacy of Yanjing's wealthy family, how can such a thing be brought up?That is to say, Minister Zhang lacks a bit of courage. If Xiao Youyou heard this, he would definitely fight Sister Nao desperately.

Fortunately, You You paid attention to Hong Feifan, and his attention was not on this side, so Hong Tu hurriedly smoothed things over: "Sister Nao, this wine is purely a consumable, use one drop for less, this is an old cellar!"

In fact, messing around is really not a run on women, she really can't understand that old lady You Wangzi, a man in his 40s, is so sissy, it's disgusting.

Speaking of giving you wine to You Wangzi was just to make that guy a little bit masculine. Sister Nao didn't intend to poke people's scars, and she couldn't do that with her nonsense nature.

Just give away your own wine as a gift?Hong Tu was really reluctant, he didn't need this thing to entertain himself, but the medicinal value of this medicinal wine was not just for entertaining, it could really make the old man ten years younger if he used it well.

What is the concept of ten years younger?Back then, Qin Wu's father, Qin Lao, was dying of illness. In order to let Qin Lao survive for a few more days and give the children of the Qin family a little time, he did not hesitate to invite top experts from abroad to perform the operation.

At that time, it was Professor Liu Feng who took the initiative. With the help of his contacts abroad, he invited the best doctor to perform the operation on Mr. Qin. It is said that the huge cost was all borne by the Dafeng Group.

That's why the relationship between the Dafeng Group and the Qin family is so strong!Because it was precisely at that time that Elder Qin's life was extended for three months that Governor Qin Wu was born, and this year's Secretary Qin Wu was born.

Therefore, it is not too much to say that these medicinal wines are priceless, Huo Nao snorted coldly, scooped it up with a wine handle, frowned, looked at it, and suddenly raised his neck and drank it!

ah?It's fine for others, Hong Tu was really scared when Sister Nao drank this wine: "Sister Nao, don't want it! You can't drink this wine indiscriminately, accidents will happen..."

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