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Chapter 295 I Oppose

Lu Yao knew that Mr. Deng wanted to keep a low profile recently and just obediently listened to other people's gossip, which was not Deng Hua's style.Glancing at Mr. Deng, the little man frowned, as if he was thinking about some problem. Could it be that Mr. Deng has some new ideas?

Lu Yao is full of expectations and admiration for Mr. Deng's unrestrained imagination. Director Xiao Deng has been in office since Huang Yuying last year. All kinds of amazing performances have completely conquered women's hearts. She almost obeys Deng Hua.

In this point, even Huang Yuying was slightly behind. Zhao Jianjun had repeatedly slandered and trampled on the peasant apprenticeship program before, even if Director Lu wanted to refute Mr. Deng, he was powerless.Now that she returned to her one-acre three-point land, if Deng Hua continued to be deflated, the woman herself would look down on herself.

After all, the director of the Education Committee is at the deputy director level and has absolute authority in the unit. Director Lu snorted softly: "The farmer apprenticeship program itself is a matter of the Education Committee. Let the current project blossom inside and outside the wall, this kind of thing must be taken as a warning!"

Director Duan was a bit annoyed by what he said. It was normal for him to object at the beginning. Who made Mr. Deng look angry!But he was not so impulsive to talk back to the leader directly. After all, the director of Zhengyin was this woman, she was a deputy department leader, and he was just a small department, so there was no way to compete with her.

Duan Haitao coughed: "The work of the Education Committee is very important. It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. Everyone should devote their energy to work. Don't create small hills, don't form small gangs, and unite to carry out the work of the Education Committee and give the ancient city The common people in the county should give an explanation and give the higher-level leadership a satisfactory answer."

Chen Haiyang, a member of the County Party Committee's Education Work Committee and secretary of the Disciplinary Work Committee, was a little bored. Duan Haitao's face was always so shameless.If it wasn't for the old guy to set up obstacles for Deng Hua, the person who benefited the most from this personnel adjustment would definitely not be the Investment Promotion Office, but the County Education Commission.

You must know that Director Xiao Deng's farmer apprenticeship plan was proposed by the Education Committee, but was rejected by the bastard surnamed Duan, and that woman!It is impossible for Chen Haiyang not to be troubled. He is also a senior sub-subject, even far more experienced than Qiu Hai and Jiang Guangwen.

The problem is that people have benefited from the political achievements brought by director Xiao Deng, and they came to power one after another. However, the projects with outstanding political achievements slipped away from under my nose. A great project was once within reach in front of me, but it disappeared in the end. This made Director Chen quite entangled.

Chen Haiyang took a heavy meal of his teacup: "Some comrades should conduct self-reflection. Don't always stare at others and fail to see your own shortcomings. Self-criticism is a fine tradition of our party. Those cadres who cannot analyze themselves, it is time Reflect on it, don’t make mistakes again and again, once you miss many things, you won’t come back!”

The old thing actually fired at himself!Duan Haitao was very entangled. In the past, when the old director was here, he hardly cared about world affairs. The power of the education committee fell on him. At that time, no one challenged him like this!Now that the actual owner of the Education Committee has been replaced by Lu Yao, these guys are also very arrogant, do they want to rebel?

"Ahem!" Director Duan's complexion changed, "It's time to promote organizational principles. Some comrades lack organizational concepts, have a loose work style, and are obedient to the tasks assigned by the leaders. This is not good! The reason why an excellent team is invincible Invincibility relies on organizational discipline!"

Deng Hua didn't look up, and didn't know what was drawn on the notebook: "It makes sense. The lack of discipline among students in the new era is indeed a disadvantage. It will be difficult for such students to adapt to work in the future. In view of this, I suggest Carry out military training activities in middle schools to enhance students' organization and discipline, enhance students' physique, and enhance students' self-protection ability."

Duan Haitao was stunned: "I object!"

"Why object?"

Mr. Deng looked at Duan Haitao with a smile. The latter was just an instinctive reaction. In his mind, everything Deng Hua advocated was to be killed with one blow: "Uh, I, I..."

"If Director Duan just opposes it for the sake of opposition," Lu Yao said with a cold face, "I think your work attitude is very problematic! When Comrade Deng Hua proposed the peasant apprenticeship plan, Comrade Duan Haitao was also a staunch opponent. Facts have proved that, The farmer apprenticeship program is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

The Board of Education, which should be the most responsible for such a project that benefits the common people, has stayed out of the matter because of your insistence on going your own way. Should Director Duan reflect on what he has done?It is a wonderful idea to carry out military training activities in middle schools. Comrade Duan Haitao might as well state your reasons for opposing it, and let us all have a look at it. "

Duan Haitao's face turned purple. He didn't expect Director Lu to be so merciless. After all, he was an old official, so he calmed down instantly: "Middle school students have heavy learning tasks, and they don't have any spare time for military training. Those children are only children. How could their parents allow them to participate in military training? Comrade Deng Hua should keep his feet on the ground, and don’t always bring out some new gadgets. It’s okay to grandstanding, which is harmful to the education work!”

"A pampered only child needs more military training. I have been a soldier, so I know exactly what military life means." Deng Hua put away his smile, "The army is a big melting pot, it is to exercise and hone one's will In places, it means a sense of collective honor and a will far beyond the quality of ordinary people.

Although military training cannot achieve the effect of serving in the army for three years, I believe that the special experience in a short period of time can still give students a special shock!As for the time, the more important the learning task is, the more you need to keep exercising, otherwise the students will grow up like bean sprouts and cannot withstand the wind and rain. Such students grow up, at best, they are old people, and they cannot become the pillars of the country. , Director Duan, what do you say? "

It was the first time for Lu Yao to hear such a long speech from Deng Hua, and then she looked at Duan Haitao who was tongue-tied, and the woman suddenly felt a sense of relief.When he came to the Education Committee, this Duan Haitao has always been a diehard, and all new suggestions and ideas will be rejected by him, especially the things proposed by Deng Hua, which have become the targets of his strikes.

There was a hint of mischief in Director Lu's eyes: "Director Haitao, do you have any other legitimate reasons? In future meetings, don't bring up the red age set, and label it at random. After 15 years of reform and opening up, some people still cling to it." Those dross of the red era are not let go, are there three types of people that have not been cleaned up? Do you have any other opinions on the military training plan for middle school students?

If not, Comrades Li Mingyang and Deng Hua are requested to come up with a detailed plan as soon as possible. They must be considered thoroughly, pay attention to the endurance of middle school students, and pay attention to possible safety issues that may arise during military training.In addition, as a new policy, after the completion of this plan, it must be reported to the higher authorities for review, and strive to select a school for pilot. "

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