Deng Hua didn't expect this woman to sleep so unreasonably, almost practicing Sanda on the bed. If she didn't have confidence in her own skills, she would have thought that the woman did it on purpose.A person cannot be judged by his appearance, which is perfectly interpreted by a woman. A woman who looks like an iceberg during the day sleeps so actively!

This is still based on practicing exercises, Deng Hua can't imagine, if this person was in a natural sleep state yesterday, would he dismantle his car!Mr. Deng secretly cursed, took out two brand new towels, and while wiping the wet hair, handed one to Dongfang Yi.

Taking the towel, she lightly brushed the broken hair on her sideburns with her bare hands, and looked at the blanket. For the first time, Dongfang Yi was a little embarrassed: "Uh, I'm sorry, the morning fog made the blanket wet!"

"It's okay, just get a new one later, that, I mean, just expose yourself to the sun!" Mr. Deng secretly hated himself for talking fast, knowing that this man has a hobby of hard work and simplicity, but he still pretends to be a local tyrant. Uncomfortable, speaking in front of the county magistrate in the future, you must be measured!

This time, Dongfang Yi didn't blame Director Xiao Deng. After all, the exercise has the effect of calming the nerves and calming the mind. Even if it is a simplified version, with Mr. Deng's hypnosis and a woman's natural body, the effect is quite obvious.

Although she only slept for less than four hours, maybe because of the surprisingly good effect of deep sleep, Dongfang Yi felt refreshed.Could it be that the exercises this guy said are really so miraculous?The woman was very curious. This was the best time to sleep in Gucheng County. There were no dreams and it was very solid.

Even the county magistrate Dongfang couldn't believe that he was sleeping so honestly next to a strange little man.Since coming to Gucheng County, she has had nightmares every night when she sleeps. The woman knows very well that this is because the current situation in Gucheng County is too bleak.

In order to come up with a way to develop the economy, she is under too much pressure!But sleeping so comfortably next to this man, maybe it is really like what he said, a 50-year-old lady looks like a 30-year-old young woman!

The woman's heart was full of anticipation, she didn't know that it was Mr. Deng's suspicion of cheating in order to gag her.Stretching lazily, he saw Director Xiao Deng next to him, his face blushed, and he covered it up and said, "When I came here yesterday, there was a stream, shall we go there and wash our faces?"

The car started gently and drove into the mountain forest in the mist. A clear stream flowed through the mountain.In the stream, occasionally a few small fish swim back and forth, and one or a few frogs in the distance make a sound.In the woods, an early bird flies up from time to time, and the occasional crisp bird song makes the morning mist full of vitality.

The gurgling stream, the singing of frogs and the singing of birds, all of these are so fresh and full of vitality in Dongfang Yi's eyes.It seemed that all this this morning gave her a brand new feeling, holding the clear stream water in her slender hands, and slapping it on her fair face, without even using any detergent, let alone cumbersome cosmetics.

A fresh face is reflected in the clear stream. Dongfang Yi, who does not wear glasses, is more feminine, younger, and full of the charm and warmth of young women.The reflection in the water gave the woman the illusion that the haggardness before had disappeared overnight!

It is difficult for the magistrate to determine whether this is the miraculous effect of the exercises or a psychological effect.No matter how smart a woman is, when it comes to beauty, her IQ will plummet.Just look at those cosmetics with various names, and you will know how to make money.

Even if the packaging is changed, for the same liquid, one is placed on the street and the other is placed in a boutique, the price difference will definitely make any man speechless.However, as long as beauty is involved, as long as someone says that they will be young, women are destined to be like moths to a flame, and they will never turn back!

As if noticing that Mr. Deng was peeking at her, the woman turned her head and gave the man a hard look: "What are you looking at?"

Mr. Deng was caught right away, the little man was a faceless man who had just glimpsed the way of Dafa cultivation, he didn't care about such scenes, his face didn't change and his heart beat: "I was thinking, if there is something wrong, get a few small fish and cook it for a while. The pot of milky white fish soup must be delicious!"

"Hmph, foodies!"

Being scolded by the woman, Director Xiao Deng smiled wryly, turned around and returned to the car, lowered the backrest, leaned on it and closed his eyes to rest.The woman tiptoed to the back of the car, secretly glanced at Director Deng, and then squatted down.

After a while, the sound of drizzling came clearly. He must not be used to the dry toilets in the countryside, so coming here kills two birds with one stone.If a woman knows that the five senses in the car are so sensitive that she can even hear the sound of ants gnawing on the ground, I don't know if she will dare to solve it on the spot.

It must be the first time to enter the mountain, and I have been frightened by many rumors, especially the ubiquitous poisonous snake, which is the nemesis of women.No matter how nervous a woman is, let alone seeing that thing, even imagining that limp body, the greasy body fluids outside, and the venom-laden fangs will make her bones limp and tendon brittle!

However, women's imagination is extraordinarily rich, and the shape of a poisonous snake has endowed them with many images.Thinking about how the snake in Ouyang Ke's hand turned into a puddle of mud for the bold and pretty Huang Rong, one can see how lethal that thing is to women.

Mr. Deng closed his eyes and rested his mind, but he could clearly hear the woman's movements, from the rustling sound to the murmur of water, it was as if he had seen it himself.Director Xiao Deng even thought maliciously, if a poisonous snake really sprang out at this time, or something else, I don't know how embarrassing the woman would be!

Back in the co-pilot seat, the woman didn't dare to look at Mr. Deng, and said in a low voice, "Go back and look at the township factories here, or, look at other things. I want to know, is the power supply in Gucheng County very tight?" ?”

For the first time, the woman's voice was so gentle, as if she was not facing a subordinate, but her lover.Maybe it was a night of sleeping together, which allowed the woman to untie the block in her heart, or maybe it was the little action just now that made her finally realize that she is just a little woman after all!

"Comparatively speaking, Gucheng County has the most abundant hydropower resources in the southeast region. There are two super-large reservoirs in the county area." Deng Hua introduced softly, Mr. Deng is very familiar with these common-sense information.

When plagiarizing the previous government work report, Director Xiao Deng put in a lot of effort to prevent mistakes.Almost all the existing resources and the existing economic foundation of Gucheng County were studied, and only then did I write the "My Opinions on Investment Promotion Work in Gucheng County" that wowed everyone!

Relying on the perverted memory after rebirth, Director Xiao Deng remembered the homework he did at the beginning: "It's just that the two reservoirs were built in the 60s, and the dams of the reservoirs are already aging. benefit."

When it comes to work, Dongfang Yi's face is much more normal: "If, I mean, if the reservoir dam is renovated and the installed capacity of the reservoir is greatly increased, can it reduce the cost of rural electricity supply?"

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