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Chapter 328 The Golden Cicada Failed to Escape Its Shell

The other party was well concealed. Deng Hua didn't find the following vehicle until he drove out of Gucheng County, but it definitely didn't mean there was no one.Yun Meizi stared nervously at the rearview mirror, and looked suspiciously at every car. The beautiful police superintendent seemed to be panicking.

Deng Hua shook his head: "Don't worry, they won't drive a small car, it's free in front of the Hummer!"

"Could it be a truck?" Yunmeizi shifted her attention to the truck. Fortunately, Gucheng County is remote and there are few vehicles on the road.The Hummer didn't drive fast. Instead of rushing to the front and entering the trap set by others, it's better to make some small moves in your own territory!

For Mr. Deng, the biggest opportunity is that mobile phones cannot roam in this era, that is to say, there will be a short period of blank contact with the other party.Making good use of this blank period may be the biggest chance for the three of us to survive!

Just after twelve o'clock, the Hummer drove past the road where Zhao Jianjun had an accident. Yunmeizi noticed that a large truck was following behind.This car is obviously different from other vehicles, regardless of whether the Hummer accelerates or decelerates, it always maintains a constant distance.

Yun Meizi, who had been highly nervous all the time, discovered the suspicious point immediately: "Deng Hua, there is a car coming from behind!"

I'm not afraid of not coming, but I'm afraid that I don't know what hidden tricks the other party has. With the appearance of the other party, Mr. Deng will put his mind at ease.The car approached the quarry, Deng Hua turned the steering wheel, and the Hummer drove directly to the gate of the quarry.

The truck behind did not expect that the Humvee turned sharply. He thought that the Humvee accelerated suddenly to get rid of its own tracking.The sudden change caught the driver of the large truck off guard, and immediately braked suddenly. The car made a harsh friction sound and stopped in front of the quarry.

The moment the car stopped, the truck driver realized instantly that he was exposed!Before he could start the car again, or even stop the car, Deng Hua jumped out of the Humvee, rushed to the truck with a few steps, jumped on the pedal, smashed the window with a "bang" and said, "Get down!"

The three people in the car didn't expect Mr. Deng to be so decisive, let alone the explosive power of Mr. Deng's fists. A trace of fear flashed in their eyes: "We are driving normally, what are you going to do?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Deng Hua opened the car door, pulled out the car key with his hand, and grabbed the driver's neck with his backhand to compete. The driver's body of [-] to [-] kg was lifted from the seat by him!

"Cough, cough, cough!" The driver looked terrified, and tried to pull Deng Hua's hand with both hands, but he couldn't move it, "Ah, ah, let it go, I'm strangled to death!"


The driver was thrown heavily on the ground, and those two hands were deep in his arms, how could Deng Hua give them a chance!Break into the cab, "bang bang"!After two punches, the two of them rolled their eyes and passed out. Yun Meizi rushed over and found two pistols in the arms of the two of them. Deng Hua found a Bayi-bar submachine gun under the car seat!

"Tie them all up!"

Deng Hua and Yun Meizi tied up all three of them and threw them into the compartment of a rock truck, then drove the Hummer and the opponent's big truck into the quarry for storage.The three of them drove the stone cart back on the road. At this time, Mr. Deng and Director Yun had already put on simple makeup. If they just knew how to drive, they would definitely not be able to see their true colors.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Deng would have such an arrangement, the beauty director felt relieved, and the middle-aged man turned pale: "They want to kill people to silence them!"

"You're smart!" Yun Meizi gave the middle-aged man an annoyed look, then snorted coldly: "It's best to cooperate, otherwise you won't survive tonight!"

"Don't worry, I will say anything, as long as you can save my life! I know a lot of things..."

The middle-aged man finally understood that he had been abandoned by the other party, and even wanted to kill him to silence him!The middle-aged man at the moment doesn't have the arrogance of a prime minister's servant, he looks like a bereaved dog, with a pitiful look on his face.

Yun Meizi waved her hand impatiently: "You'd better talk about these things after seeing the investigators!"

A police car was parked by the side of the road ahead, and the passing cars were being inspected. Deng Hua frowned: "Is there any arrangement in the bureau?"

"No, the Municipal Bureau didn't notify them either. They shouldn't be real traffic police!"

Deng Hua slowed down the car and approached the temporary checkpoint little by little. The middle-aged man lay behind him. He knew very well that if he was found, he would die and had no chance of survival at all.The temporary checkpoint did not check in detail, but just looked inside the car. Obviously, they were not checking the car, but the people!

Yunmeizi was a little nervous: "Strange, could it be that there is something wrong with the quarry?"

"There is no problem with the quarry!" Deng Hua shook his head. The quarry was built by Mr. Deng, and it can be said that it is the site of Director Xiao Deng. "It should be that they still have a tracking vehicle. We didn't find it, and they didn't find the Hummer either. and my own people."

The car came to a few policemen, and they took a brief look inside the car. The people behind the cab were counting money, looking like nouveau riche and a money fan.The policeman pouted, waved his hand, and the car started up again.

Deng Hua chuckled: "Yes, you are very talented in acting. After this matter is over, I will introduce you to a film and television company and become an actor!"

"Oh my god, I'm almost scared to pee!"

Yunmeizi was amused, and then she gave Deng Hua a look: "You always carry so much money with you?"

"How come? But today is special, oops, it's broken!"

Deng Hua shifted into fourth gear abruptly, and the car started to race wildly on the winding mountain road, overtaking again and again, making sharp turns again and again, and even staged a drifting scene.Director Yun didn't react: "What's the matter? Slow down, the road is full of sharp bends, it's dangerous, ah, back!"

"Damn it!" Deng Hua smiled wryly, "These guys react too quickly!"

The money in the middle-aged man's hand was scattered all over the place, and his whole body was already shaking: "Where is something wrong..."

"Forgot, the quarry in Gucheng County is a raw material base, and the trucks are going to be sold. How could there be an upstart boss counting money!" It took a few minutes to react, and then drove to catch up.

Yun Meizi gritted her teeth to check the weapon in her hand, Deng Hua shook her head: "We can't take any action until they shoot!"

"But..." Director Yun glared at her, but put down the gun in her hand. Even though she was the deputy director, she really didn't have the right to shoot first.If you act impulsively, you may end up with the truth, and then I am afraid that you will be slaughtered by others!

The police car in the back actually sounded its siren, and an unremarkable van followed behind it. Deng Hua smiled wryly: "Hey, the bad thing was in that van. I'm careless! How can there be such an advanced van in Gucheng County!"

"There are five people in the police car!" Yun Meizi nervously calculated the strength comparison between the two sides. "When the van was overtaking, I seemed to vaguely see four people, the driver, the co-pilot and the two faces behind them!"

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