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Chapter 517 Moral issues?

In addition to the whereabouts of more than one million funds are unknown, and there is no evidence of any cashier at all, there are still millions of funds that have not been distributed according to regulations.That is to say, those who do not meet the conditions for poverty alleviation enjoy the full amount of poverty alleviation funds, but those poor households do not get what they deserve at all.

National public financial funds come from all taxpayers and are used for public services, and their use should be as clean and clean as possible; this is especially true for poverty alleviation funds. For poor areas, poverty alleviation funds can be described as long-sought rain, which is especially precious and scarce.

Therefore, in Deng Hua's view, the integrity and efficiency of the use of poverty alleviation funds must adhere to the bottom line thinking, and implement zero tolerance for any corruption and profligacy. However, the reality is often ironic.

A few years later, the National Audit Office found that 19% of the 57 key counties audited for poverty alleviation and development had corruption and misappropriation of poverty alleviation funds, nearly 90% had the problem of defrauding poverty alleviation funds, and 52% had squandering. Such a high "occurrence rate" , indeed shocking.

It's just that with Mr. Deng's level, when encountering a professional job like checking accounts, he has no help other than watching from the sidelines.It took up to a week to sort out the accounts, and more than that, the investigation team, the cadres of the Discipline Inspection Department and the police investigators who arrived later, went to the mountain village.

All the members carefully investigated the evidence that Wu Yu and others had lived in Liushuwa Township for more than ten years, and that the fish and meat people ran rampant in the township.Just from the photos Mr. Deng found, there are more than 230 village women who have been slept by Secretary Wu Yu!

Having an improper relationship with the township leaders does not seem to be a shameful thing at all in Liushuwa Township.Some of them were forced to make ends meet, so they had to exchange their clean bodies for supplies for their families to survive the spring famine.

Some are greedy for profit and exchange their bodies with Wu Yu, for example, two female cadres in the village, and some female directors and private teachers in the village below.Regardless of the low income of private teachers, there is still a little fixed income in the countryside after all, and this is enough to make poor people in the ancient city fight for it!

What was found out of the investigation made Dongfang Yi grit her silver teeth, and the female county magistrate slammed the table: "We must be severely punished! This is a scum among officials! It will completely ruin the reputation of party members and cadres in Gucheng County, and leave too much in the hearts of ordinary people. Bad influence! At the same time, economic penalties must be imposed, and we must not be soft!"

Wang Shangchun frowned, he didn't expect Wu Yu's problem to be so serious, at first he thought it was just a trivial matter.From Secretary Wang's point of view, a little accounting problem is nothing to worry about, at most it is a small punishment.

But the information in front of him is really shocking. With this secretary who killed a hundred people, it seems that death is not a pity!Wu Yu was able to escape the audit time and time again, and received poverty alleviation funds from the Civil Affairs Bureau time and time again. He is definitely not a fool.

On the contrary, Secretary Wu is very shrewd, far surpassing many people in weaving interpersonal networks, and can always find a backer in the county.The original Yang Nianzu and later Zhao Jianjun are no longer just three backers when they come to Wang Shangchun.

Although Wu Yu's official career has not been promoted smoothly for more than ten years, he was always hesitant in the position of secretary of the township party committee because of petitions from some "troublemakers".However, with his overwhelming power in Liushuwa Township, he is absolutely comparable to the emperor of the land. As long as it is a woman he likes, he will get it.

Qiao Bin glanced at Secretary Wang and had a clue in his mind. If there was no problem with his style, Wu Yu would definitely not be imprisoned. At best, he would be frozen in the cold yamen.Maybe he will be dismissed for a period of time. Those are not problems.

Deputy county magistrate Qiao was also shocked by the results of the investigation, even though he had promised the two of them earlier that he would help to excuse them.But things were changing too fast, now it was no longer how to get rid of Wu Yu, but how to get rid of himself.Hey, this guy deserved it!

With Tang Ying's scandal, Qiao Bin felt disgusted and even hostile to those guys who liked married women.Every time I walk on the street, I seem to be able to feel the strange eyes of others, and occasionally hear the gossip of the green hat county magistrate.

At this moment, deputy county magistrate Qiao had a sullen face: "Wu Yu's morals are depraved! He not only covets wives, but even underage girls. It is no longer a question of official rank and character, but a question of human nature! Agree with Dongfang County The chief’s proposal is to severely punish the black sheep in the officialdom, to set the record straight and to correct the official style!"

"It's a pity!" Feng Lizhi sighed, put down the pen in his hand, like putting down a stone, "A black sheep like Wu Yu was not discovered by the Disciplinary Committee! As the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of Gucheng County, I will review my dereliction of duty! Next , The County Commission for Discipline Inspection will do a series of work on the life style of cadres, we must thoroughly investigate the extravagance and corruption among leading cadres, and we must deal with related cases severely!"

Hmph, Secretary Feng seems to have missed the point!Dongfang Yi frowned: "The Wu Yu incident is not a simple matter of style, but a matter of misappropriation of funds for poverty alleviation. Can the Discipline Inspection Commission face up to this problem instead of avoiding the serious ones?"

No one expected that the Dongfang county magistrate would be so direct, pointing to the vitals, and Secretary Feng was extremely embarrassed.In any level of the standing committee, the secretary of the discipline inspection committee is a detached existence. Except for the top leader, no one will question the discipline inspection department.

Dongfang county magistrate didn’t seem to care about those taboos at all, and his words were like knives, making Lao Feng flushed: “There are too many departments for poverty alleviation funds, and the civil affairs department must first check and correct themselves. If a problem is discovered, the County Commission for Discipline Inspection will definitely spare no effort to thoroughly investigate it to the end, and will never condone adultery!"

As the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of Gucheng County, Feng Lizhi already felt the pressure. Since taking over from Secretary Wu Tong as the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Gucheng County has hardly stopped, and even the top leaders of the government have become a typical example of corruption.

In fact, as the secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, Lao Feng has his own difficulties.In the eyes of outsiders, the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is ruthless and holds the greatest power in his hands, restricting almost every leading cadre.

Only Feng Lizhi himself understood the pain. Which one of the real power factions in the county has no backer?Take Wu Yu as an example. He was originally Zhao Jianjun's person, and later he joined Secretary Wang. Even if it was a trivial matter, how could he, Feng Lizhi, move?

It's just that these are really not humane, and besides, the discipline inspection department has always targeted officials who reported, so why would they intervene in advance?After all, the Commission for Discipline Inspection is not a law enforcement department. Even if it is a law enforcement department, it is impossible to exceed its authority and make arbitrary guesses and groundless investigations on certain people and things.

As for those villagers petitioning, accusing Wu Yu of embezzlement and perverting the law, and accusing his wife and daughter of being raped, how many of those bloody and tearful histories will be handed over to Feng Lizhi?How much evidence can be produced to make Secretary Feng truly indignant and conduct a thorough investigation?

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