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Chapter 325 Zhao Jianjun's Death Doubts

The most terrible thing is that this is a sexy product. It is actually a transparent lace product. The red and black scenery inside is looming, and there are naughty hairs breaking through the barriers, adding endless temptation. Not to mention Mr. Deng's super strong eyes. Even a guy with glasses can see clearly when he comes in!

Fortunately, although director Xiao Deng didn't know what morality was, he didn't take advantage of others. He picked up the quilt and covered the woman, then put his second brother next to the beautiful minister's ear, and quickly turned and fled!

Back on the sofa, Mr. Deng saw the extremely glamorous scene just before his eyes, which made him so angry that he couldn't help but go to the secretary's sister to vent his anger!At this time, Director Liao's voice came from the room, vaguely, it seemed to be a call from Yanjing City, talking about the illegal mining incident.

It seems that the higher-ups are about to take action. It is estimated that Huaiyang Province has been slow to move, making the higher-ups unable to wait.Thinking about it, the party congress will be held soon. If there is no breakthrough before the party congress, it will definitely affect the preliminary layout.

Mr. Deng quickly turned his body inside and fell asleep. If Minister Liao knew the phone number he sent in, he would be dead!Director Xiao Deng kept praying, hoping that Minister Liao would lose his memory after drinking and treat the phone as if it was placed by his pillow earlier!

There was no more sound that night, but Liao Jing's obviously dodging eyes and the suppressed anger expression on his face in the early morning of the next day already explained the problem.Mr. Deng was full of emotion in his heart, good things are not done casually, maybe this time the secretary's sister's arrangement will fall through!

After breakfast, Mr. Deng was rushed back to Gucheng County by Minister Liao for an excuse. Director Xiao Deng also let out a long breath.To be honest, although the scene last night was exciting, the protagonist was even more exciting. Director Xiao Deng was even a little annoyed, annoyed that he sent Minister Liao a call.

When I returned to the haunted house, I found Yun Meizi waiting at the door, and Director Deng was startled by her anxious expression: "Director Yun, what's the matter? What happened?"

"Where did you go?" Yun Meizi blurted out, but her tone didn't sound like an inquiry among comrades, but more like a complaint from a resentful woman, "I came here early in the morning, I was so anxious!"

Deng Hua greeted the beauty director into the room: "Don't worry, talk slowly if you have something to do, don't worry, the sky won't fall!"

In such a hurry to find himself, Deng Hua vaguely guessed that it should still be related to the illegal mining incident. Those suspects are now detained in the county bureau, their name is not right, and they are always waiting for someone from above, or a summoning call.

Sure enough, Yun Meizi didn't enter the house either, and said anxiously, "They're coming to pick someone up!"

"Who? Who wants to pick someone up? Is it the city bureau or the provincial department?"

Deng Hua reacted very quickly. Those people have always been their heart disease. These people are not simple. They are the servants of Secretary Xia of the Municipal Party Committee!He has the evidence of Secretary Xia's illegal mining of mines, especially the middle-aged man, who even knows about Secretary Xia's smuggling.

Those people actually controlled Xia Wenming's future and Secretary Xia's political life, so there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.As long as Xia Wenming knew that they were the ones who took people away, he might want to silence the first time, and then silence the insiders. It's not difficult to do!

A trace of pain flashed across Director Yun's face: "It's the provincial department!"

"Okay, it's finally time to do business, what are you worried about?"

Mr. Deng felt relieved, but instead of feeling relieved, the beautiful director became more and more entangled: "I'm worried..."

The woman's tangled look made the man feel courageous and sympathetic, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: "You mean..."

"That's right!" Yun Meizi nodded solemnly, "I don't want what happened to Zhao Jianjun to happen again!"

Deng Hua was surprised: "Do you have evidence?"

Yun Meizi closed her eyes, a drop of clear water fell from the corner of her eyes, and the skin on her face twitched in pain: "On the day of Zhao Jianjun's accident, I was the first to arrive at the scene, and there were no brake marks on the road. It’s so familiar, it’s impossible to have an accident there. Later..."

Obviously, this discovery has been fermented in Yunju's heart for a long time, and he has not said it out. The pressure and entanglement in his heart can be imagined.The little woman's highest ideal is to be an excellent criminal policeman. Everything she overheard and saw that night subverted the woman's cognition.

Mr. Deng could understand Yun Meizi's feelings. The father he admired all his life, the idol he admired, collapsed at that moment, which was a great stimulus to anyone.The woman didn't go crazy after the incident, she was already very strong, enough to make Director Xiao Deng admire.

Deng Hua took Yun Meizi's hand, the latter did not resist at all, her little hands were cold, she followed Deng Hua obediently, and walked to the gazebo.The stone bench was cold, Deng Hua put his handbag on the stone bench and asked the woman to sit on it.

She smiled as warmly as possible to the woman, and said softly: "Don't worry, speak slowly, don't worry, I'm the tape recorder, the one that can be washed off, and I will never leak the secret!"

The woman glanced at Mr. Bai Deng. At this time, he was still talking sarcasticly, but the woman's heart was also warm.She knew the meaning of Deng Hua's words very well, and it was precisely because of this that Yun Meizi approached Mr. Deng. The matter of his father had not been exposed for such a long time, which already showed the character of the little man.

If it were anyone else, if they encountered such heaven-defying gossip, it would probably have been widely circulated. How could Yunlong and Wang Ping be allowed to be at ease!In fact, Yun Meizi misunderstood Director Xiao Deng, who was used to seeing all kinds of dirty things, and didn't take what he overheard seriously at all.

In Deng Hua's mind, it doesn't matter whether it's three or four, to put it bluntly, it's only the first time he's suspected of drunkenness, and the future is a transaction.Since it is a transaction, there is no legal issue. It is more about the character of both parties. Whether it is Tang Ying or the leaders, it is a matter of character.

Director Xiao Deng actually overlooked one point. He looked at this matter from the perspective of 20 years later.Mr. Deng seems to have selectively forgotten that the crime of hooliganism was not abolished in 1993. That is to say, as long as there is evidence, it doesn’t even need to be so cumbersome in later generations. It only needs a woman to report, and those few will be detained for the crime of hooliganism.

Of course, the premise is that the judge who takes the case has enough courage, or is the opponent of Wang Ping and Yunlong.Because of this, Yunmeizi regards Mr. Deng as the most trustworthy person, almost completely replacing the broken idol in her heart!

It was precisely because of this that Yunmeizi shared with Director Xiao Deng the matters involving the life and death of her biological father.Some secrets are eternal pain in the heart. Speaking out, the relaxation of the mind may make women feel better.

"At that time, there was a long-distance transport vehicle from other places who witnessed the accident." Yun Meizi looked at Deng Hua bewilderedly, holding the man tightly with her small hands, as if she would be abandoned by the world after she let go. "He said, I didn’t see the car turning the rudder!”

Deng Hua was stunned: "Didn't steer?"

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