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Chapter 521 Ye Yingxuan

Mo Ju had a bitter face: "Mom, look at brother, he always forces us to study, it's very hard, and he didn't even finish his meal!"

"Xiao Huazi, don't bully my sister!" Before the old lady could speak, Deng Mingyi spoke, also not giving Mr. Deng any face, "The two girls study very hard, you must know how to love others, and don't put pressure on them!"

Depression!The smug looks on the faces of the two little girls completely dispelled Mr. Deng's attempt to turn things around.Who made him not have a high status at home? Not only at home, but also in the work unit, Deputy Manager Deng's status is not high!

The supply and marketing association doesn't have many affairs. If there is a boss who has many affairs, no matter how innocent the unit is, it will become troubled.Ye Yingxuan is the daughter of Wen Lingxian, Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee.Manager Ye is young. Before he came to Gucheng County to work as the manager of the Supply and Marketing Association, he had been working in the Youth League Provincial Committee.

In fact, Ye Yingxuan is only 24 and a half years old, born in 1970, only two years older than Mr. Deng.Manager Ye looked at everyone with a slightly condescending look, and looked at Deng Hua with a little more scrutiny.

Ye Yingxuan's experience in working in the Youth League Committee did not actually bring much fruitful political achievements to Ye Yingxuan.However, who said that political achievements must be required for promotion?It was precisely through the constant changes that Manager Ye's resume was enriched, and along with it came levels.

In fact, Ye Yingxuan is just a graduate of a third-rate university. In middle school, women were obsessed with smug beauty and puppy love, so they didn't have the heart to study at all.It's a pity that during the college entrance examination, the man performed exceptionally well and was admitted to Yenching University in one fell swoop. The distance between him and women became very different.

The fragile first love couldn't resist the gap created by the distance at all, and the fate between the two only lasted for three years in high school, and it became unresolved as they entered college.The world is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. Ye Yingxuan did not become motivated because of a broken relationship, but pursued the male god in her heart even more.

In just four years, four brief romances made Secretary Wen miserable.Anyone who has such a daughter will probably have a headache!Sending my daughter to Gucheng County is not only to let her accumulate political achievements in Qingyuan City, the place with the fastest economic development, but also to make her shine!

The problem is that Secretary-General Wen thinks this way, Ye Yingxuan may not think so, some people will never be content.For work needs, the supply and marketing association has a half-truck to deliver goods to the rural supply and marketing cooperatives, which is already a luxury.

It was absolutely unbearable for Manager Ye to just go to the countryside in a truck, so the woman stared at Mr. Deng's Hummer.In her view, the Hummer is just a relatively bulky car, only slightly stronger than a half car.

The problem is that the conditions in Gucheng County are so low, Ye Yingxuan had no choice, so she called Deng Hua to the office early in the morning: "Comrade Deng Hua, I'm going to investigate today, can I borrow your car?"


Deng Hua was taken aback. Lai Kun had only borrowed his car once, and that was the only time the Hummer was seriously injured!In the past, there were several female passengers in the Hummer, needless to say the sister secretary, and the later Dongfang county magistrate.

The two women did not requisition the Hummer because they were superior leaders. After all, it was Mr. Deng's personal property.It's just that the two women are extremely smart. They don't borrow cars, but they borrow cars with others.

At that time, Mr. Deng didn't refuse at all, or he had no reason to refuse, and he didn't even give gas money but still offered a smiling face.But Mr. Deng did it voluntarily. No one forced him. The first thing this manager did when we met was to borrow a car. Borrowing a 200 million luxury car is as casual as borrowing a bicycle!

"I'm sorry!" Deng Hua smiled slightly, and Ye Yingxuan's expression changed, "Isn't it good to simply borrow a car? Or can Manager Ye come with the driver?"

Manager Ye was taken aback. The woman never thought of letting Mr. Deng act as the driver. She longed for the feeling of driving a Hummer over mountains and mountains.It's like climbing the mountains in life. It's a challenge. What's the point of having a man who's not much younger than you be the driver?

It's just that the woman frowned when she thought of the leaking truck. It was better to endure a good-looking little man than the half-old truck driver.It is said that Mr. Deng looks pretty good, at least much better than Ye Yingxuan's previous boyfriends.

The only regret is that this kid is only a junior high school graduate, and his future prospects are limited.As she grew older, Ye Yingxuan's eyesight also grew, and now just a little boy can no longer impress Manager Ye's heart.

As for the properties of the Deng family, with Secretary Wen's position, there are some rich people who are chasing after them.At least until now, Ye Yingxuan still doesn't know how useful it is to accumulate too much money.

A second-generation ancestor who doesn't care about food and clothes, how could he think of the family's firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea!In fact, many people in this era do not take money seriously. It is far from ten years later, when money is almost the standard for measuring everything.

Women want to be rich and handsome, and men want to find Bai Fumei. Now Ye Yingxuan is finally innocent: "Then work hard for Deputy Manager Deng. Let's go to the countryside together to inspect the situation of the grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives."

It could be seen that Manager Ye disliked his self-recommendation as a driver.Deng Hua didn't care either. He cared more about his Hummer. Letting a woman who had never lived in the mountains drive a Hummer on mountain roads was irresponsible to the car, and also irresponsible to Manager Ye.

The two of them didn't let other people accompany them. Manager Ye didn't seem to like interacting with others, or in other words, he didn't like interacting with the cadres and masses of the Gucheng County Supply and Marketing Association.It's no wonder that these people are a little far away from the world Ye Yingxuan lives in.

Manager Ye was sitting in the back, but he was not sitting in the co-pilot. Such a subtle detail made Deng Hua smile.Is the woman using such a way to show the distance between herself and herself?Along the way, the principal and deputy manager of the Supply and Marketing Association hardly communicated at all!

The so-called grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives have been squeezed out by the increasingly prosperous small shops in the countryside. Those small shops may not have so much supplies, but there is one thing that the grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives cannot match.Almost every small shop in a village has an account book, an account book for credit.

For farmers, money is never so easy, and debts are the mainstream of small shops.Supply and Marketing Cooperatives are no longer the only choice for farmers. As for those agricultural supplies, those clothes and daily necessities, etc., which are not available in small shops, the rural market held three times a month has become the best supplement.

The same money is spent, and farmers will not like to go to the high-ranking supply and marketing cooperatives to choose, because the faces of the waiters there are too cold.Sometimes questioning the economic strength of farmers is actually hurting farmers' self-esteem.Whether it is a small store or a mobile vendor in the market, they will definitely treat every customer with the fullest enthusiasm.

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