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Chapter 3117 Guihong's guardian?

Some people think too much, Deng Hua has always been a straightforward character, when did he use the next three indiscriminate tricks?This man's dream since he was a child was to be a hero. Although he had done things like entering the boudoir at night, he was really a good person. How could he frame Duan Hongyi?

Besides, it's not worthwhile to frame things like this!Deng Hua continued: "Tunnels like this have to be repaired at the turn of spring and summer, and even repaired continuously within two years after the foundation has settled, but the most annoying thing is the way the cadres dealt with this incident, not the slag project itself .”

While talking, he glanced at Vice Governor Duan Hongyi. Everyone knew that he had a grudge with the old Duan, and there was almost no fight at the banquet.Both of them are hot-tempered, and they are really as hot as sparks hitting the earth!

Today it is better to avoid conflicts. Zhao Qing waved his hand: "The work style of cadres must be put on the agenda! Without a heart to serve the people, a down-to-earth attitude to work, and the courage to be the first, how can we do a good job? Why did Comrade Guihong come here?"

The Dongyuan Tunnel is undoubtedly the most disgusting thing in Qilian Province recently. Governor Zhao is unwilling to talk about it. As the top leader of the government, this matter is too embarrassing.No matter how Deng handles it, his face will be lost. The best way is to change the subject.

Gui Hong hurriedly said: "I came here for office funds. The affiliation of the big hotel was unknown before, so that it owed the employees three months' salary. Up to now, no one has told us who will provide the funds. Now the logistics department has a lot of reserves. Insufficient, when going out to purchase, the staff paid the funds in advance.”

so serious?The leaders of the provincial government are speechless. What these people are most afraid of is that someone will ask for money. Qilian Province is poor!It is true that the provincial government is rich, and it is not enough to not be able to pay back the wages owed by the big hotel, but the landlord's family also has food shortages.

Near the end of the year, poor provinces like Qilian Province are really running out of rice to cook, and all places need money.Governor Zhao seems to have a lot of money on hand, but it is really a drop in the bucket to make up for the holes in the whole province.

What's more, some of the money is used for emergencies and must not be moved.For example, in the case of the Dongyuan Tunnel incident, if there were casualties, the cost would not be a small amount, and the money must be there!

This is the emergency reserve fund. As for the salary of the big hotel, what is the emergency?This is the root cause of the wage arrears, and Tao Kai had a headache: "The hotel has been assigned to Qinchuan New District in the last three months, and Qinchuan City didn't owe a penny during the management period. I still know this."

Yu Chengjin frowned: "Isn't the new district short of money? Why do they owe wages? Let them give an explanation for this matter. Now that the new district is full of local tyrants, even the local tyrants owe wages. Isn't it an extremely bad example? "

It was all said before, but no one said after, and it was paid to the new district government.There is money in the new district, so it is not a problem to get back the arrears there. The problem is now and in the future. After all, the big hotel has been taken over by the provincial government office.

The problem of affiliation has been solved, but the problem of funding has not yet been resolved!Deng Hua coughed lightly: "How will the hotel's income and expenditure be calculated next? After all, the various groups of the Economic Forum have been in place one after another, or will soon be in place, and the daily daily expenses are not small. What's more, the office supplies of each group are now used by the hotel. , even car refueling repairs have to find a hotel, so whether the Economic Forum Hotel is an official appropriation or something, there must be a clear statement, right?"

Huh?When did someone Deng start acting as Guihong's protector?Previously, the vice-governor Gui confronted Maimang, but now that Gui Demin died for no apparent reason, Comrade Xiao Deng jumped out to act as the guardian of his daughter Guihong!

This guy really sucks enough!Who do you think you are?Are you a hero?Ma Yingbiao was very annoyed by meddling around, but thinking about it, Comrade Xiao Deng was now in charge of preparing for the Central and Western Region Economic Forum, and there were many places where he needed to rely on each other while staying in a big hotel.

From this point of view, Mr. Deng is quite kind. In fact, the hotel is not under his command, so Mr. Deng doesn't need to care too much.Yu Chengjin looked at Governor Zhao: "Governor, look at this..."

"The hotel's affiliation really needs an explanation!" Zhao Qing knew the ins and outs of this matter very well. "We still need to go through the normal property rights transfer procedures to clarify the ownership responsibilities of both parties, and to clarify the past debts and receivables. As for Office supplies and other consumables, including logistical supplies, are still in the hotel’s responsibility. This avoids the government going out of many doors, and avoids all parties going to the big hotel to fight the autumn wind. I think Secretary Ma is also a part-time butler of the economic forum!"

I knew this was the result, and I finally found a serious in-law's family for the Economic Forum Hotel, and I should be satisfied with taking a look at Guihong.In addition to beating Secretary-General Ma in the iron fence incident, Comrade Xiao Deng still admires Ma.

After all, compared with other cadres in Qilian Province, Lord Ma is more responsible and pursuing. He is not the kind of cadre who only knows about food and fish, not the kind who rushes forward when he smells the smell of wine, and runs away when encountering problems cadres.

It can be said that it is very reliable to hand over the economic forum to Lao Ma!Ma Yingbiao nodded: "No problem! Governor, I will take them back first, and deal with the follow-up matters of the hotel. It's better to end the property rights disputes with nights and dreams."

"Okay!" Zhao Qing put away his notebook, "Today's morning meeting is over here. If you have any questions about the Dongyuan Tunnel, Comrade Deng Hua must pay close attention!"

necessary!Deng Hua is not the kind of person who picks things up halfway, this guy has a temper like a gadfly, he won't let go if he stings no blood: "I will report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately, and I will not let anyone involved in the Dongyuan Tunnel incident go away. "

He even stared at Duan Hongyi while talking, this guy is going to get into a fight with Vice Governor Duan!Zhao Qing was about to say something, but suddenly realized that he had no position to stop Deng, who was, after all, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Qilian Province has the right to supervise and deal with it. At this time, Governor Zhao discovered that Comrade Xiao Deng was like a nail driven by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and more like a thorn stuck in the throat. This time made him so uncomfortable that he was going to die.

Is this the feeling of being stuck in the throat in the legend?Governor Zhao was in a bad mood: "Go, go! Dismiss the meeting!"

what attitude?However, Comrade Xiao Deng really didn't dare to talk to Zhao Qing about his attitude. He followed Ma Yingbiao out of the government building and watched Gui Hong and Secretary Ma's car leave before he got in the car: "Go to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection!"

Mr. Jun has been completely reduced to Comrade Xiao Deng's driver, but this is also a job he likes, at least he doesn't have to worry about so many things.For Jun Fengyu, the simpler the life, the better. The best way of life is to eat, sleep and eat.

But he didn't dare to tell Deng about these things. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection also just held an early meeting. He Jianghao watched Deng Hua enter the door and smiled, "If you didn't call, I would have to go down to investigate!"

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