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Chapter 3172 Watching the play!

It's hard to imagine that there are cadres like Qi Wei in Jincheng City, but the speed of economic development has dropped again and again. From the pride of the Northwest to the current situation, it is obvious that the role played by Secretary Cuan Shu is "indispensible." !

Mayor Qi's eyes shined brightly: "In the late 90s, the non-state-owned economy with fur processing as the leading industry rose rapidly, which made Jincheng's comprehensive economic strength unprecedentedly improved and created a miracle of extraordinary development in the backward areas of the west. According to statistics from 1990- In 1999, the GDP of Jincheng increased from 6.46 million yuan to 20.29 billion yuan, and the per capita GDP increased from 406.9 yuan to 1091 yuan."

It is not easy to achieve such a result. Don't forget that this is the inland Northwest. If you want to go abroad, you have to pay more hardships and costs.Taizu's words are right, "The people are the creators of history, and the people are the real heroes."

The development of Jincheng City has verified Taizu's words, and the official role in this is really limited.At least it did not play a promoting role, on the contrary, at some point, it also played a serious restrictive effect.

I have to say that this is a super pit!In fact, looking at the group of people in the Civil Affairs Bureau, and thinking of those run-off shop owners, there is no need to say too much why Jincheng City is where it is today. Cuan Shu in the car behind is to blame!

"In my opinion, the Jincheng model is produced by the combination of market mechanism, geographical advantages and national culture. It is a special regional development model. The trajectory of its economic development is not trapped by the general law of industrial structure evolution, but It follows the comparative advantages of the region, spans the evolution sequence of the three industries, and directly enters the development of the service industry and the trade industry from the development of agriculture, which is a new attempt at the process of economic development."

It's just Mayor Qi's interpretation of the Jincheng model. Deng Hua has already taken him with admiration. Obviously, what he said is more detailed and down-to-earth than the information he has read. After all, Qi Wei has worked here for dozens of years. Year.

The most important point is that he is a doer!If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be so familiar with the Jincheng model, and even remember every piece of data clearly, but such cadres are suppressed and achieve nothing, which further demonstrates Cuan Shu's bad behavior.

Unlike Qin Wu being run off before, the inaction of the old Governor Qin during his tenure was directly related to his lack of understanding of the local economic situation.Qi Wei, on the other hand, is just the opposite. He has a deep understanding of all aspects of the local economy, and Comrade Xiao Deng has secretly made up his mind to support Mayor Qi in doing something practical.

"Relying on the business economy and the Jincheng model with fur processing as the leading industry has injected new vitality into the development of Jincheng's economy, but this model has not made Jincheng's economy take off. Entering the 21st century, Jincheng's local Economic development is still lagging behind, especially compared with the Wenzhou model whose economic starting conditions are basically the same, the Jincheng model is obviously far behind.”

This non-war crime is caused by geographical location and historical background, coupled with the regional economic climate.Wenzhou is located in southern Fujian Province, surrounded by the fastest-growing provinces in the country, with an outlet to the sea within easy reach, and natural conditions for the smooth flow of goods, but Jincheng City is far inferior.

The most important point is that the people in power have different ideas. The people of Wenzhou advocate an export-oriented economy and advocate going out to expand their territories.And the people in this piece of land in the northwest, most importantly the bureaucrats in this piece of land, prefer to live in their nests!

They have a way of fighting for power and profit with their families, they have a way of staking land and selling their land, they have a way of suppressing the private economy and profiting from everywhere, and they really let them invigorate the economy and grasp production.

“2001年锦城国内生产总值为33.79亿元,而闻州国内生产总值为1060亿元,闻州国内生产总值是锦城的31.2倍。2001年锦城人均国内生产总值仅为1178元,低于祁连省人均国内生产总值4493元和全国人均国内生产总值7927元的水平,闻州人均国内生产总值为14 357元,是锦城的12.2倍!”

It used to be the same glory, one represents the coastal city, and the other is a model for the development of the inland city.Over the past few years, the gap has become bigger and bigger. It can't be explained only by geographical reasons. The right time, place, people and the last one are the decisive factors!

In the same era of reform and opening up, Wenzhou is not much better than here at the beginning, and you can go west to north by the sea.It's just that the later development is very different. There is only one main reason, and that is the reason of the leader!

"Jincheng's urban per capita disposable income is 3752 yuan, while Wenzhou's urban and rural per capita disposable income is 13645 yuan, which is 3.6 times that of Jincheng. Jincheng's urban and rural residents' per capita savings balance is 1630 yuan, and Wenzhou's The balance is 85 yuan, which is 10095 times that of Jincheng. The total retail sales of social consumer goods in Jincheng is 6.2 billion yuan, and the retail sales of social consumer goods in Wenzhou is 11.18 billion yuan, which is 491.09 times that of Jincheng.”

Such a huge gap is really shocking!If it weren't for Qi Wei's eloquence, Deng Hua really didn't know the gap was so huge.Looking at the past glory of the Jincheng model, and then looking at the current decline and depression, it is purely a lie to say that there is no leadership factor in it!

The car in front stopped, and it turned out that he had already arrived at his destination. Deng Hua got off the car and was overwhelmed by the scene in front of him.The big battle of the good guy is just for the relocation of a few merchants, and the use of blue uniforms is not counted. The police are still facing the enemy, and what's more, there are fire trucks and ambulances.

The old horse who had entertained Deng Hua and others before had been restrained on the ground. There was no good place on that face, and it was beaten into a pig's head!The proprietress who complained to Deng before was restrained in the car by three blue uniforms. The woman cried but couldn't break free.

The woman in the convenience store, with disheveled hair, waved a broom to prevent a group of people from rushing into her small store.The owner of the motorcycle repair was sitting at the door with a bucket of something, the lighter flickering in his hand.

Just like the weak resistance of this group of shop owners, there is really no threat at all!This is the helplessness of businessmen. In a place like Jincheng City, officials are heaven and gods who control their destiny. How can small businessmen want to control their own destiny?

Seeing the disparity in strength between the two sides, Deng Hua's hands clenched into fists!If it were a normal him, he would have rushed forward long ago, and beat those bullying guys to pieces.But today he didn't want to do that. He wanted to see how the local cadres would handle it. After all, this was the territory of Jincheng City.

To put it bluntly, Comrade Xiao Deng is just a passer-by here, and fighting against injustices will not solve the problem at all, and will even leave more troubles for the vendors!Today he just wanted to watch a play, to see how the cadres of Jincheng City staged this play!

Jun Fengyu was about to rush forward, but was caught by Deng Hua: "What are you doing? This is the site of Jincheng City, let's take a look and see how Jincheng City handles it!"

"Ah? I don't care? I should repay the kindness of the porridge. Is it possible to watch him get beaten?"

hum!Watching him get beaten?Deng Hua looked at the one who was still beating someone, forced himself to suppress the urge to beat someone, and said coldly: "Do your part! Still don't take pictures to collect evidence? Do you still want me to teach you?"

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