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Chapter 2965 For the people or for the citizens?

How dare Deputy Director Deng say it!Both women were taken aback. Some words are poisonous even if they are repeated. You must know that there is still a limit of [-] times. If you exceed [-] times, something serious will happen, not to mention Deputy Director Deng, who is a leading cadre.

It is inappropriate to say that in other places, even if Deng is criticizing negative news, he must not say that.Such words can easily be taken out of context, easily attacked by political opponents, and have a great impact on Comrade Xiao Deng's political future.

Taking a sip of tea, Deng Hua continued: "What is serving the people? Who is the people? Who is not the people? This is not a noun explanation, but a political definition. It is the service target of leading cadres or all cadres. definition!"

Who said that Deputy Director Deng was a junior high school dropout?Both Xiao Yu and Jing Hongying were dumbfounded. One of them is a master's degree graduate, and the other is a part-time master's student. They were shocked by the speech of a junior high school dropout.

What is serving the people?Who are the people?Who is not the people?There are various rumors and trends of thought on the Internet, and pure contention among a hundred schools of thought is a good thing, but if someone deliberately distorts it, that is a crime.

The two women are very clear about this point. After all, they are both officials in the officialdom for many years, and people are not just a noun.Some people separate the definition of people and citizens, just wanting to shirk and play football, not to take responsibility but to enjoy the benefits of rights!

"Look at the previous leadership team of Weidun Town, and look at the previous leadership team of the New District!" Deng Hua sneered, "They are the kind of bastards who use you as a citizen and not as a citizen! People face forward, bastards who face forward when they don't need people!"

Start swearing!But the two women didn't feel disgusted. Jing Hongying thought that Deputy Director Deng was the most handsome, no matter what he did.After all, Deputy Director Deng is her benefactor, but Xiao Yu is different. It is not surprising that Comrade Xiao Deng is violent, let alone just swearing?

From the beginning of the Han Qinshou case, Xiao Yu knew that he had met a good cadre!No matter whether he beats people or swears, he always speaks uprightly and dares to speak and act. How many cadres are there in Qinchuan New District and even Qilian Province?

If there were such cadres around, the economic situation in Qinchuan New District would not be so pessimistic, the staking case would not happen, those corrupt officials would have no hiding place, and Teng Hongfei would not have climbed to such a high position.

Comrade Xiao Deng took a deep breath: "Years ago, Taizu once discussed the issue of who to serve, which involves the position of our party and the big right and wrong of the ruling party. It must not be underestimated!"

Very manly!Very manly!Jing Hongying's eyes lost the moisture, but there were many little stars. I didn't expect that Comrade Deng Hua, who was working, would look like this. He had completely become two people from when he was at the film and television base.

But Xiao Yu had a comparison in his heart, or a reference person, and that person was undoubtedly Junfengyu.The man who walked into his life out of pity, the second man in his life, the man who didn't look like a man!

Even though he was driven by medicinal wine, Xiao Yu still clearly remembered what happened that night, even at that time, that guy was still very fucked up.Look at the man in front of him, he is full of masculinity, and seems to exude the breath of male hormones all the time.

That's right, in Xiao Yu's heart, Deputy Director Deng is not just a leader, but a man!A man who looks slender, but is tall enough, strong enough and masculine, such a man is a woman's gift.

"The ancient officials knew that it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes when an official does not make decisions for the people, but many cadres now forget their duties. This is unbearable corruption, even more terrible than economic corruption. It is spiritual corruption. The decadence and corruption of the Communist Party must be resolutely and completely eradicated!"

Today, I told the two women so much, mainly because Comrade Deng Hua was stimulated.I saw an internal reference before, and the people above went to the yamen to do business, and the secretary was so shameless, saying: "I serve the people, not the citizens!"

Fortunately, that bastard was not one of Deng's subordinates, otherwise he would have been expelled immediately by Comrade Xiao Deng. A guy who doesn't even understand who he serves, and can't recognize his master, must be a ten-surname domestic slave living in the war years!

To be honest, there are not a few such cadres in real life, it's just that some dare to speak out, and more people don't speak out.Those who sneer at the living conditions of ordinary people, who doesn't understand who is the master and who is the public servant?

Comrade Xiao Deng said earnestly: "As a civil servant, we must first have the consciousness of serving the people! We must never be the kind of bastards who eat their mothers and beat their mothers. We must always remember our identity, our mission and responsibility, and always Don't put yourself above the interests of the people!"

"Yes!" The two daughters agreed in unison, "We will definitely take serving the people as our mission, recognize who is the public servant, and who is the parent. There are no parents and officials, only the people's servants!"

well said!Deng Hua's mood finally improved a lot: "The cadres of the Municipal Bureau of the New District did not recognize this point, and many cadres in Langao District did not recognize this point, including many cadres in the New District and Qilian Province. !"

Even though they were used to Deputy Director Deng's way of talking, the two women still clicked their tongues secretly. It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe Comrade Deng Hua as bold.There is no doubt that people dare to say and have correct views. No one dares to refute Deputy Director Deng's words, right?

At least not daring to respond directly to these words, Deng Hua continued: "If they really regard the affairs of the common people as food and clothing for their parents, how can they say that I serve the people, not the citizens!"

And this?You must know that Deng saw the news from the internal reference, which was conveyed to the deputy department-level cadres. The two little girls had no chance to see it, but it did not hinder their rich imagination.

No wonder Deputy Director Deng said so much today. It turns out that there is a source, not just some kind of idiot, who actually said "I am serving the people, not the citizens!" Such stupid words!

Should be a wonderful cadre, right?Look at the drunk cadres in Weidun Town, look at those cadres in Langao District who pretend to be deaf and dumb, and look at those cadres in Qinchuan New District who don't eat minced meat, no matter how stupid they are, they won't say it .

"Don't be intimidated when you go back!" Deng Hua said in a deep voice, "Remember that you are not fighting alone, you have a strong backing behind you, and this backing is the people! The needs of the people are the goal and motivation of our work , do it well, I trust you guys!"

Do it well, I trust you guys!This sentence gave the two people strong confidence and motivation, Xiao Yu stood up: "Please rest assured, Deputy Director Deng, we will overcome all difficulties and make the cultural ancient city project the best!"

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