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Chapter 2556 Multifaceted Man

At the age of 30, he was already a sub-department-level cadre, and Lao Hua hadn't been a deputy when he was 30. This is the gap!Director Hua doesn't feel that his political achievements are inferior to others. The files of major and important cases he has handled in these years are as long as his body, even surpassing his height.

Compared with someone like Deng, Lao Hua feels that he is already old. The most frightening thing is that when he is old, he does not go up the level, and a new generation replaces the old one. It is really uncomfortable to watch the young people surpass themselves one by one.

It's better to keep these emotions in your heart, Hua Weiguo said: "Okay! Don't say anything polite, I will treat you to a drink later, and invite Comrade Ji Ruyun as well."

"Look at what you said, I would also like to thank you for the materials sent by someone. Without those materials, the next work will be very difficult."

I really want to thank Hua Weiguo for the materials. I was worried that Han Qinshou's eyes were darkened after his death. I didn't expect Director Hua to send the ammunition, and the next work would be easy.

call!It was a beautiful day. A major breakthrough was made in the assassination incident, and Lao Hua's promotion crisis was resolved. With this great achievement, I believe that after the National Day, he will be able to be promoted to the deputy provincial department.

It's a bit depressing not to suspend his job to reflect on it. To be honest, Deng really wants to take a good rest. It has been ten years since his rebirth, except for the time in prison, that is, when he was injured.

Ten years!For as long as ten years, not to mention weekends, even legal holidays such as National Day and Spring Festival, it is difficult to completely relax. I can't help myself in the officialdom.

In the first few years, a phone switch in the middle of the night scared you to death. Later, with a big brother, the ringtone in the middle of the night is definitely more scary than Sadako. As long as the bell rings in the middle of the night, it is definitely a big event.

Later, with the mobile phone, a sentence of "Hello motorcycle" always makes you tighten the string. No matter where you are, whether you are on vacation or not, a phone call can kill your leisure time.

After finally finding a chance to beat the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, I thought I could get a perfect vacation, but I don’t know who ruined it, it really ruined it!

With Deng's IQ, I really don't know how to exchange for a vacation that makes everyone forget about himself. Well, who made himself choose the career of a civil servant?

If you enjoy your rights, you must fulfill your obligations!Just as I was thinking, the phone rang again: "Ma'am, this is Wu Yue. Is there any news from Deputy Director Deng?"

This guy also came to join in the fun, Deng Hua was amused: "Come and pick me up, let's go down for a stroll and find a place to eat directly below."

oh!Wu Yue didn't expect the boss to answer the phone: "Okay, I'll start right away, let's drive my car, it's more convenient!"

Comrade Xiao Wu is careful, Deng Hua thought for a while and continued: "Come on Comrade Ye Ying, is Fang Yishou's injury okay? Or forget it, call Tu Hai? Xu Xiaofeng? Forget it, those two guys It’s too popular, don’t let them come here.”

After arriving in Qinchuan New District, Mr. Deng has not gone down to investigate. Today is not just a simple investigation. Since some people don't want to let themselves rest, they just want to borrow their own knife.

It doesn't matter who uses his knife. It's true that he can't let people down. Comrade Xiao Deng is very clear that others can smooth out the matter of knocking out the teeth of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. It's easier to take down a small cadre like him ah.

Up to now, Deng Hua's ideal is to be an official, to be a good official, to be a good official for the country and the people, to be a bigger official to influence more people, and to bring more people a new life.

This is not in vain for God to give him a chance to be reborn. If it is only for the grievances with the Lin family, what is the meaning of Comrade Xiao Deng's life?

"It's dinner time!"

Deng Xinyu yelled downstairs, so early?When I got down the phone, I found that it was the little girl who was arguing with me: "Why do you get up so early? It's finally a holiday, why don't you sleep in?"

The little girl curled her lips: "I can't sleep after changing the bed. When will Dad eat roasted whole camel and roasted whole lamb? I can't wait!"

Hahaha!Deng Hua laughed: "It turns out that my baby was woken up by greedy insects! Don't worry, I will say hello to there right away, the roasted whole camel needs to be prepared in advance, we will have a party tomorrow night, let you eat the most authentic Qinchuan cuisine."

yeah!The little girl smiled and narrowed her eyes, but then she put on a bitter face: "I have to wait another day! What are you going to eat today?"

Bending over to pick up her daughter, she kissed her fiercely and said, "It's never too late for a good meal. A life with expectations is the most perfect. Let Sister You You take you to the food street today, and I will definitely make my baby three catties fatter!"

"I don't want to be fat!" the little girl giggled coquettishly, "Mom, help me! Dad's beard is pricking me!"

On the corridor, Lan Xin looked at the tired father and two in pajamas: "I know how to bully children, Xin Yu is here, what are you doing so early?"

Putting down his daughter, Deng Hua sighed: "When the donkey pulling the mill has no free time, people don't let me suspend my job to reflect on it. It's just because I need me. If I don't go to work, can I stay at home?"

It's pretty smart, and the women naturally know the way. After all, the women have contributed a lot to Comrade Xiao Deng's escape from the crisis of suspension for self-reflection, but there are some things that cannot be said to Deng Hua.

Prevent this guy from kicking his nose in the face, Mo Zhu came out of the room yawning: "If you want me to say that my brother can resign, it's so hard to intrigue with others, but he still enjoys it, how tiring!"

Deng Hua said with a smile: "In life, you always have to do something different. If you just want to have fun for a while, and just lie in the room and count the money until your hands cramp, wouldn't life be boring?"

No matter what, in front of Deng Xinyu, Deng Hua must always convey positive energy. Maybe his personal life is bad, maybe his three views are not correct and his behavior is vulgar, but it does not prevent him from being a good father.

He doesn't want his daughter to become a hedonist. The so-called richness is not more than three generations. The reason is nothing more than that the descendants will show off the family wealth all day long.

Regardless of whether it is a daughter or a son, it is necessary to establish the correct three views since childhood. The first thing is to learn to be self-reliant. Whether it is Deng Hua or women, they must set an example for the children.

Words are not as good as example!Lan Xin looked up at the little pig on the third floor: "Smelly pig, it's fine if you don't pursue it yourself, why do you want others to learn from you? Is it possible that you want everyone to be like you?"

cut!Mo Zhu sticks out his tongue: "I've worked very hard, but I don't want my brother to work so hard, and don't even have time to spend with my daughter, how boring!"

Xiaozhuzhu must have done it on purpose. Deng Hua didn't dare to talk too much in front of many women. He knew his own shortcomings, and he could use his hands and talk.

To say that the group of women around me are all excellent, among them only Mo Shexiang has no high pursuit, it is because of her nature, and it is also determined by martial arts.

Now Xiaozhuzhu seems to be infected. Comrade Xiao Deng hurriedly picked up the cover and left. He didn't want to continue this topic.I just heard Mo Shexiang say: "Do you need bodyguards?"

Cough cough cough!You are Little Pig's bodyguard, what's the matter with me?Besides, when did Deng need a bodyguard: "Thank you, no need, I'll go down to investigate."

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