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Chapter 512 Vixen

Deng Hua held the upper edge with one hand, and sucked the outer wall of the cabinet with dark energy with the other hand, poked his toes into the bottom, and slowly moved the cabinet away from the wall.As expected, there is that kind of iron backboard behind the rolling cabinet.

This kind of backboard looks very strong, but in fact, for people like Deng Hua, there is no degree of safety at all.Although his body has just recovered, his internal strength is still less than one-third of his peak, so he can still be used as a thief!

Press one palm on the backboard, firmly suck the backboard like a vacuum suction cup, and slowly pull it outward.The iron backboards are snap lock type, that is, the four outer edges are evenly distributed with gaps, and the screws are fixed on the frame of the rolling cabinet.

If it is replaced by keyhole pressing, that is, the screw is fixed through the small hole, then it needs to be violently disassembled.Usually the screws are tightly pressed together, but pulling it away like Mr. Deng is like pulling out a piece of white paper from under a paperweight, there is no difference.

If there must be a difference, it is in this era, except for Mr. Deng, there is probably no other thief in the world who uses internal force to steal this kind of filing cabinet!Fortunately, Liushuwa Township is not yet luxurious enough to equip a safe, and it is estimated that there is nothing worth putting in a safe here.

Even if Secretary Wu Yu has some shady things, it is impossible to make a big fanfare and put them in a safe. Isn't there no silver 300 taels here!If there is a safe here, Mr. Deng doesn't want to scare the snake, so he can only run away. He is not a professional thief after all, and the safe is a bit difficult for him!

The iron backboard bulged out little by little, like a car belt about to blow out, and finally there was a clear "buzz", and the upper part was the first to be pulled away from the compression of the screws.Everything is under control, the voice is very soft, and it is estimated that it will not come out of this room.

One side is the first to pull away, and the things below are much easier to handle. The only thing that needs attention is the sound control.In the silent mountain village at night, almost every tiny sound was Huang Zhong Dalu.

Hold the upper edge of the iron sheet with one hand, and continue to exert force with the other hand. At the same time, you must be careful. If the iron sheet collides with the wall when it is pulled away, it will be terrible.Immediately afterwards, the lower side and the left and right sides were pulled away one after another. The whole filing cabinet looked like a stripped woman, and there was no defense at all in front of Mr. Deng!

Take out the flashlight, this thing is still the exclusive equipment of the Xiaolong army, if it is changed to 20 years later, this kind of miniature high-gloss flashlight can be found everywhere for more than ten and 20 yuan.It's different now. Except for some special industries, there is nowhere to buy such high-polymer battery flashlights.

On the top of the filing cabinet are books, in the middle are account books, and below are some sundries.A very simple rolling cabinet, no different from a normal one, a two-section rolling cabinet, the top of which can be seen at a glance.As for the bottom, it only takes two times to pull out the back panel again, and everything inside can be seen clearly.

Deng Hua didn't touch the account books. He didn't think that with his level as a junior high school student, he could find out the problems in other people's account books in a short period of time.Just what's wrong?Deng Hua took off all the four back panels of the two filing cabinets, and the insides were similar with minor differences. In the outer filing cabinets, there were no books on them, but some files.

Mr. Deng shrugged. It seemed that there would be no harvest tonight. One by one, he rearranged the back panels and put the filing cabinets back in place.Deng Hua was a little frustrated, why did he get nothing?No reason wow!

According to certain practices of Secretary Wu Yu, it is impossible for there to be no problems in the room. Where is the secret of the room?Looking around the room again, apart from the two metal filing cabinets, there was only the desk left.

The built-in lock on the desk didn't take him too much time, and it was even simpler inside.Maybe Liushuwa Township is too difficult, even some office paper is locked inside, as well as ink and a few seals.

In addition, there are just a few work diaries, which can be opened and flipped at will, nothing more than various trivial matters.It seems that there is no gain. It is a pity that Mr. Deng is not a detective and knows nothing about criminal psychology. Maybe the beautiful superintendent here can help him!

After looking again, he didn't leave any traces behind, Mr. Deng went back the same way, and the moment he stepped out of the window, a ray of inspiration flashed!It's just that there is a flashlight on the corner of the wall, it seems that the watchman has come to watch the night!

Deng Hua gritted his teeth, quickly restored the anti-theft steel bar to its original state, and gently closed the window.Turning around and quietly returning to his car, he pulled the blanket and was about to fall asleep with his head covered!


A shrill scream rang in Mr. Deng's ears, making him jump up in fright: "Who!"

Mr. Deng's courage is not ordinary, but the cry just now is not a human voice, it is a voice from hell, it is too terrifying!The flashlight in the corner fell to the ground with a clang. It seemed that the watchman was also frightened by the sound in the silent night!

Mr. Deng turned on the headlights of the car, making the inside of the car as bright as day. At this moment, the blanket was already curled up, with only one pair of eyes. He looked at Mr. Deng in horror, as if this one was also frightened by his own voice!

It's strange, even though I'm far away from the car, I can't hear anyone getting on the car.Who is the woman in the blanket?Unless they are also masters of ancient martial arts, when there are so many masters, a small Liushuwa Township is also hiding dragons and crouching tigers!

Mr. Deng looked at those eyes carefully, and there seemed to be something familiar in them, but under the fright, those charming eyes were seriously deformed: "Who are you? Why are you in my car?"

"I, Mr. Deng, I'm sorry, I had a nightmare just now, which scared you!"

The voice was very familiar, and I didn't remember which one it was for a while. The woman finally lifted the blanket, and she was wearing a very awkward outfit, which seemed to be stolen, and it didn't fit at all.Her hair was finally neatly combed, her eyes were still a little frightened, and she hugged her breasts tightly with both hands, like a little girl who was afraid of being raped.

It's a very ordinary woman who doesn't seem to know each other, but there is a familiar smell somewhere.Suddenly, Deng Hua had a little understanding: "It's you? Why are you here? How did you become like this? There are 500 million in that card, it must have been spent, right?"

"I lost my card!"

The woman was like a frightened rabbit, still hiding in the corner, Mr. Deng was stunned: "Lost it? But how did you find it here?"

While talking, the watchman ran over: "Deputy Director Deng, what happened?"

While asking, the watchman looked into the car while probing his head.The watchman is a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s. People in the mountains age quickly. I really can't say how old he is.

At this moment, the watchman's eyes are full of gossip, as if it is a great honor to find out the secrets of the leading cadres in the county!Deng Hua simply opened the car door and let him see enough: "A friend actually met here, hehe, I just came back from the outside, I was shocked, I thought it was a vixen in the mountains!"

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