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Chapter 2574

Wang Donglin was almost choked to death: "Because the township government had the right to collect fees in the past, as long as there was a gap in fiscal revenue and expenditure, the township government could make up for it by collecting fees. The rural tax and fee reform policy abolished the right of grassroots governments to collect fees. Cutting off the channel to make up for the gap between fiscal revenue and expenditure will definitely make the financial difficulties of township governments explicit."

Director Wang talked about him from left to right, Tang Yixiao secretly shook his head, no wonder Qinchuan New District hesitated to move forward even though it had the name of New District.

The reason why a new district becomes a new district is not because of the name you give it, but because of the leaders of the new district and the collective leadership of the new district. The Qinchuan New District team headed by Erwang obviously does not have the ability to lead the new district.

After all, Deputy Director Tang worked in the Shanghai stock market. He went to university in the Shanghai stock market. He joined the work and watched the once glorious Shanghai stock market be surpassed by Lingnan Province, and even surpassed by Donghai Province and Qianjiang Province.

It wasn't until the old man visited the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 92 that he came up with the idea of ​​the Shanghai New Area and the strong rise of the Shanghai New Area. In fact, the Shanghai New Area does not account for a large proportion of Shanghai's GDP.

At least until now it is not big, but the team of the Shanghai Stock Exchange has been completely reborn since 92.After emancipating the mind, the Shanghai stock market has really embarked on the fast track of economic development, not relying on the brand name of the new district, but a brand-new concept and thinking mode.

Now the gang in Qinchuan New District don’t even have the most basic pursuits, not to mention advanced concepts. They only think about how to enjoy the policy dividends of the New District, but they have never thought about using these policy benefits to develop the economy!

This is the sorrow of Qinchuan New District, and also the sorrow of Qilian Province. Mistakes in employing people are the root cause of Qinchuan New District’s stagnation. Just because the second king wants to challenge Comrade Xiao Deng, his IQ is enough to crush, but his ability is poor. !

Lao Wang wanted to avoid the topic, but Deng Hua refused to let it go: "I noticed that the team in Weidun Township was an outstanding group last year, but I just want to know what qualifications a town party committee has that has increased its gdp value by selling land Running for an outstanding township leader?"

This is a bit embarrassing. Mr. Deng did not show any sympathy, which made all the leaders present feel on pins and needles. At that time, the selection of outstanding township cadres was purely based on the gdp value as the judging standard.

I never thought about the scientific nature of the GDP value, never thought about the composition of Weidun Town’s GDP value, never thought about the proportion of industry, agriculture and tertiary industry, and never thought about sustainable development.

In fact, Qilian Province has come here all these years. No matter what advanced you choose, as long as you have a gdp value, it is enough, and the higher authorities don't care what you rely on to get the data.

Now being pressed by someone from Deng, everyone seems to think that there is something wrong. It’s just that the land sale economy always has an end. How much land has been sold in the entire Weidun Town?

Besides, what are the developers doing to develop so much land?Now the land supply in Qinchuan New District is oversupplied, and all the land circulating in the market is owned, some are in the hands of individuals, and some are in the hands of individuals in disguise.

Don't look at the rising prices on the auction floor. In fact, many of them are flattering each other, and some are even left-handed and right-handed. It is nothing more than to maintain the false prosperity of land transfers.

If this illusion is not maintained, everyone in the circle will be unlucky. Once the land and real estate are worthless, the bank will come to collect the debt every minute, and that will be fatal.

In fact, many people understand this truth. The cadres in Qinchuan New District are not fools. The problem is that they would rather choose to be demented!Han Xin was not reconciled: "The location advantage is also a manifestation of strength."

What the hell!It's embarrassing to argue with you!Deng Hua changed the subject: "Today's focus is to investigate the issue of Weidun Township's team. It employs people without restraint. It actually exceeds the number by four times. Don't tell me that you don't know anything about it!"

Finally, it came to the most sensitive personnel issue. Just now Tang Yixiao was really afraid that someone Deng would go astray.

Obviously, the personnel issue is the Achilles' heel of Qinchuan New District. Haven't you seen the faces of the leaders of the New District look so pale?This is not malnutrition, but a ghost in my heart!

You see, Wang Yongren drank tea in a disguise, and he didn't even dare to face Deng Hua. You are the de facto leader of Qinchuan New District, but you dare not face your subordinates directly.

And Wang Donglin, the guy who was once slapped by someone Deng, should now hate Comrade Xiao Deng to the bone, and if he seizes the opportunity, he will make trouble. The problem is that Director Wang has no bargaining chips at all.

Qinchuan New District was originally a two-king four-two bust, but it was completely lost by the second king and a group of idiots.Look at the construction sites that are not dead or alive outside. Don't talk about blueprint planning, just chaotic personnel is a huge social problem.

Today, Deng Hua has caught the pigtail: "If overstaffing can solve work efficiency, that's fine. The result of my research is that the more people there are, the lower the work efficiency is. More people are simply paying for nothing! "

Is it over?This guy kept on talking about one topic. The personnel issues in the new district have always been sensitive enough. It's not that the team in the new district doesn't have enough power, on the contrary, it's because they have too much power.

Including the second king, everyone in the new district team has enough official titles and positions.Not only to resettle "our own people", but also "our own people" of "our own people", and our own people entrusted by others!

Cypriots of various forms have long overwhelmed the new area, but no one is thinking of reducing the establishment, but looking forward to the expansion of the new area, continuing the disorderly expansion, and wishing to recruit all the related households.

Don't think that the "insiders" they expand their enrollment are free gifts. If you want to recharge the phone bill, you have to recharge the phone bill first, don't you?If you don't pay the basic phone bill, who knows your boss's name?

Over the past few years when the Qinchuan New District has been in power, the family wealth of the team members of the new district has risen sharply. The main source of income is the staking of land, followed by personnel arrangements.

This is an open secret within the team. In fact, every seat in Qinchuan New District is clearly marked with a price. The department level is different from the deputy department level, and the section level is different from the subsection level. Even entering the staff is pricey .

It is precisely because the prices are clearly marked like supermarkets, that everyone is keen to "introduce talents" for the new district, ignore the overstaffing of new district personnel, and ignore the problem of the proliferation of part-time jobs.

Before that, everyone was turning a blind eye. No one was willing to eat less than a piece of cake. If you are a Cypriot, I will also be a Cypriot, because Cypriots get red envelopes. Who would refuse to expand their network and gain real benefits at the same time? chance?

From the perspective of the leaders on the rostrum, those are not problems. The only problem is that someone Deng is here to stir up shit!

Comrade Xiao Deng, the shit stirrer, sneered: "Even the cadres on duty are like the police officers in the gang fight incident. They actually act as melon-eaters. They don't even know the most basic work procedures. Why hire so many useless people? sir?"

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