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Chapter 3131 * Beat mosquitoes!

oh!Deputy Director Deng, who is an emotional person, is here to inquire about crimes!The Pengci case has recently become a hot topic in the Qinchuan Municipal Legal Committee. In the past, the Pengci case was considered a public security case at best, and it was not even enough for administrative detention.

But in the hands of someone, a small incident turned into a big case!No one thought that Pengci would become a defendant, or even a criminal case, for a hot case that was being discussed in the streets and alleys, which completely subverted the perception of ordinary people in Qinchuan City.

The questioning is not only among the people, there are also different voices from the Political and Legal Committee of the Qinchuan Municipal Party Committee, and Bai Lizhi, deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Party Committee, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and director of the Safety Office, is one of the spokespersons, so Deng will directly open up model.

Unexpectedly, someone surnamed Deng would come to question him. Bai Lizhi was very angry: "Judicial independence is not just a casual talk. Please, Comrade Deng Hua, don't interfere with the work of the Political and Legal Committee, and don't use force to influence the trial of the case."

"Affecting the trial of the case?" Deng Hua looked at Lao Bai playfully, "It's a strange scapegoat! It's you who blamed me. It doesn't seem like a violation for us as the victim to understand the case? Didn’t the scene of the nonsensical remarks at the committee meeting interfere with judicial justice? Or are you the judge behind the Pengci case?”

This question made it difficult for Bai Lizhi to answer. After all, he was only the deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, but he was not a certified judge.In fact, Lao Bai is a scholar-type cadre, the former deputy dean of the law school of Qilian University, and Zhang Xianglin, the dean of the law school, was once a colleague and a competitor.

It's just that Dean Zhang won the promotion in the workplace with superior skills, and after the failure, Lao Bai was transferred to the Qinchuan Municipal Legal Committee after being defeated in Maicheng.The deputy secretary of the political and legal committee is very authoritative. Although he has not entered the ranks of deputy department-level cadres, in terms of real power, he may not be inferior to President Zhang.

Now it feels like a scholar meets a soldier!Bai Lizhi said proudly: "Compared with Deputy Director Deng, I am more professional and can provide professional advice to judges. From a legal point of view, the so-called Pengci does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal Law. Regulations on Penalties for Public Security Management.”

What?Deng Hua was overjoyed, and just about to refute, a person came in at the door, went straight to Deng Hua, stretched out his hands and held Comrade Xiao Deng tightly: "Comrade Deng Hua is here for inspection, and I welcome you on behalf of the Qinchuan Municipal Legal Committee!"

It was Zhang Zhihai, member of the Standing Committee of the Qinchuan Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, who rushed back. Deng Hua laughed: "Sorry we are uninvited guests! Secretary Zhang, please treat us as victims of an ordinary case. He just came to the hearing of the Political and Legal Committee. I don’t know Can I have this honor?"

Ordinary case victim?Liar!Ma Xiu scoffed at Comrade Xiao Deng's words, if it was really an ordinary victim, would you also want to enter the gate of the Political and Legal Committee?The few police officers just now explained the problem very well.

But someone Deng wanted to say that, but Zhang Zhihai really couldn't say anything else: "No problem! Fairness, justice, and openness are the goals pursued by the Qinchuan City Public Prosecution and Legal System. Accepting social supervision is necessary and the progress of the legal system, inspirational comrades Convene a hearing, this way please!"

Hearing!It's been a long time since there was a hearing. I didn't expect a hearing to be held because of the Pengci case, or because of my own doubts.Bai Lizhi didn't have any sense of pride, on the contrary, he felt heavy. His professionalism was not fake. The problem was that his opponent was too strong.

What I am most afraid of is that Mr. Deng is messing around. At that time, I will really be a scholar and meet a soldier, so I can't tell why!But since Secretary Zhang Zhihai had given the order, he really had no choice but to call the person in charge of the relevant unit immediately.

First of all, the police officer who handled the case at the beginning, then the presiding judge of the district court, and then the public prosecutor.Originally, in Bai Lizhi's view, such a small Pengci case was nothing more than a violation of the regulations on public security management and punishment, and the public prosecution should not be involved at all.

Now, the case was out of his control. Deng Hua and others waited in Secretary Zhang's office and made calls one by one. All the personnel involved in the case from the Third Division of Public Security, Prosecution and Law arrived at the scene within an hour.

The meeting room of the Political and Legal Committee was full, and Zhang Zhihai invited Deputy Director Deng to take the chair: "Comrade Deng Hua, as the deputy director of the Provincial Government Office, should take the seat. After all, he is here to guide the work of the Political and Legal Committee!"

"No, no, no!" How could Deng Hua act as a referee, "I am the one who brought up the hearing, I can only be an athlete, I cannot be an athlete and a referee at the same time, so thank you Secretary Zhang for the invitation, I will sit below good."

To be honest, Zhang Zhihai had a headache. He never thought that Bai Lizhi's big mouth would provoke someone Deng.In fact, he is also quite critical of the Pengci case. Is it a waste of the country's administrative resources? How can it become a criminal case when it is clearly an administrative case?

If ordinary people dare to question the official handling like this, I am afraid that they will really be labeled as obstructing public affairs. The problem is that they sent a few guys in. It is Deng Hua, deputy director of the provincial government office!At that time, he hadn't been to the provincial government office yet, and he was only the deputy director of the new district and deputy secretary of the political and legal committee.

At that time, he had already demonstrated a strong fighting power, and Lao Zhang definitely didn't want to provoke such a guy, but now he came to him.Headache, no matter how painful it is, you have to accept it. Although Lao Zhang is the leader of the Qinchuan Municipal Legal Committee, he is not in control of everything.

cough cough!The presiding judge glanced sideways at Bai Lizhi and stood up: "This is the first time that Pengci has been classified as a criminal case. It is a rare positioning in the country, although we do not want to be the first case!"

Hehehe!There was a chuckle in the audience. In fact, none of the leaders present thought that touching porcelain was a big event.Everyone felt that it was really disrespectful for Mr. Deng to challenge a small case and a group of punks.

You must know that Comrade Xiao Deng is the deputy director of the provincial government's general office, a dignified deputy department-level cadre, and it's embarrassing to fight with a few small thieves!It is said that this case has attracted the attention of the national media, sparked heated discussions among political and legal professionals across the country, and even the Internet has begun to pay attention to the case.

This is also the reason why the Qinchuan Municipal Legal Committee held the hearing. In fact, the Provincial Political and Legal Committee also sent cadres to attend the hearing, including the police officers from the provincial department.After all, once the case is determined, it will serve as a guideline, and how to deal with the road in the future will depend on the outcome of the case.

The cadres of the Third Department of Public Security, Prosecution and Judiciary in the audience looked sideways at Deng Hua and others from time to time, and kept talking among each other.Obviously people are very disgusted with these uninvited guests. The problem is that disgust doesn't work. These people represent the provincial government office!

No matter who it is, including the top secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, they are all under their supervision and guidance.Comrade Xiao Deng completely ignored other people's eyes, and sat there calmly, waiting for the judge to continue speaking.

Someone approached Secretary Zhang Zhihai and said softly, "A lot of reporters have come outside and asked to come in to observe this hearing. Look..."

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