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Chapter 361 Old Lan's Injury

Ye Wufeng's complexion changed, is this kid laughing at his rough skin?Maybe it's overnutrition, maybe it's the remnants of puberty, Ye Wufeng's face does have some small pimples, although they are harmless, they are what women care about most.

Women are sensitive, not to mention that men's poisonous tongue pointed at the vitals, which made Ye Wufeng angry from embarrassment.But just now, he was the one who provoked him first, saying that the other party was a jerk, and when he got angry at this time, it seemed that he had lost his demeanor!

After thinking about it, the woman smiled even sweeter: "Blessed is Xin'er. I am so envious of finding a little boy who is better at beautifying his face than girls! I really want to pry him over and be my beauty consultant, but I don't know how Xin'er is. Can my son and sister give up their love?"

Mr. Deng's answer made Lan Xin very happy. At this moment, the little woman's smile was extremely bright: "Wu Feng was joking, Xiao Deng has no other skills, but he can only improve his appearance and health. As for his skill, he is just average. Three! In terms of appearance, it is not as good as Sister Wufeng's family, that is to say, it is good-looking, and its personality is not bad. It is rare for a little girl to be kind, and this is the happiest thing for a little girl."

"Hmph, our little princess who is like a fairy, who dares to treat you badly? Let him go away, and those who rush to the door can line up from here to the front door!"

After failing to gain the upper hand a few times, Ye Wufeng seemed to be in a bad mood, and the grace and magnanimity before speaking had disappeared.There was even a hint of sternness in his eyes, look at the meaning, if he wasn't at Lan's house, maybe he would rush over and give Director Xiao Deng a slap in the face!

Lan Xin held Young Master Deng's hand, and she still had the leisure to draw on the palm of Xiao Deng's palm with her little finger, as if she was afraid that the little man would be unhappy: "Little sister dare not compare with Sister Wu Feng, I am already satisfied to find someone like Deng Hua, others It's better for the elder sister to choose, the younger sister is not interested!"

The two little girls were fighting each other, Deng Hua discovered for the first time that Lan Xin was not as pure and harmless as she looked, and the little girl's words were very sharp.It seems that none of the children of these aristocratic families are easy to get along with. I really have to be careful, if I don't pay attention, I will be tricked!

Lan Lao seemed to be impatient with waiting, and he stretched out his hand to say hello: "Two little guys, come over and have a chat with the old man!"

The old man didn't like to sit here, and stood up with a cane. Although he was eighty years old, and even though he had a serious illness not long ago and almost went to see his old comrades underground, the old man was still standing upright at this moment, even refusing the support of the medical staff.

After exchanging glances with Lan Xin, Deng Hua stretched out his hand to support the old man's arm: "Grandpa, your military posture is enough to make the boy ashamed. If I can have such a good body in 60 years, I will be satisfied!"

"Hey, the brat seems to be better at flattering!" The old man was old, but he was not confused at all, but he did not refuse Deng Hua's support.On the other side, Lan Xin also supported the old man, the three of them walked towards the study slowly, and when they entered the door, Lan Xin closed the door with her hands back, shutting out all the hustle and bustle!

Lan Lao looked at the pair of golden boys and girls in front of him with relief, and nodded to Deng Hua: "Yes, neither humble nor overbearing, neither anxious nor impatient, neither fast nor slow, coping well, Xin'er has a good vision! The rarest little guy knows how to be willing." Dao, there is persistence, there are trade-offs, at your age, the old man has no idea except to charge forward!"

"Grandpa's choice back then was righteousness, life and death, and the future of the nation!" Deng Hua stood firm in front of the old man, "You and your comrades-in-arms, the choice of that era is a blessing for the nation!"

The old man laughed and scolded: "Don't sing high-profile things to me! Hey, history is always used to be tampered with!"

Deng Hua was deeply touched by the wisdom of the old man. The old man seemed to foresee that 20 years later, all history would become the object of tampering by some people.On Lan Xin's face was the radiance of happiness, that sense of satisfaction and vague shyness that Deng Hua had only seen on the face of his first wife on the wedding night in the bridal chamber in his previous life.

"Grandpa, may I help you clear your meridians?" Seeing the old man nodding, Deng Hua walked behind the old man and put his hand on the old man's head. "The effect may not be so obvious, but it is enough to make you feel better."

"Okay, I've heard that you have good kung fu, but I didn't expect to be able to cure diseases! My problem is still left over from the war years. At that time, I relied on my young firepower and didn't care about anything. Now that I am old, I don't care. Find it!"

The old man muttered, but he didn't have any regrets, Mr. Deng said with a smile: "You are too old, I don't have the skills of a doctor, but the ancient martial arts I have learned have some health benefits, which must be very good for the old man. benefit."

As he spoke, Deng Hua cautiously and slowly invaded his internal energy into the old man's body. After all, he was over 80 years old, and almost every part of the old man's body was stagnant. Every inch he advanced, he had to be careful!

Mr. Deng invaded the old man's meridians, with that trace of extremely powerful internal force, he didn't dare to forcibly break through.After all, the old man is a young man, not comparable to Zheng Hanwen, or even the little loli Mo Zhu, Mr. Deng dare not go too far.

The internal force went down little by little, gradually, Deng Hua's face was covered with sweat.Lan Xin felt a little distressed, so she ran to the bathroom to soak a towel, and gently wiped it for Deng Hua.Deng Hua smiled at the little girl, Lan Xin blushed, but she waited persistently, wiping Deng Hua and the old man's sweat at any time.

It took a full half an hour for Mr. Deng's internal force to reach the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin. Deng Hua clearly felt that there was a foreign body there.The meridian is completely blocked here, and no matter how much internal force you want to advance, you can't do it: "Grandpa, did your waist get hurt in the early years?"

"Huh?" The old man opened his eyes and looked at Lan Xin, who was beside him with an innocent face. The little girl shook her head, which meant that she didn't tell the secret by herself. We went to reinforce the friendly army, but we were hit by a bullet from the little devil. If it hadn't penetrated the kettle first, it would have broken the spine directly. As a result, the bullet was tightly attached to the nerve, and it has not been taken out all these years. Hey, old friend La!"

It turned out so, Deng Hua shook his head: "Grandpa has suffered!"

"Deng Hua, can it be cured?"

Lan Xin looked concerned. The old man's injury has plagued him all his life. Whenever the climate changes, he will cough continuously. The most annoying thing is that coughing will lead to enuresis.That’s all for now, the trousers of the elderly were always wet back then, and one can imagine what they suffered in winter.

Deng Hua smiled wryly: "Xin'er, I'm not a doctor. At best, I just squeeze the bullet away and keep it away from the meridians. At least the old man won't have enuresis in the future. If he wants to take the bullet out, he needs the help of a surgeon."

"Boldly do it!" The decades-old warhead had a chance to be taken out, and the old man Lan couldn't help being a little excited, "As long as he doesn't pass urine, the old man will make money!"

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