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Chapter 508 Walk around the form?

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, then changed his face instantly, with a flattering smile on his face: "Oh, is it the leader of the county? Please, please, please, Secretary Wu is not in good health, and he went to the city to see a doctor. Jiang Xiang went to investigate, probably I won’t be back until the afternoon. Leaders, this way please, Xiao Zhang, boil water and tea!”

Master Shi frowned: "Who are you?"

"I'm Yang Hongchen, the deputy mayor!" With the same smile on his face, deputy mayor Yang took out a pack of cigarettes, stuffed them back quickly, and took out an unopened pack from the other pocket, "Come here, please smoke!"

Deng Hua's eyes were precise, and Deputy Township Chief Yang took out Huaiyang cigarettes in front of him. They were common cigarettes in Huaiyang Province, and they cost one yuan a pack.Huaiyang cigarettes are popular among township leaders across the province. A pack of cigarettes costs one yuan, and wholesalers from tobacco companies are eight yuan and eighty-one. Old smokers can also afford it.

This pack of cigarettes is different, it is Wrigley, which is rare, and it is smuggled cigarettes.Usually in the officialdom it is seldom smoked as a social cigarette. It seems that Deputy Township Chief Yang no longer cares about those things for the sake of their four superiors.

With a slight smile, Deng Hua took out a pack of Huaiyang cigarettes: "Thank you, Mr. Yang, I still like this!"

Mr. Deng smoked Huaiyang cigarettes, which surprised several people. The son of the richest man in the ancient city drove a luxury car with millions of dollars, but he smoked low-end cigarettes that cost one yuan a pack!Such a huge contrast made several people a little surprised. No one in the county knew the family background of the Deng family.

Isn't this showing off!Wan Luyao curled her lips and snatched the match from Deputy Township Chief Yang: "Deputy Director Deng, I'll light it for you!"

Crack!Not to mention, the old-fashioned matches are very easy to use, and Deng Hua is not welcome, he just lit a cigarette in Wan Luyao's hand.Usually, Mr. Deng would never smoke this, but he just came to the countryside. If he took the little panda to make a show, it would be more absurd than Jinyi Yexing.

Among other things, Mr. Deng, as a senior Internet expert, clearly remembers that some high-ranking officials in his previous life were only on the TV news, smoking a pack of cigarettes worth tens of dollars, before they were searched by friends and exposed to corruption incidents of.

Although Mr. Deng has enough confidence, there is no need to cause disasters because of such trivial matters.Sometimes Mr. Deng asks himself, what exactly is he trying to do in the officialdom?

With a rich family background, Mr. Deng can choose a more relaxed life, but maybe it is some kind of complex that makes him persistently pursue the official position.Whenever he thinks of Lin Hailong's contemptuous eyes in his previous life, Mr. Deng's heart hurts!

In this life, Lin Hailong is still his enemy, the hatred that came much earlier than in the previous life is no longer enough to kill Deng Hua with a single shot.Mr. Deng will not let this kind of thing happen, just like the previous conflict with Wang's father and son.

At that time, Deng Hua had already made up his mind that as long as Wang Tong dared to threaten himself with his parents, he would get rid of Secretary Wang at all costs.Maybe it seems a bit crazy, but in fact, apart from his family and a few women, Deng Hua has no one to cherish in this life!

"Ahem!" Lao Shi took the wrigley in Yang Hongchen's hand, "This cigarette is not bad. My son brought back a box and let relatives divide it up. Lao Gao, here is one. Huaiyang smoke is delicious."

As if he didn't see it, Gao Bo didn't take the cigarette that Lao Shi handed over. Deputy Township Chief Yang was stunned, and then realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.When I was just introduced, although Lao Shi was the oldest, he was not as high-level as Gao Bo, but he occupied the whole pack of cigarettes. Lao Gao was a little uncomfortable!

Deputy Township Mayor Yang quickly opened the filing cabinet behind him, took out an unopened box from the inside, and handed it to Gao Bo: "Gao Ke, please!"

Mr. Deng didn't take the petty actions between several cadres to heart, as people in the officialdom often do.Many seemingly insignificant little things are always magnified infinitely, and even need to be seen with a magnifying glass!

Deng Hua smiled slightly: "Vice Chief Yang, you must be clear about the purpose of our coming here. Please also bring the account of the credit distribution of folk handicrafts in kind."

"Uh!" Yang Hongchen was taken aback. The legendary deputy director Deng was really impatient. "No hurry, all the leaders have traveled a long distance, and it must have been hard work. I have just ordered that lunch is being prepared below. What's the matter? Say it again!"

Old Shi cast a sideways glance at Deputy Director Deng: "Your Majesty does not send hungry soldiers! Drink some porridge in the morning. When you are old and have not stretched your head, you will be hungry already! Mayor Yang, we can't break the rules, four dishes and one soup are four dishes Yitang, don't make any incidents that exceed the standard, Lao Shi can't bear it!"

Grandpa Shi's mention of four dishes and one soup at this time is not a real reminder that Mr. Deng is also one of the parties involved in the four dishes and one soup incident.When Lao Shi said this, he was undoubtedly telling Mr. Deng not to be troublesome. Mr. Deng was well aware of this kind of subtext.

"Hehehe!" Gao Bo patted his stomach, "Director Xiao Deng, after driving all the way, you must be hungry too, so you should eat first. The people in the mountains are hospitable and hospitable. Working without eating will embarrass the host. !"

Headache!It seems that these two are not greedy. I am afraid that the two old officials have a deeper understanding of the intentions of the county party committee and county government than him, and they have no intention of handling any cases!

Don't look at Mr. Deng as the group leader, that's just a false name. How can he command two old people who are not much younger than his grandfather?It is true that rank is paramount in official circles, but there are always some exceptions. Although the two veteran cadres are members of the team in name, how is it that they obey Mr. Deng's leadership?

If Deputy Director Deng used a chicken feather as an arrow, he would be accused of disrespecting veteran cadres.Don't underestimate such a name, it is enough to make Director Xiao Deng bear this infamy for the rest of his life.Huaxia respects the old and loves the young is a traditional virtue. How can a cadre be valued by his superiors if he doesn't even have the most basic conduct?

Therefore, the investigation this time is likely to be a mere formality, at best, it will be something to eat and drink in various towns and towns.If Mr. Deng gave a little hint, the harvest this time is destined to be very rich. After all, Director Xiao Deng came down with Shang Fang's sword.

There is no food place in Liushuwa Township, and all township food places were banned this spring. It was part of Dongfang county magistrate's first fire, and it also originated from the four dishes and one soup incident.Lunch is arranged in a small restaurant next to the township government. In places like Liushuwa Township, the restaurant is very simple and the ingredients are often prepared a long time ago.

As long as there are no diners, the freezer will be full, but people from the county never eat the stock in the freezer.It's amazing, just now the township government was empty, and when it was time to eat, people came out of nowhere.

Mr. Deng even wondered if there is still a signal tree here, as long as there is a meal here, the signal tree is brought down, so many people, etc., come out from every corner, and magically appear at the meal time!

Gu Yu, the chubby deputy secretary of the township party committee, looks like a Maitreya Buddha: "Welcome all leaders and comrades to come to Liushuwa Township for inspection and guidance!"

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