Today is actually the first day that the county magistrate of Dongfang summoned the cadres, and Director Xiao Deng is No.1. Such an honor, or such a focus, I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse for Mr. Deng!Deng Hua's mouth was a little bit bitter. I don't know if the Dongfang county magistrate did it on purpose or on purpose!

Unlike Huang Yuying, Dongfang Yi sat behind the desk, wearing a black suit with a milky white silk shirt buttoned up to her chin.The woman has short hair that reaches her ears, a pair of old-fashioned wide-rimmed glasses on a tall nose bridge, her thin lips are tightly pressed, and her eyebrows are very special. They are not as feminine as women but more like men's thick.

The eyes are very sharp, at least give Mr. Deng such a sharp feeling, just based on the woman's eyes, Deng Hua is sure that her glasses are a prop, used to pretend to be old.Dongfang County Magistrate seems to be deliberately ignoring her gender and age, and her makeup is more neutral, which is not even comparable to Liao Jing, an elite in the workplace.

"Hello county magistrate, I'm Deng Hua!"

Director Xiao Deng stood in front of the desk of Dongfang County Magistrate in a standard military posture. Dongfang Yi nodded: "As expected of being an excellent soldier, please sit down, Deputy Director Deng. I am looking for you today. What do you think of the work of the county government?"

"Uh!" Deng Hua absolutely did not expect the county magistrate Dongfang to be so direct and straightforward. Director Xiao Deng was a little dazed. He was only the deputy director of the Education Committee, and his ranking was far behind.

But the issue of Dongfang county magistrate is a bit too big. It seems that it should be the director of the planning committee or the deputy county magistrate in charge.

When he served as the beauty secretary and Wang Shangchun's counselor, Director Xiao Deng never made a fuss about the county's major policies, which is not something he can do in his position.At best, it is to provide some new suggestions, new ideas, rather than guiding plans.

First of all, Director Xiao Deng does not have that responsibility, nor does he have that obligation. Furthermore, with Mr. Deng's level, even if he has the memory of his previous life, he may not be able to come up with a package plan.Back then, "My Opinions on Investment Promotion Work in Gucheng County" almost made Xiao Deng vomit blood, so it was plagiarized!

Making fuss has never been Deng Hua's strong point, a junior high school student. All along, Mr. Deng has been making use of his strengths and avoiding his weaknesses, and has never been willing to expose his weaknesses.Today, the Dongfang County Magistrate asked such a question, which really made Director Xiao Deng a little dazed!

He Wenhui on the side was also taken aback by Dongfang Yi's question. Today's scene can be said to be directed by her. Thanks to Huang Yuying's kindness, He Wenhui wanted to help Secretary Huang's man.It's just that I didn't expect that the Dongfang county magistrate was really suffocated by the situation, and the question was so direct and sharp!

"What?" Dongfang Yi's expression remained cold, as if this is the nature of a woman, even colder than Minister Liao, "Did Deputy Director Deng not understand my question? Or, Comrade Deng Hua thought I was Zhao Jianjun The same leader, not Bole like Secretary Huang or Secretary Wang?"

"Don't dare!" How dare Deng Hua admit this kind of thing, women are very vengeful, if you don't deal with it well today, it's hard to say whether you will be put on little shoes in the future, "I'm sorry county magistrate, I just didn't expect you to Ask me, uh, if the county magistrate doesn't think I'm taking the liberty, I'd like to share my opinion, please correct me, Dongfang county magistrate!"

Dongfang Yi nodded slightly: "Relax a bit, although to be honest, whether it is a big market project, the investment of the quarry and the Liao family, or the long-term farmer apprenticeship plan, I am very curious. The protagonist who advocates all these, What an astonishingly talented and brilliant person it will be."

Taking a deep breath, it seems that Dongfang county magistrate wants to test himself, maybe it is his great fortune in the post-Huang Yuying era!Mr. Deng absolutely couldn't believe Wang Shangchun, that guy threw himself aside early on.

This is still good. There are various indications that some of the things I did last year have already touched Wang Shangchun's bottom line.It seems that his performance in the past was a bit too much, which caused his own light to cover up the demeanor of the county magistrate, and he was a bit pretentious!

Especially during that trip to the Shanghai stock market, those cheating newspapers made that old man even more jealous!Fortunately, he is already the No.1 guy in Gucheng County, and he didn't continue to eat dry vinegar, otherwise, he would have his own good looks!

Now that he has become the top leader in Gucheng County, if he wants to make Director Xiao Deng, he doesn't even need to do it himself, all he needs is a look or a gesture!Director Xiao Deng is very clear that it is impossible to continue to rise in the post-Huang Yuying era. As long as Lao Wang doesn't make trouble for himself, he will burn the incense!

Deng Hua organizes the language: "It is difficult to compare the hardware and software conditions of Gucheng County with other regions, even with other counties in Qingyuan City. If you want to develop the economy of Gucheng County, there are two directions. I don't know Dongfang County. Which one do you want to hear?"

Director Xiao Deng's answer surprised Dongfang Yi. She didn't think that she would really gain anything when she called Mr. Deng.In Dongfangyi's view, large market projects and quarries are at best imitating the development model along the coast.

As for the farmer apprenticeship program, it is nothing more than a systematization of a fait accompli, purely to gain a bargain.According to Dongfang Yi's thinking, these are nothing, just cleverness, and only the closed environment of Gucheng County can make some cleverness exert such effectiveness.

Even the county magistrate of Dongfang was very disapproving of the former team, and the blank paper was easy to draw. The ancient city county before the economic take-off, as long as you choose a breakthrough, you can have an unconventional and leapfrog development.

Before coming to Gucheng County, Dongfangyi was full of confidence. With a bird's-eye view of the ministries and agencies and advanced concepts, it would definitely not be difficult for Gucheng County to maintain or even surpass the previous development speed!

But after I came to Gucheng County, Dongfang Yi was completely disappointed by the development plan of Gucheng County that I had been thinking about for a month.Director Xiao Deng actually asked about the long and short directions of developing Gucheng County's economy, which made Dongfang Yi start to look squarely at the young people in front of her.

Although he is not very old, the little boy is much younger than himself: "You might as well tell them all, there is time, Xiao He, let's serve tea!"

"Indeed, Gucheng County is blocked by traffic, has a large population, and the arable land per capita is far lower than the national average level, and even far lower than the average level of Qingyuan City." What Deng Hua said is not new. These are the things that bother Dongfang Yi , if you want to impress Dongfang county magistrate, you need more things, "But Gucheng County also has its own advantages. For example, the junction of three provinces means remoteness and backwardness. Has it become the thoroughfare of the three provinces?"

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