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Chapter 506 Investigation Task

The current Supply and Marketing Association seems to be fading away. Although Mr. Deng has an idea to bring it back to life, in Deng Hua's view, it is just a flashback.No one has a better understanding of the general business trend in a few years, and the Supply and Marketing Association has become increasingly decadent because it cannot adapt to the market in time.

Mr. Deng didn't even pay attention to when the supply and marketing cooperatives withdrew from the stage of history. The only traces of the supply and marketing cooperatives remained were the once glorious township supply and marketing cooperatives.Each of those supply and marketing cooperatives is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the township, with the most beautiful houses in each township, recording decades of footprints.

The woman made a fool of herself and did not continue to discuss this issue with Deng Hua, and she was not qualified to do so based on the rank of Deputy Secretary Deng.Personnel issues, in any unit, are the prerogative of the leader, Deputy Secretary Deng dare not meddle in this.

It's one thing for a female county magistrate to value him, but he can't be arrogant without a bottom line. The Dongfang county magistrate is different from the secretary's sister.Especially the elder sister of the secretary is the leader, rather she is Mr. Deng's woman. In many cases, the decisions made by the beautiful secretary are just a retelling of Mr. Deng's thoughts.

Dongfang Yi has a very friendly expression: "The folk handicraft production competition and the special credit for folk handicraft production have been very successful in the past two months, and have solved the problem of spring famine well. , We must avoid policy loopholes, and we must do a good job in the handover of work!"

Do a good job handover?Deng Hua was a little puzzled, could it be that the county magistrate wants to let him go?Deng Hua couldn't figure out whether to leave the county youth league committee or the deputy director of the government office. For him, neither of the two positions was secure, and he was more busy with irrelevant things.

With the end of the spring famine, the folk handicraft production competition and the special credit for folk handicraft production have completed their historical missions. The Dongfang county magistrate clearly sees the prospects and money prospects of the two policies!

Perhaps, the county magistrate will replace himself with his confidants to take over the folk handicraft production competition and the special credit for folk handicraft production.Mr. Deng never regarded himself as Dongfang Yi's confidant. In his opinion, the female county magistrate used him more.

It's no wonder that when Dongfang county magistrate came to Gucheng County, there was no trustworthy candidate, just like he was worried about the successor of the supply and marketing association.It seemed that his Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee was about to step down, and Deng Hua suddenly had a little understanding.

The competition for the production of folk handicrafts and the special credit for the production of folk handicrafts were actually initiated in the name of the Youth League County Committee. With the progress of the two tasks, everyone could see that the Youth League County Committee had become a favorite.

Many people in the officialdom may not like money. For them, political achievements or the achievements that are about to be obtained are the most important.All cadres who focus on political achievements have a deep background and don't care about immediate gains and losses at all.

For example, Huang Yuying and Dongfang Yi, in their eyes, coveting petty profits is far less important than outstanding political achievements.They have aristocratic family backgrounds, and there will be no obstacles in the future step by step, except for political achievements!

Back in her office, Wu Shasha called: "Comrade Deng Hua, come to my place!"

In fact, the two people's offices are only separated by a wall. Director Wu always likes to put on a show. It seems that otherwise, he can't show that he is a proper director.There are some things that women can't argue with, not to mention that she is the immediate boss, and Mr. Deng has no capital to care about.

Competing with your superiors, if you either want to resign and leave, or you want to be fired, there is no luck.Obeying orders and listening to commands is a good habit developed in the military for several years, but Deng Hua is a little uncertain: "I don't know what's the matter with Director Wu?"

"The special credit for the production of folk crafts was deducted by some village cadres during the issuance process. Whether the Supply and Marketing Association is involved in this needs to be investigated." Wu Shasha still has a cold face, but Mr. Deng can't figure it out. What does society have to do with oneself.

Deng Hua sat there quietly, listening carefully to his boss's arrangement, as a subordinate, he must have the consciousness of a subordinate.Director Wu continued: "The county party committee and county government decided to form a special investigation team to thoroughly investigate the violations of regulations and disciplines in this incident. Comrade Deng Hua will be the leader of the team. Is there a problem?"

"No problem!" Deng Hua replied almost like a conditioned reflex, and then secretly slandered, it has already been decided, so what if he has a problem?Some things still need to be asked clearly, "Director, according to what regulations are the deductions handled?"

Although I communicated with Dongfang Yi before, and the female county magistrate also made it clear, but whether to treat it as a crime of corruption, especially embezzlement of disaster relief funds, or as a violation of discipline and regulations, this line must be asked clearly.

Violations of discipline and regulations will not even allow those greedy people to be punished by law, and it is nothing more than a little party and government discipline punishment.For some people, party discipline and government discipline are far less deterrent.

Indeed, after being punished, he cannot be promoted or transferred within two years.It's just that for many people, let alone two years, how many opportunities for promotion can they have in their lifetime?Rather than hoping for a slim promotion, it is far better to get some benefits from the bottom.

Wu Shasha frowned: "For corrupt elements, it is necessary to severely crack down and screen them according to relevant documents. Of course, the final result of the handling is still up to the county party committee and the county government. The team will go down this time and focus on investigation and verification. .”

Deng Hua understood that he was more of a formality, if that was all it was.Judging from Director Wu's attitude, she doesn't seem to be on the same level as Dongfang Yi, which is a bit interesting.Gucheng County currently has only two power centers, one is the county party secretary Wang Shangchun, and the other is the government leader Dongfang Yi.

If the director of the government office and the county magistrate are not of the same mind, could it be that Director Wu has taken refuge in Secretary Wang?It is not impossible. Although she is also an airborne soldier, Wu Shasha is a native of Huaiyang Province, and she is fundamentally different from Dongfang Yi.

In contrast, maybe Wang Shangchun is Wu Shasha's best choice, but even if he has gossip, Mr. Deng will not be so stupid as to put it here: "Yes, please rest assured, Director, I will seriously investigate and verify. The data will be handed over to the county party committee and the county government, and we will not draw conclusions lightly."

A person who looks very frizzy, I thought he would be impulsive, and Wu Shasha was not optimistic about Deng Hua's investigation.In the leadership of Gucheng County, many people classify Mr. Deng as an impulsive and irritable young man, even though he has the title of "little Zhuge" in the officialdom.

Director Wu said in a deep voice: "The County Party Committee Office, the Audit Bureau, and the Discipline Inspection Commission will all send personnel to participate in the group. They must be based on facts, take the law as the yardstick, and act in accordance with regulations and laws. Rural work is different from that in the county. Work must pay attention to methods and methods. , we must respect the broad masses of the people at the grassroots level..."

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