Dongfang Qiming and Liao Hong's statements are not leaders in the usual sense, especially the former, which is equivalent to the leadership of the central government.With Secretary Dongfang's approval, it was definitely a surprise for Dongfang Yi and Liao Jing.

For the two beautiful leaders, Secretary Dongfang was not sure about Deng Hua, but about the work of Qingyuan City.Dongfang Yi is a little proud. From the woman's point of view, she is Deng's bole. Without her own discovery, the little boy is still wandering in the ravine!

Deputy Secretary Liao paid more attention to Secretary Dongfang's affirmation. With Dongfang Qiming's affirmation, women's careers in Qingyuan City will flourish!For Liao Jing right now, it is very important whether he can go further, and the most important thing is the approval of the high-level.

The reason why Deng Hua and Dongfang Yi were transferred from Gucheng County to the city was to accumulate rich political achievements and to make their promotion a logical one.As long as the enterprise restructuring pilot project is recognized by the above, it will be enough for the Huaiyang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government to recognize its own capabilities.

It doesn't even matter whether the pilot enterprise restructuring is successful or not. For Deputy Secretary Liao, it is more appropriate to be an advocate and blueprint drawer, rather than an executor.Liao Jing doesn't want to have too many interpersonal interactions in her work and life, except for business affairs.

Unlike the Grand Channel Plan, the pilot enterprise restructuring does not require much state capital investment, and can establish one or even a group of benchmark enterprises in the closed Huaiyang Province.Therefore, once this proposal was put forward, it attracted the attention of many people, not just the Planning and Economic Committee.

Among them, Dongfang Qiming played a role in fueling the flames. During several investigations in ministries and commissions, Secretary Dongfang praised the work of Qingyuan City, especially Deng Hua, the initiator of several planning projects.

For the boss, Mr. Deng is too far away. The more this is the case, the more it shows that the chief is approachable.In fact, the subtext of Secretary Dongfang was well known to those old officials. Dongfang Qiming's statement was more of an endorsement of Qingyuan City, of Liao Jing, and of Dongfang Yi.

For Liao Jing and Dongfang Yi, enough is enough!Wu Shi, Secretary of the Huaiyang Provincial Party Committee, Mei Xudong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, and Lai Renqing, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization, are all well-informed, and they were informed of Yanjing City's movements as early as the first time.

"Secretary Renqing, which year did Comrade Yue Huan from Qingyuan City start working?"

Secretary Wu seemed to be chatting, and Lai Renqing was very clear about the deep meaning of the secretary: "Comrade Yue Huan is in the prime of life, and the director of the People's Congress of Qingyuan City has arrived. Wouldn't it be better to be transferred to the Provincial Political Consultative Conference? After all, the task of the Municipal People's Congress is heavy. At least, it’s better to let the young people go on top!”

"The central government advocates rejuvenation of cadres, and it is more scientific and more in line with the local reality of Qingyuan City." Secretary Wu Shi nodded, "The Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee must boldly appoint new people, and cultivate a group of reserves for the party and the country. talent."

Lai Renqing pondered for a while: "The Party School of the Provincial Party Committee will hold a training class for reserve cadres at the beginning of next year to train a group of reserve talents for the county, department and department levels. The previous training courses have achieved remarkable results. Provoked the main beam and became the backbone of the modernization drive."

The two big brothers have a tacit understanding, but just a few words have already decided the political fate of some people.At the same time, Old Lan of Yanjing City summoned Xiao Deng, and Lan Xin sat in the passenger seat, looking at the little boy from time to time with deep affection in his eyes.

The sensitive Mr. Deng didn't dare to turn his head, he was afraid of scaring the little girl, Lan Xin was still too shy.Until now, Mr. Deng didn't dare to go any further with the little girl, and he could feel the little girl's violent heartbeat when making out.

The two came to Lao Lan's residence again. Ever since Mr. Deng helped relieve the pain in his waist, the old man has become younger and younger. Now he actually started to practice Tai Chi: "Xiao Deng, how is my posture?"

"Grandpa, I don't know Tai Chi, it's hard to say."

Standing by the side, watching the old man's complete boxing routine quietly, Deng Hua's performance made the old man very satisfied.At Deng Hua's age, it's rare to be like a virtuous little woman when she is quiet: "Slippery! Didn't you say that different routes lead to the same goal? You are a master of ancient martial arts, how could you not know?"

Helping the old man to sit on the easy chair, and helping the two make tea, Lan Xin gently massaged the old man with both hands: "Grandpa, you are so embarrassing!"

"Haha, Xin'er is still afraid that grandpa will make things difficult for little Deng?" The old man looked at Mr. Deng with a smile, and Mrs. Lan was very satisfied with Deng's performance during this period, "Aren't you very courageous in front of Dongfang Qiming and Liao Hong? "

"Actually, martial arts are not one kind. To say that they come to the same goal by different routes means that they are of the same kind. For example, they are both killing skills, and they cannot have much in common with fitness and physical exercise." Deng Hua took a sip of tea, "There are many things. If you are not an expert, you will not be able to find the difference, that is, the so-called insider sees the doorway and the layman watches the excitement."

Lan Lao smiled: "Boy, no wonder they say you don't look like a junior high school student. I heard that you are studying correspondence. How about it?"

"Uh, I made you laugh!" Deng Hua was startled, who could arrange himself in front of the old man?It seems that I am a little pretending, "I am still studying for the correspondence course, hehe, I am not suitable for studying, and studying is far more difficult than practicing martial arts. Up to now, the leaders have looked down on the plans I wrote, that is my shortcoming !"

"Hahahahaha!" The old man burst into laughter, and even Lan Xin covered her mouth and smiled lightly. Lan Lao pointed to Deng Hua, "You, you! Dare to face yourself, dare to expose your faults, you can be regarded as a One advantage! But you are still young, just not smart enough, the future of China needs knowledgeable talents to control, how can you succeed without a good background?"

"Yes, I listened to my grandfather, and I will definitely get the correspondence college diploma on time!" To be honest, for Mr. Deng, the correspondence college is very hard, and he has to study.In his previous life, he missed many opportunities because of a diploma. In this life, since he doesn't want to rely on his father's money to support his position, he must get the diploma.

As for the matter of buying fake diplomas, Mr. Deng will never do it. If that thing explodes at a critical moment, it will definitely ruin his political life.Those that were exposed in the previous world were not only fake diplomas, but also many fake products.

Deng Hua would not believe it if there were no people with a heart to operate it, and many of them were deliberately done by political opponents.That's right, there are some things in China's officialdom that lie to the upper and lower. Whether a person has received higher education, as long as he investigates his old comrades, everything will be clear.

However, things like diplomas, party certificates, and various advanced commendations are purely in the files and are state secrets.If there is no insider to poke it out, it is impossible for outsiders to have that kind of channel to make those documents public.

The old man smiled and looked at his granddaughter: "Xin'er, you should help Xiao Deng more when you have time. You should love each other, make progress together, and grow old together!"

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