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Chapter 547 Walking Tractor Factory

The policemen at the scene were silent. Don't think that the policemen acted recklessly against Mr. Deng because they had no leadership and ignored the internal rules of the police.In Qingyuan City Police, Chief Bei has a high prestige, and no one in the bureau dares to challenge the prestige of the chief.

It is said that the higher-ups have moved to upgrade the specifications of the Municipal Bureau. The most important point is to promote the director of the Municipal Bureau by half a rank and be promoted to the deputy mayor.Benoy is at a critical inflection point, and any sign of trouble may lead to the failure of this promotion.

Many people in the police know this rumor, and they all know what it means to Director Benoy that such a incident happened in this sensitive period.In fact, Director Bei is very defensive. Without his protection of the police, it would be impossible to develop an arrogant and domineering professional style.

The ethos of a unit, not to mention all, at least 110% is brought out by the leaders.In fact, it doesn’t matter whether it’s three traffic policemen, a few [-] police officers, and the police officers who checked the bed that night.

Although their actions were not ordered by Director Bei, they are also inseparable from Director Bei.This is also the reason why Dongfang Yi didn't give Bei Nuo a good face. As the No.1 police officer in Qingyuan City, Director Bei seems to have neglected many things.

The three traffic policemen were looking for trouble, and almost delayed the whole morning. Today's work was all messed up. Dongfang Yi simply drove to find a restaurant and ordered a table of dishes: "This meal can be regarded as a dinner for the establishment of the unit. Although there are fewer people, the atmosphere is still good. Have it!"

"I'm sorry, Mayor Dong!" Deng Hua felt that today's incident was still caused by himself, and he raised his glasses to apologize to Dongfang Yi. The little man doesn't mean he didn't take responsibility.Mr. Deng has never been the kind of person who dare not take responsibility, "If it wasn't for me, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. I invite you for this meal."

Chairman Dongfang glared: "It is necessary for you to treat guests, who made you a local tyrant. Just apologize, and you have no credit for getting the Liao family's funds to Gucheng County. Doing work is all about results, regardless of means. , not to mention that we still adopt an aboveboard approach. The state-owned asset management company is a brand-new unit, and it needs an indomitable work attitude. Remember, as long as it is beneficial to work, just do it!"

Mr. Deng finally understood that Dongfangyi announced the establishment of a state-owned asset management company in Qingyuan City today in a different way.Presumably after today, the entire officialdom of Qingyuan City will remember that the state-owned asset management company was established, and there is a particularly powerful Mayor Dong who is comparable to the leader of the municipal party committee.

To be honest, working under such a leader gives me confidence and motivation!The hearts of women are deep, and the scheming of women from Dongfang aristocratic families is even more profound. Dongfang Yi is so strong because she realizes the difficulties of the pilot enterprise restructuring. The purpose is to warn some people.

In my previous life, I heard that there was a sold-out county magistrate in Jiaodong Province.It was not until more than ten years later that the one who had already ascended to the throne of governor was "corrupted" because he followed the wrong person.

Only the children of aristocratic families with such background have the confidence to forcefully promote some new policies. If it were an ordinary person, even Shan Kai, the mayor of Qingyuan City, would have difficulty walking.It is estimated that the establishment of a state-owned asset management company at the beginning and who to choose as the mayor also made Liao Jing a lot of thinking.

Qingyuan City has richer qualifications than Dongfangyi, more talented and more thoughtful cadres than Dongfangyi.How many department-level cadres are there in a Qingyuan city?It's just that none of those people has Dongfang Yi's confidence, and none of them can ignore the rules.

However, the pilot enterprise restructuring needs just one person to break the old order and take food from vested interest groups.It can be said that this is an arduous task, with infinite scenery and dangerous peaks ahead.

If one is not careful, the executors of the enterprise restructuring pilot will be beaten to death by rigid physiques and conservative groups.The lunch was very sumptuous, and Chairman Dongfang seemed to put the unhappiness behind him every time he spent money, talking and laughing in the blink of an eye.

Don't drink alcohol at lunch, this is the rule set by Dongfang Yi, Mr. Deng just eats heartily.The table was full of delicacies, but more than half of them were taken down by Deputy Manager Deng, who had a great appetite. The two women admired the young man's appetite very much.

According to Chairman Dongfang: "You are the most edible person I have ever seen!"

Deng Hua is a little embarrassed, isn't it because he eats a lot, and there is no limit, so there is no need to talk about it!Embarrassment is embarrassment, it can't affect Mr. Deng's appetite in the slightest, food is the paramount necessity of the people, so Deputy Manager Deng will not wrong his stomach because of the woman's eyes.

The three of them were feasting in the restaurant, and a group of people from the City Walking Tractor Factory had been waiting for Chairman Dongfang's visit.To be honest, several factory leaders did not take a new mother-in-law seriously. Qingyuan City has been tossing and tossing over the years, and they have established various company departments.

The establishment of these brands is nothing more than making money from enterprises in disguise. For an underdeveloped city like Qingyuan City, finances will always be tight.Therefore, in addition to the normal tax payment, all enterprises and institutions always have to be robbed, which is already an unwritten practice.

Right now, the factory manager is in charge of the system. The factory manager Wu Yongzhou keeps looking at his watch. Lao Wu is a college student in the 60s, and college students at that time were very expensive!Wu Yongzhou is a leader in mechanical engineering. He has been making innovations and inventions since he was a student. Therefore, he was regarded as a treasure by the Machinery Manufacturing Factory, the predecessor of the Municipal Walking Tractor Factory, and invited him to be the person in charge of technological innovation in the factory.

Wu Yongzhou is indeed very talented. In the second year after graduation, he was promoted to be the deputy director of the workshop, in charge of new product research and development.It's a pity that Lao Wu was born at an untimely time, and the third year of the red era came, and Lao Wu was labeled as a typical white master, a stinky old nine!

Later, because of some complaints, he was labeled as a rightist. If the old secretary and a group of veteran cadres hadn't protected him, he might have become an active counter-revolutionary!After wasting for 14 years, it was not until 1980 that Wu Yongzhou returned to the factory from the labor camp below.

The high-spirited young man in the past turned into a middle-aged man with premature blooms in an instant, and all the things that were one step ahead 20 years ago no longer exist.Resigned in danger.Wu Yongzhou, the technical deputy director of the machinery manufacturing plant, organized the technical force in the plant to tackle key problems and develop products suitable for the Jiangnan water town.

In 1984, the Machinery Manufacturing Factory officially changed its name to the City Walking Tractor Factory, and Wu Yongzhou became the first factory director elected by the masses, which has remained to this day.In the past ten years, the Municipal Walking Tractor Factory has made countless brilliant achievements, earning a lot of income for Qingyuan City, and becoming a well-known large profit and tax household in Qingyuan City.

It's just that in the past few years, with the sluggish growth of grain prices, farmers' investment in production materials has decreased year by year. The products of the city's walking tractor factory, which used to be easy for the emperor's daughter to marry, have become slow-selling goods.

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