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Chapter 3071 Shocking!

Mr. Zhao didn't notice that Deputy Director Deng had already looked at him several times, and Zhao Dongsheng's behavior made Deng Hua more and more disgusted.It's just that you can't do anything to him just because he looks at a woman, right?

Do not fall into my hands!Deng Hua cursed the doctor secretly: "Such a vast country, with such a large population, survives on blood transfusions from the state. As one of them, shouldn't we feel ashamed?"

Others don't know what happened, but Zhang Xianglin did have a fever on his face. Dean Zhang is definitely a high-level intellectual with a conscience.As an indigenous cadre in Qilian Province, he always believed that he had the obligation and responsibility to build a good hometown, but in fact he disappointed himself.

Today, Deputy Director Deng said it sharply, and Zhang Xianglin felt like he was being slapped in the face, and he was still slapped in the face in public.The most important thing is that Comrade Xiao Deng is right. It is really embarrassing for a vast country with a large population to survive on blood transfusions.

Even if Zuo Ning's mind is no longer in Qilian Province, he still feels overwhelmed after hearing this, after all, the Zuo family in the northwest has always been a member of Qilian Province.Anyone with a little self-esteem and a sense of responsibility will be stimulated by Deng Hua's words.

Everyone including Xing Yingming and the young Ma Xiu felt a sense of shame, but Fu Yiren didn't respond.This person is more concerned about how much return he can get after the project is launched, and whether he can go to the next level.

In fact, the vast majority of cadres in Qilian Province are people like Fu Yiren, and they also care about the achievements of local economic construction.It's just that what they care about is the promotion opportunities brought by the gdp value, but they have never considered whether that kind of value that has no practical significance can bring real benefits to the common people.

"Comrades Fu Yiren, Zhang Xianglin, and Yingming are in charge of editing articles, Comrades Zuo Ning, Rui Rui, Gao Nina, and Ma Xiu are in charge of collecting data, and Comrades Zhao Dongsheng is in charge of providing information and collation. We must speak with data, with facts and with comparisons, Let the leaders of provinces and cities in the central and western regions be deafened!"

Shocking!Just now your data is enough to do this!Only then did he discover that Deng is not only a poisonous tongue, but also has the potential to cause brain hemorrhage. At least in Ma Xiu's opinion, this person has such a skill.

If you had been present with a more anxious temper, you might really be stimulated by him to cause cerebral hemorrhage!Miss Ma's family thought too much, if one percent of the cadres in Qilian Province could be stimulated to have a cerebral hemorrhage, the economy of Qilian Province would not be so half-dead.

Because they can be stimulated to have cerebral hemorrhage, that is to say, the one percent of cadres have a strong sense of self-esteem and honor and disgrace.A cadre with a sense of honor and disgrace will never let the people under his rule commit suicide because of poverty!

I don't know if others are deafening, but at least Comrade Zhang Xianglin was shocked!Lao Zhang has always wanted to serve his hometown, and doing his job well is naturally a kind of repayment, but the current economic situation in Qilian Province is worrying.

It made it difficult for Dean Zhang to fall asleep. Today, being stimulated by a young man who is nearly 20 years younger than him, Zhang's blood pressure is indeed soaring.People's data were like whips, and they lashed Zhang Xianglin's face so hard that he felt ashamed.

Is there any chance for Qilian Province to develop its economy?There is no doubt about this, but many times local cadres are keen on pursuing promotion, striving for fame and fortune, and infighting in the workplace, and it seems that their focus is not on economic construction.

See it in your eyes and worry about it!Zhang Xianglin has applied for local positions several times. He hopes that what he has learned can contribute to the construction of his hometown. Today may be an opportunity!Fu Yiren squinted his eyes and seemed to be asleep. Deputy Director Fu didn't take Deng's words seriously at all. He came here because he had a wealth of experience.

The future of this blueprint is not important, and whether it can really achieve results is not important to Fu Yiren, what is important is the process of participation.Participating in this project, Fu Yiren will have the capital of the superior, which is promised by Minister Xun Zhimin!

"Junfengyu and Xu Xiaofeng are in charge of outreach." Deng Hua paused for a while, "We come from different units, and we have only one goal when we come together, and that is to create a set of action plans for the "Midwest Economic Forum"!"

It's a practical person!At least in Zhang Xianglin's opinion, he is a capable official. What was passed to Dean Zhang's ears before was more of Deng's negative comments.Now it seems that it is biased. An outsider has worked so hard to create such a wonderful blueprint for Qilian Province.

Dean Zhang can even foresee that in the near future, Qilian Province and even the entire central and western regions will benefit from this blueprint.He does not doubt this, because he sees the bright future of this blueprint!

No wonder my father told me to study hard with him, don't look at him with colored glasses, it seems that I was wrong before.A talented student like Ma Xiu can naturally distinguish the pros and cons of a project. The "Midwest Economic Forum" is definitely a great opportunity for Qilian Province!

Everyone knows that the biggest disadvantage of Qilian Province is none other than the lack of channels to go out.There are many barriers to the west, south and east.This "Midwest Economic Forum" wants to break through many barriers and completely change the closed situation of Qilian Province.

Once Qilian Province has an outlet to the sea and a port on the road, it means that it can connect to Southeast Asia to the south, Central Asia to the west, and East Asia to the east to form a network, and can introduce funds to sell raw materials and even sell industrial products. ah.

At the moment, what Ma Xiu admires most is her father, Lord Ma. In her eyes, his father has vision and the tolerance to tolerate Deng.Another person might suppress Deng, after all, this guy didn't seem to do anything good after he came to the provincial government office.

It just so happened that my father took a fancy to his talent, so he didn't have any grievances at all, and directly reused him to take charge of this project.This is the heart of a man in the Northwest. With such a father, Miss Ma's family is actually a little proud.

It's different!Gao Nina is a little distracted. Deputy Director Deng is no longer the secretary of the Wansheng County Party Committee. His perspective is no longer limited to Sichuan-Chongqing City or the Xiaojiang River Basin, but to the whole world!

What seems to be a blueprint for connecting West Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia actually promotes Qilian Province and even nine provinces and one city to the world.As Deng Hua's old subordinate, Gao Nina is proud of Deputy Director Deng. Compared with him, there is a huge difference between her teacher and the sea.

At the beginning, I only saw the halo on Mr. Shi's body, but I didn't expect to discover many problems with him after we got together.It's just that her eyesight is far inferior to Deng Hua's, even Gao Nina herself didn't notice, and she always likes to compare the two men together when encountering problems.

Shi Tonghai, who used to be gentle and refined in her eyes, lost that scholarly temperament once he lived with him all day long.As for work, the halo of a child from a family can't cover up his weakness and incompetence at all.

That's right, in Gao Nina's eyes, her husband is weak and incompetent. With someone Deng, the woman can no longer tell who is a master's student and who is a junior high school dropout!

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