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Chapter 3105 Who gave you the right?

Now Duan Hongyi had nothing to say, it wasn't that Deng Hua didn't dare to challenge his immediate boss, it was just that he looked at Deng with murderous eyes.It's not just the first time the bastard has disobeyed himself, as if he is not a leader at all in his eyes, he really needs to clean up!

Zhao Qing paused slightly and continued: "The Central and Western Region Economic Forum is built at the right time, place and people. The cadres of Qilian Province are the hosts, so they must do a good job in the preliminary preparations. They must do a good job in logistical services for comrades in brother provinces and cities. , we must create a unit that is well-organized, thoughtful, and full of vigor, a unit that crosses regions, industries and fields, and a united, harmonious and progressive group.”

The same words are spoken by different people, and the momentum is completely different!Governor Zhao’s speech echoed in the restaurant, and I could clearly feel the determination and fighting spirit of the governor. The Midwest Regional Economic Forum has been regarded by him as a life-saving straw. This is an opportunity for Qilian Province and Governor Zhao. .

The local faction's ability to govern has been criticized by the top, and now maybe it really is an opportunity to overthrow it!It is an opportunity for Qilian Province to show itself. If you miss it, it will be a lifetime of regret!

Is it really good to just pick up people's teeth?At least Ma Xiu had some complaints about this. Before that, Uncle Zhao was a leader she respected very much, even an elder.But after entering the Economic Forum and getting close to Comrade Xiao Deng, I discovered what a frog in a well is!

To tell you the truth, it was the first time that Miss Ma's family understood that Yelang's arrogance is not just about people from the Southwest!In the Northwest of the new century, many people are also arrogant. They even compete with those people in Taohuayuan. They only know that there are Han regardless of Wei and Jin!

They don't know the vicissitudes of the past 20 years of reform and opening up outside, they don't know that the once glorious Northwest has long been left behind by others a century ago, they don't know that even the Southwest has begun to catch up, and they are still addicted to the glory of their own history. Woolen cloth!

Today, Governor Zhao is in high spirits: "The Central and Western Region Economic Forum is the first regional economic forum led by Qilian Province. This is our honor and the blessing of the people of Qilian Province. I believe that with the opening of the economic forum, As the process of economic integration of nine provinces and one city accelerates, it is the people in the region who will benefit in the end! This is also our pride as leaders!"

Proud indeed!When Comrade Xiao Deng had a flash of inspiration, he wanted to let the people in the region get the most benefits, and hoped that after the natural moat became a thoroughfare, they could have a smooth flow of goods and embark on the road to prosperity.

As for who the pride belongs to, it doesn't matter, what is important is that my creativity can promote the development of the local economy and the economic rise of the central and western regions.This is a century-old project and a cross-century project. Perhaps even by 2100, the central and western regions will not be able to catch up with the developed eastern regions.

But at least I have worked hard, at least the economy here can make great strides, that's enough!It is estimated that the cadres in Qilian Province would not have thought that Deng Hua would be so pessimistic, yes it is pessimistic, and they will not be optimistic about this side in the next 100 years.

Pessimism is not the same as despair!Even in this desert of entrepreneurship, from leading cadres to the grassroots, all concepts are so outdated to an outrageous degree, Deng Hua did not despair, but took out the Midwest Regional Economic Forum ten years in advance!

A project that is close to ideological enlightenment, a project that finds a bright path for the Midwest, and a project that wakes up the sleeping masses.It doesn't matter whether the other people present have the same idea, what matters is what you have done for the people here, not what you have done for these leading cadres!

If it is said that Deng Hua was still a little confused when he proposed the Central and Western Regional Economic Forum, and he didn't know who and what he was for, then at this moment, he has completely come out of his confusion, and he has clearly seen what he is pursuing in his heart. What!

Probably this was the most uncomfortable meal Duan Hongyi had. Even if the Roasted Whole Lamb appeared later, it couldn't make Duan Hongyi feel better.If it weren't for Governor Zhao's presence, maybe Lao Duan would have left.

Instead, Governor Zhao ate very relaxedly: "Why are there six dishes and one soup instead of four dishes and one soup? Comrade Deng Hua, come here, don't hide at that table, you are the project advocate and the leader of the preparation team, what are you hiding? Isn't it your style!"

I just don't want to look at Duan Hongyi's old face, but I can't say this. Deng Hua pulled a chair and sat next to Shen Ze: "Four dishes and one soup are working meals. Adding two dishes shows the hospitality of our Qilian people. The most important thing is not to be sentimental."

"Two dishes can show your affection?" the old Duan said coldly, "What about sending beggars? Who hasn't seen three melons and two dates? Northwesterners are not so stingy when entertaining friends. It looks like a petty southerner. of."

He's still in good spirits!Deng Hua put away his smile: "I said that this is a working meal. According to Vice Governor Duan's standards, how many dishes are considered hospitable? Or let's have a PK and arrange each other's working meals within a month to see who is more hospitable? Let’s just eat breakfast at home, you can come for lunch so you don’t have to say that I bully you, I’ll come for dinner, and I’ll treat you to a whole month’s feast!"

I go!This is so ostentatious!Is it still a work meal if you eat a full Han banquet for a month?In fact, Comrade Xiao Deng really didn't want to challenge Duan Hongyi. Bullying an old man who relied on salary and gray income really didn't give him a sense of accomplishment.

The problem is that this guy doesn't know how to flatter him, and he keeps running on himself. Did you just run on me casually?Old Duan's complexion changed drastically: "What kind of Man-Han banquet for work lunch?"

"Oh? You also know that it's a working meal? Then just roast a whole camel a day, and ask Vice Governor Duan to arrange roast whole lamb with ten dishes and one soup at noon, isn't it a bully?"

What is crushing?This is crushing!If you want to treat me graciously, I will give you gracious hospitality, but Mr. Deng has a lot of money, and he roasts a whole camel every day, which is about [-] yuan a month, which is just a drop in the bucket for Comrade Xiao Deng.

But roasted whole lamb plus ten dishes and one soup cost 6 yuan at the last time, which is [-] yuan a month. The annual salary of the old section is less than this amount!Even if Deputy Governor Duan had money, he would not dare to spend it like this. Who was prepared for the crime of unknown source of property?

Don't treat those members of the Disciplinary Committee as idlers!It's just unnecessary to not clean you up, it doesn't mean that they don't have evidence in their hands!You see, whoever is targeted by the Commission for Discipline Inspection can escape?

From the nobles in the sky to the petty officials, who is not being watched by the Disciplinary Committee?Old Duan Ha really didn't dare to show off his wealth. After all, isn't he one of those brash little fellows? Duan Hongyi's face turned red when he was so squeezed by Deng: "I mean hospitality, I mean..."

Comrade Xiao Deng sneered slightly and said: "What are you talking about? What is there to say? You are no match for hospitality, and you are still complaining about being diligent and thrifty in managing the house. You just said that you spent your money and immediately turned your face. Isn't it the only way to spend the country's money on taxes? People's money, you are so generous and hospitable? Who gave you the right to spend so much?"

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