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Chapter 3051 Qin Wu's Attitude

"The whole party must always take the people's support or disapproval, the people's approval or disapproval, the people's happiness or dissatisfaction, and the people's consent or disapproval as the starting point and destination of all the party's work."

Groundedness This class is so targeted that the content of the course is quickly disseminated to various places. Qin Wu sat on the sofa with his head resting on the back of the sofa and looked at the canopy, listening to the report of Wang Yongguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General.

In fact, Secretary-General Wang was very curious, wondering why Secretary Qin would be interested in Deng, a small deputy department-level cadre.The outside rumors that Qin Wu wants to compete with Comrade Xiao Deng are simply nonsense. In Wang Yongguang's mind, Qin Wu has almost become an expert in health preservation.

Now Secretary Qin pays attention to food and health preservation all day long, and goes fishing from time to time. Even in this icy and snowy season, he likes to go fishing in ice caves in the wild, or simply play with birds at home.

Wang Yongguang put away the folder: "The above is Comrade Deng Hua's speech at the Party School of Qinchuan New District, and it is different from Xing Yingming's version, especially the later criticism of selling out, demolition, and investment promotion policies. I believe it was improvised and not planned It's been a long time."

Isn't it planned for a long time?Qin Wu smiled lightly and said in a manly voice: "Is it important if it's been planned for a long time? It's his statement that is likely to lead to counterattacks. He is really a troublemaker."

This is the most accurate evaluation, and Wang Yongguang secretly said: "You mean that his statement will provoke counterattacks from radicals? Or criticize it in the party newspaper tomorrow? I can write an article!"

criticize?Qin Wu shook his head: "I also hate that bastard. You said that the family property is good. The country that the old men have brought down has been sold in his hands! Demolition! What! If the cadres of Qilian Province, Uncle kicked him back to grandma's house!"

The surname Deng is so lucky to have the same philosophy as Secretary Qin, so to speak!Mr. Qin's generation fought in the country, and in the most difficult times, they accumulated a little wealth for the country and the people, but they were sold and demolished by the mayor!

In other words, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to look at it, and Deng's sentence "I don't feel bad for selling my father's land" must have touched Secretary Qin's mind.Wang Yongguang hesitated and asked again: "Or should we keep silent? Neither affirming nor denying, it is Comrade Deng Hua's own attitude, so we should not express our stance?"

That guy acted as a reform pioneer under the banner of crossing the river by feeling the stones. If Qilian Province expressed its support for Deng Hua at this time, it would be tantamount to going against the reform pioneer. Qilian Province was originally regarded as a reform desert.

What's more, they regard Qilian Province as a conservative, and Secretary Qin Wu as a banner of conservatives. If they express their support for Deng Hua at this time, they will definitely confirm what some people say. I can't wash it!

In this great era, no matter what, you can't go against the trend, and you must not make yourself a spokesperson for the conservatives.Although Wang Yongguang is a local cadre in Qilian Province, as the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, he has become Secretary Qin's side, and the master and servant have become a community of destiny.

One glory, one glory, one humiliation!Qin Wu smiled: "Don't think about it so complicated, just do things according to your heart! Sign the article tomorrow, sort out Deng Hua's speech and publish the full text on the front page headline! Afterwards, an editorial will be published, reform and opening up can be done, but state-owned assets will be lost No! The master of the country does not allow it!"

A few words speak loudly!Wang Yongguang actually resonated with him. After all, Secretary-General Wang's predecessors had also shed blood and sweat for this country.That's right, the loss of state-owned assets is not acceptable, that is, the owner of the country does not allow it!

Who is the real master of this country?In any case, they are not those traitors. Wang Yongguang said in a deep voice: "Understood! I will also publish a signed editorial to express the position of the provincial party committee. Our state-owned assets cannot be lost! The new comprador class cannot be traitorous!"

Secretary-General Wang understood a little bit. Secretary Qin seemed to keep in good health and rule by doing nothing, but he was actually keeping a low profile. Secretary Qin, who was born in 1944, is just stuck in the same age. If he ends up as the secretary of the provincial party committee, there are still three years to go.

It is not without opportunities to go further during this period, everything depends on the timing and control, and everything depends on the attitude of certain people.It doesn't matter what you do at this time, what matters is your attitude, that is to say, what kind of position you Qin Wu takes.

To put it bluntly, it was still a matter of standing in line. As the secretary of the provincial party committee, Qin Wu represented not just one person, not just Qilian Province.Because he is the son of Mr. Qin, many people regard him as Mr. Qin's political successor, and his statement is the attitude of Mr. Qin's faction.

Lao Qin nodded: "That's what it means! The idea of ​​down-to-earth is also good. The idea of ​​sinking your body, letting go of your arrogance, and getting out of the car is very characteristic, and it is different from those so-called academic expressions. Linking theory with practice, The three major styles of close contact with the masses, criticism and self-criticism are the magic weapons summed up by the older generation, and we must not lose them!"

I knew that Secretary Qin would appreciate this. As early as when he was the governor of the province, Qin Wu had advocated the three major styles many times.Now Comrade Deng Hua just catered to Secretary Qin's preferences. I don't know if he did it on purpose or did it unintentionally?

For the cadres of Qilian Province, it was a great blessing to be appreciated by the superior Secretary Qin.Although they are both paratroopers, there are really not many people who can be admired by Secretary Qin, probably only Deng and He Jianghao?

Fortunately, the surname Deng has no political affiliation, so he doesn't have too many power entanglements. Although He Jianghao belongs to the He family, he is a marginal member of the He family.The most important point is that Secretary-General Wang knows better than others, because He Jianghao and Professor Liu Feng have a close relationship.

As for the other people who were also airborne soldiers, they really couldn't get into Qin Wu's eyes, including Deputy Secretary Wen Mingwen, Secretary Tang Xiaorong, and Minister Zhang Han. They were not taken seriously by Qin Wu at all.

But Comrade Xiao Deng was lucky, because he was once recommended to Qin Wu by Professor Liu Feng!Wang Yongguang solemnly said: "The three major styles of work are the most precious political wealth of our party, and they must not be lost at any time. Comrade Deng Hua advocated it at a very good time. It is time to remind those officials and lords."

Also as a descendant of the founding fathers, Secretary-General Wang attaches great importance to the political legacy of his predecessors. During his tenure, Wang Yongguang has been implementing and practicing those theories, from hard work to self-reliance, from serving the people to party-mass relations.

It is precisely because Lao Wang and Lao Qin have the same political ideas that he has the opportunity to become the chief steward of the provincial party committee, which Wang Yongguang knows very well.Therefore, after taking office, Secretary-General Wang has always maintained political synchronization with the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and resolutely implemented Secretary Qin's political philosophy.

"Well said!" Qin Wu finally sat upright, picked up the purple sand teapot and took a sip, "The level of economic development in this place is not good, the political ideas are not good, and even the people are not good! Those bastards don't even think about it except fighting among themselves. Have you ever built your hometown? This is the place where they grew up. People who don’t love their hometown and don’t want to build a good hometown, do they have any humanity?”

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