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Chapter 3163 Half-eyed secretary!

Beads of sweat rolled down Deputy Secretary Yao's cheeks: "At first we thought that a small number of relatives enjoyed subsistence allowances in violation of regulations. During the investigation, we found that 70% of the relatives of cadres and employees in the Civil Affairs Bureau enjoyed subsistence allowances in violation of regulations. Some The spouses and immediate family members of leading cadres and employees have illegally enjoyed subsistence allowances amounting to more than 120.5 million yuan, which is indeed a bit shocking.”

Snapped!Cuan Shu clapped his palm on the back of the chair, startling Yao Fengming: "This kind of violation of laws and regulations by relying on the mountain to eat the mountain can hurt the hearts of the common people the most! You guys still hide and don’t report these things! Do you really want to teach and accept privately? Do you really want officials to protect each other?"

Even though he thought that it was impossible for Deng to cause trouble for nothing, Cuan Shu really didn't expect that the matter had become so serious.As the first secretary of the municipal party committee, although he likes to seize power and feel in control, it is impossible for him to do everything himself.

It's true that the Civil Affairs Bureau has always been under his control, and Qin Zhixian is also a cadre he single-handedly promoted, but Secretary Cuan really couldn't imagine that Director Qin would be so bold, greedy for the money to satisfy his own self-interest, and even created a way to collapse A bad example of corruption.

"No!" Deputy Secretary Yao Fengming felt that his back was drenched with sweat, "It is true that there are many relatives of leaders and cadres who are not eligible for the urban and rural subsistence allowances. Lack of strict checks, verifications, public announcements, lack of supervision, over 70% of relatives of cadres and employees enjoy subsistence allowances in violation of regulations, and a thorough investigation into the incident of using the power to serve the masses as a tool for relatives to make profits is only a step ahead of Comrade Deng Hua. "

Just to get ahead?More than just a step ahead!People have already put the knife up to the neck, what do you say to be the first step?Look at the bunch of cowards in the Civil Affairs Bureau, they all wilted before they were equipped with torture tools. In the war years, they were also a bunch of traitors!

I really want to be pissed off by a group of idiots!Cuan Shu suddenly narrowed his eyes, this is not a good signal to take a step ahead, could it be that there are spies inside?This is absolutely unacceptable to Secretary Cuan. Cuan Shu can tolerate the existence of petty greed and small possessions, and can tolerate many shortcomings of his subordinates.

But the only thing that can't be tolerated is when someone treats him positively and negatively!No matter who dares to betray him, Cuan Shu will definitely make him doubt whether he is alive in the world: "What else is going on? Tell me about everything in the bamboo tube, don't try to cover it up!"

"Cough cough! The Civil Affairs Bureau set up a small treasury in violation of regulations and received benefits. At the same time, it also set up a small treasury in violation of regulations to approve and issue pensions and funeral expenses in violation of regulations. The report letter we received showed that cadres and employees of the Civil Affairs Bureau took advantage of their positions to receive favors. Among them, the Cemetery Management Section of the Civil Affairs Bureau, the director of the office, etc. took advantage of their positions to extort and accept bribes very seriously."

Being able to say extremely serious things from Yao Fengming's mouth shows how far the Civil Affairs Bureau has reached. Deputy Director Yao has always been a half-eyed secretary.Didn't you just turn a blind eye?People in Jincheng said that Yao Fengming turned a blind eye!

That's why among the cadres and the masses, there was the nickname of half-eyed secretary. Yao Fengming, as a landlord in Jincheng City, knew many things in the city well.It's just that as long as the sky doesn't fall, Lao Yao will never intervene in those corruption cases, and he will only act when Secretary Cuan Shu speaks.

This is also the reason why Deputy Secretary Yao is valued by Cuan Shu. Which leader doesn't like this kind of cadre who listens to greetings?Especially in places like the Commission for Discipline Inspection, if they are all honest people like Zheng Wenkang, wouldn't they make Jincheng City a mess all day long?

"Their team did not seriously implement the country's policies. According to the Civil Affairs Bureau, it was caused by their ineffective implementation of the policy work. They believed that the township has already applied for review anyway, and the Civil Affairs Bureau is the last hurdle. It is said that the Civil Affairs Bureau is also based on 30%. They went to spot checks, but it was dark under the lights, so they went to spot checks on the common people, but the family members of cadres and workers did not spot checks.”

Is that all?Whether the half-eyed secretary is good or not, it is this kind of covert problem that appears in the reporting work from time to time.So much so that Secretary Cuan always wanted to guess riddles with him, Cuan Shu snorted coldly: "Comrade Deng Hua still left a little chance for Jincheng City!"

What's the meaning?Yao Fengming reacted after being stunned: "But he gathered all the civil affairs officials for a meeting, and it's time to start!"

Isn't it just about making a move?Is this the rhythm to get to death!Qin Zhixian and the others were dead at the beginning, almost without the value of saving. This point is undoubtedly the most passive for Jincheng City's team. Who will you save when the soldier Ryan is dead?

The half-eyed secretary has a headache, but any case that cannot be covered up will give him a headache.In fact, Yao Fengming is really not suitable to work in the Disciplinary Committee system. This person not only taboos about carbuncles and doctors, but also has the habit of whitewashing peace. He hopes to present his boss with the best side forever.

Even if it is a rotten melon, it should be cut off or covered to show the best.As for the rotten side, whether it will continue to rot, or even throw away the whole melon, that is not something that the half-eyed secretary needs to consider.

After a long while, Deputy Secretary Yao gritted his teeth and finally said: "Deng's attack hit the vital point directly, staged the scene of capturing the thief first and capturing the king, and let the entire team of the Civil Affairs Bureau fall! We don't know how he did it, but Tan Zhixian was able to do it on the spot. Plead guilty, this matter is definitely not easy!"

How can it be simple?Even Cuan Shu had to admire that young man for taking down Tan Zhixian and Cai Wensheng in the first place. There is a supernatural feeling here. It would be great if Xiao Zhuge was here!

The official Zhuge of the old leader is not called for nothing!Speaking of which, what Cuan Shu admired Xun Zhimin the most was his attainments in metaphysics, and he was very clever at talking about it, for example, the women he helped Mr. Zhao take down.

The current result is not the worst!Cuan Shu squinted his eyes and said in a low voice: "The discipline inspection and supervision agency immediately investigated and dealt with this case seriously. On the other hand, it also actively promoted the civil affairs system to carry out a comprehensive rectification of this matter, and rectified while investigating."

Check and change!Pi Zhixiu understood a little bit. The so-called leaving a chance means that no one surnamed Deng was killed.If Mr. Deng hadn't captured the thief first, he would have taken down everyone in the Civil Affairs Bureau. Such things as embezzlement of the subsistence allowance can be big or small.

In a big way, it is team corruption, and it is the entire Civil Affairs Bureau conspiring to defraud the country of special funds. You must know that poverty alleviation funds have always been earmarked for special purposes.Any misappropriation of poverty alleviation funds would have been a death penalty of beheading in ancient times, but now even if there is no death penalty, according to the character of the surname Deng, you will be tortured to death!

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