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Chapter 2768 It's the Zuo family again

Actually talk about this!Even though it was at the end, Deng Hua could still feel that many cadres in Qilian Province disdain Professor Hong Tu's lectures. Yes, they disdain.

You see, there are people who drink tea, read books, and sniff cigarettes in front of their noses. Fortunately, they don’t smoke, but the kind of low-pitched communication keeps going on, without even the most basic respect. Sure enough, Yelang is still arrogant!

It was precisely because Deng in his previous life had experienced the Internet era of explosive technological progress, and China's achievement of surpassing Europe and the United States in the era of Internet economy, that he knew how precious the courses taught by Hong Tu were.

It was precisely because of this realization that he brought all the gang from the office, as well as Xiao Yu, Li Rumeng, Ji Ruyun, Lin Hongyuan and others. He hoped that these people would broaden their horizons and not act like frogs at the bottom of the well.

It's just that the cadres at the top of the officialdom pyramid in Qilian Province should receive this kind of education the most, because they are the policy makers in the province and the leaders who lead Qilian Province forward.

It's a pity that these people are destined to become the sinners of Qilian Province, because of their ignorance, this inland province will definitely miss an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to catch up and surpass!

"The next ten years will be a decade of strong rise of Huaxia's network economy. In the past 25 years of reform and opening up, Huaxia people have built the most complete industrial system in the world. They also have extremely rich products. When Huaxia's products are really high-quality and cheap synonymous with , our network economy leading the world is no longer just a dream!"

Is it no longer just a dream that our network economy leads the world?Many people doubt Professor Hong Tu's words, including Deputy Secretary Wen Ming and Minister Zhang Han. The Nasdaq has not yet escaped the stock market crash, but no one dares to doubt the hegemony of the Americans in the Internet economy.

In fact, from the end of the red era to the ten years of the new century, Chinese people have almost always looked up to the United States. Even the vast majority of people in the officialdom lack the most basic self-confidence, which is why there are waves of going abroad again and again.

This is especially true in Qilian Province, which is located in the inland province. Almost from top to bottom, it is worshiped by foreigners, including those aristocratic families that have been passed down for thousands of years. Their best children often choose to go out.

In fact, going out is the best way to learn. In the process of China's revival, millions of returnees played an extremely important role.Such feats as two bombs and one satellite, such as leaders in biological sciences, without returnees, Huaxia still has a lot of detours to go in many cutting-edge fields.

But the aristocratic families in Qilian Province are different. When their children go out, they are basically kites with broken strings.Traditional aristocratic families in the new era want to expand their living space overseas, and they must also take the road of internationalization.

"The Chinese nation took a nap after leading the world for 3000 years. The 200 years of slumber caused many people to lose their national pride and self-confidence!" Hong Tu seemed to feel the subtle changes in the atmosphere at the scene, "But I want to tell you that life China in the new century is lucky, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because we will personally experience the great rejuvenation of China and experience the motherland's all-round curve overtaking!"

Everyone present felt Professor Hong Tu's passion, but it was Deng Hua who felt the deepest.He was stunned, and he felt the charm of the enlightenment technique from the professor's voice.

In the past and present life, he practiced the nameless exercises, and Deng was so familiar with the enlightenment technique to the extreme, how could it be possible that he could not recognize the professor's voice?In that voice, there is definitely the technique of enlightenment. The professor wants to instill his own ideas in everyone.

It's just that Professor Hong Tu's intentions were in vain!To be honest, Mr. Deng is really not optimistic about the cadres of Qilian Province. They are not students of Yenching University, but a group of guys who are conservative, unwilling to make progress, and even lack national pride.

Can using enlightenment really change them?If you want to use exercises to influence, Deng Hua believes in the magic formula of Moshe Xiangxiang Miaomen, which is the technique to charm all living beings.

The skills that can keep the king from going to court early, the skills that can charm the king and play with the princes, and the skills that can assist the queen to become a great treasure, the enlightenment technique is almost a bit influential.

Today, the largest classroom of the party school is full of seats. The students in the top row and the last row are also the ones who listen the most carefully. They always listen carefully and take notes carefully. They know how precious this training is. .

Usually, a party school teacher has less than one class a day, but today Hongtu has four consecutive classes.Because Professor Hong was sacrificing his spare time and teaching on Sundays when he could have rested.

It is precisely because of time constraints that there are four consecutive large classes from morning to night, and this is also thanks to Fengya Group for having its own special plane.If it wasn't for Hongtu who could take his own plane back and forth, the lectures in Qilian Province might not be able to take place at all.

But this time, Professor Hong Tu chose the students himself, and no one can make decisions for him. The first class finally ended at the break, and Jun Fengyu shook his head: "Few pictures means less pictures, more and more attractive..."

puff!Several people almost threw up, Xu Xiaofeng immediately jumped up to avoid him: "Junfengyu, stay away from me, it's disgusting!"

I'm stupid!Mr. Jun stared round his eyes: "Why is it disgusting? Do you understand? The love between a man and a man is the most sincere, not the love for the purpose of deriving future generations, how pure and clean? Love is not for passing on the family..."

"What's the noise? What quality? This is a training class for deputy department-level cadres. Who are you all? How did you get in here?"

This one in front of me looked familiar, Deng Hua suddenly remembered that he seemed to be somewhat similar to Zuo Wen: "Who are you? Who are you in this classroom?"

How old are you?The surrounding students all looked at Deng Hua like an idiot. This guy didn't know anything, not even this one, yet he dared to sneak in to attend the class. He was finished!

At least he has no future in the system. Doesn't he know who he offended?Someone below coughed lightly: "Let me introduce, this is Comrade Zuo Wu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Organization Department of the Qilian Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice President of the Provincial Party School!"

Zuo Wu!I knew they were from the Zuo family in the northwest. I have to say that the genes of the Zuo family are very strong. This group of old and young people seem to be a little connected!

Comrade Xiao Deng didn't care about his identity at all, but noticed that his genetics had gone up. Comrade Zuo Wu, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department and Executive Vice President of the Provincial Party School, should be his leader.

It's just that although Mr. Deng is working in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, he hasn't been to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee a few times. It seems that he has only been there once when he was reporting, and that time was received by the minister himself.

"I am qualified to manage not only this classroom, but also every classroom in the entire party school. Do you have any questions about Comrade Deng Hua?"

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