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Chapter 366 An Unexpected Confrontation

Deng Hua didn't respond to Mr. Lin's greeting. He fixed his eyes on a man and a woman. In Zhang Lang's eyes, this man and woman were no different from other people.On the contrary, compared with those sons of aristocratic families who talk so much, they are unhappy, even a little humble!

That's right, that's how the two of them felt to others, but the moment Deng Hua's eyes fell on the two of them, the eyes of the pair of men and women burst out with brilliance, and they met Mr. Deng's eyes, as if they were in love. A silent battle in the air!

At this moment, all the voices in the room stopped abruptly, and Lin Haidong only spoke half a sentence, and could not continue.Three invisible coercions descended, making the second-generation ancestors present feel as if a mountain lacked oxygen, and actually felt suffocated.

Zhang Lang felt much more relaxed when he was beside Mr. Deng. Those who stood opposite him already felt their knees go weak. Lin Haidong, who was closest to Deng Hua, already had sweat on his forehead!Mr. Hong didn't know what happened, his body seemed to be suppressed by a white weight, and he was pressed tightly on the sofa and couldn't move!

Qiao Dong held a glass of red wine in his hand. At this moment, the glass of red wine seemed to be extremely heavy, and Xiao Qiao's hands began to tremble.What happened?Qiao Dong didn't want to be embarrassed in front of everyone, especially in front of Mr. Deng, he still insisted!

Zheng Ping had a calm face at first, and the second elder brother in his hand was chatting. The sudden coercion made him feel that the second elder brother in his hand seemed to be made of gold, and it was so heavy that he could die. slide down!

Fang Yu just swallowed a sip of red wine, suddenly as if he was suffocating, he opened his mouth wide, desperately trying to inhale.It's just that at this moment, the air in the private room seemed to be sucked away, he couldn't breathe anymore, his eyes were wide open, like a dying fish due to lack of oxygen!

Two masters!

It was the first time in Deng Hua's past and present life that he met a master who made him excited. Before that, General Zhang had never given him such a feeling.The most important thing is that the opponents I faced before were all collisions between bodies, and there has never been such a competition of momentum!

This is an experience like never before!Since rebirth, Deng Hua clearly felt that his mind seemed to be different.It was a change at the spiritual level, which seemed to be like the stream of consciousness mentioned in previous Shiluo novels.

I didn't know the use of stream of consciousness before, except for a stronger memory, a sharper sense, and a stronger ability to predict certain dangers.But the two people in front of him burst out with the same stream of consciousness, which made him instantly understand how to fight against the stream of consciousness.

It's just that Deng Hua's own stream-of-consciousness defense method doesn't know how to control it at all. Almost at the same time as being attacked, all the stream-of-consciousness in his mind burst out.The uncontrolled stream of consciousness puts tremendous pressure on everyone in the room.

On the contrary, the two people on the opposite side controlled the stream of consciousness in a subtle way, and all their energy was only aimed at Deng Hua, and it did not affect other people at all.Although the two are strong enough, they are not enough. He can completely offset the pressure they put on him together, and he even has the time to observe everyone in the room.

For a full 30 seconds, there was no sound in the room, as if the sound in the karaoke no longer existed!As Deng Hua's pressure exploded, the opponent retreated a little bit, so that the whole room was full of pressure from one direction.

The curtains facing the street, and the chandelier on the ceiling, seemed to be blown by a hurricane, and slowly tilted in the opposite direction to Deng Hua.The curtains sounded like flags blown up by a blower, and the chains of the chandelier seemed a little overwhelmed, making a creaking sound.

"Clang!" The wine glass in Qiao Dong's hand finally couldn't bear Mr. Deng's coercion anymore, and the delicate goblet fell to the ground.The bright red wine, like dark red blood, was splashed on the carpet and was instantly absorbed without a trace.

"Crack", the second elder brother in Zheng Ping's hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Mr. Zheng was sweating profusely, and his body seemed to be washed.At that moment just now, it seemed that he was facing the threat of death, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

Mr. Fang struggled back from the death line, breathed in the fresh air with great gulps, his face had turned cyanotic, and he almost died from lack of oxygen.Fang Yu looked at Mr. Deng in horror. He could clearly feel that the threat of death came from Deng Hua!

Deng Hua smiled slightly, like the spring breeze melting the ice and snow, the coercion in the room suddenly disappeared, as silent as when it appeared!This brief confrontation with stream of consciousness allowed him to learn a lot, and it was the first time he understood that stream of consciousness could be used in this way.

Deng Hua clearly saw the reactions of Fang Yu and the others. If he hadn't stopped, Mr. Fang was not lucky, and he was doomed to die of hypoxia!Walked up to the two of them as if nothing had happened, and stretched out his hand to the man: "Hi, I'm Deng Hua, nice to meet you two!"

The man stood up and held Mr. Deng's hand: "Long Zhongtian, my junior sister Mo Shexiang, I never thought there would be such a master in the world. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

secular?Mr. Deng was stunned, the word secular is not used casually, usually only monks would say that.However, Mr. Deng, who has memories of his previous life, thinks more. Could it be that these two are the legendary family of hidden martial arts?Even……

"Mr. Long's absurd praise," Deng Hua nodded at Mo Shexiang, "I can't talk about a master, but it's just a little bit of tricks, which makes the two of you laugh!"

For Deng Hua, the two ancient martial arts masters in front of him are far more important than the second generation ancestors. Deng Hua has always been groping forward.He was lucky enough to obtain an unnamed exercise, which had never been taught by his master.

It was the old man, but he introduced it in a vague way. Deng Hua suspected that the old man had never really learned the nameless kung fu.Based on his entry-level physical condition, if he hadn't taught Zheng Hanwen the exercises and dredged his meridians for Lao Lan, he would never have any symptoms.

Communicating with ancient martial arts masters is Deng Hua's dream in previous and present lives. He has always wanted to break through and break through the shackles of ancient martial arts!The three of them were talking and laughing happily, but they actually left a group of second-generation ancestors aside, which was nothing less than a silent humiliation.However, Lin Haidong knew how powerful Long Zhongtian and Mo Shexiang were, so he didn't dare to treat sloppy people like they did.

Even if it is aimed at Mr. Deng, it is not something he can step on casually. The country bumpkin is so lucky that he actually hits on the princess of the Lan family. For the second generation ancestors present, all of them feel sour in their hearts!

Zheng Ping smirked slightly, and said in a strange way: "Director Xiao Deng is different now, does he fly on a branch and become a phoenix, or is it a toad jumping on the highway? Seriously, Princess Lan is in Yanjing City."

"Old Zheng, this is your fault. How can you say that about Comrade Deng Hua!" Li Qiang said seriously, "Flying on a branch and turning into a phoenix is ​​talking about a girl. Besides, it's a bit corny."


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