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Chapter 610 Women's Compensation

"It hasn't been concretely formed yet," Liao Jing's eyes flashed a trace of guilt, "it is initially decided that the first batch of restructuring pilot enterprises include Walking Tractor Factory, Grain, Oil and Foodstuffs Co., Ltd., Metal Materials Company, Municipal Fertilizer Factory, and Municipal State-owned Longhua Radio Instrument Factory. Deng Hua, some things may wrong you, I wonder which company you are interested in?"

Dongfang Yi glanced at Deng Hua quickly, and the woman instantly understood that Secretary Liao couldn't return the restructuring of the tractor factory to Deng Hua.With a faint sigh in my heart, none of the members of the Standing Committee is a fuel-efficient lamp, and there are figures of great gods behind them.Regardless of whether it is the Eastern family or the Liao family, they will definitely not try their best to fight for the little Deng Hua.

Everything you do is based on the exchange of interests. For the sake of small deputy officials, to offend the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the forces behind them, everyone knows that it is a bad deal!To be honest, Liao Jing was able to consult Deng Hua, which was already a great deal of face, just like transferring him to Qingyuan State-owned Assets Management and Operation Co., Ltd.

Deputy Secretary Liao didn't need to discuss it, and the problem was solved with a single transfer order. Obviously, Liao Jing didn't continue to regard Deng Hua as an ordinary deputy-level bureaucrat.Deng Hua was deeply touched by this. As for the relationship with Sister Yuying, or others, those are not important.

Mr. Deng managed to get all the eight dishes and one soup in front of him, and the two daughters were dumbfounded: "It doesn't matter which company, what I need is the maximum autonomy, not the project department that I got, being picked peaches again."

The man's words reveal a strong self-confidence, as if no matter what kind of business, it will be brought back to life in his hands.Liao Jing waved her hand and asked the waiter to remove the tableware and put the tea set back on. Deputy Secretary Liao made the tea himself.

The woman's leisurely and calm appearance seemed to have a strange influence, and Dongfang Yi's mood gradually calmed down.A group of second-generation ancestors in the company competed, causing Dongfang Yi to lose her sense of control, and almost had a dispute with those guys.

After pouring water on all three of them, Deputy Secretary Liao said: "I am afraid that the above-mentioned companies are all under their caps. The difference is who will get the control of the walking tractor factory. If I give up all the projects, I must be able to In exchange for a chance, a chance to be nominated. Or, Deng Hua can be in charge of a project department with Dongfang, have you decided which company to use?"

Indeed, depending on Mr. Deng himself, it is impossible for any company to bear the achievements of any company.The best result is to be regarded as an advocate. If the walking tractor factory is easily taken away by others, it is already considered a very good result.

"If," Deng Hua raised his head, looked at Liao Jing with a smile, and then turned to Dongfang Yi, "I mean, if you choose a pharmaceutical company, would Mayor Dong be willing to join me?"

The two women were stunned. The City Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Materials Company was probably the most miserable company in Qingyuan City. To put it bluntly, the Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Materials Company was a company that purchased and sold Chinese herbal medicines.It has a Chinese patent medicine company, a Chinese medicine drink company, and a Chinese medicine health care product company.

It has to be said that the tide of health care products sweeping China today is already a thing of the past. In fact, even when the tide of health care products is surging, the traditional Chinese medicine health care products in Qingyuan City are still half dead.

There are no special products, no unique marketing strategies, and the traditional Chinese medicine and health care products company in Qingyuan City is out of the crowd among the many health care products companies!If it's just these things, that's all. The terrible thing is that both companies are still in debt. I have to say that those prodigal sons of government and businessmen are absolutely top-notch!

As for Chinese patent medicine companies and Chinese medicine drink companies, they have been producing prescriptions decades ago, such as Niuhuangjiedu pills, Niuhuangjiedu tablets, cough syrup and so on.These medicines produced by Chinese patent medicine companies and Chinese medicine drink companies in various places have no hope of going out except relying on local protectionism and administrative orders to sell a little.

According to the two senior officials in Yanjing City, Deng Hua said that the pharmaceutical company has a broader development space, and the establishment of a biological products Co., Ltd. will vigorously develop the Chinese medicine economy.In the eyes of the two women, there is no practical significance, after all, the foundation is too weak.

The two women did not expect that Deng Hua would choose such a project. Liao Jing frowned: "If you choose a pharmaceutical company, I don't think anyone will argue with you. It's just that you have to think clearly, as long as you decide, list the pharmaceutical company as a backup." If you choose a project, there is no room for change.”

After all, this pilot enterprise reform is not just an internal matter in Qingyuan City, it has already alarmed the senior officials of Huaiyang Province and even the leaders of relevant central departments.Now the above is waiting, waiting for Qingyuan City to finally report to participate in the pilot project.

Deng Hua nodded: "Thank you, Secretary Liao, for your concern. I will choose the pharmaceutical and medicinal materials company, and I believe that the pharmaceutical and medicinal materials company has a bright future! Of course, the restructuring of the biological products company will cost a lot, and it will be a high-input and high-output enterprise. s project."

"Okay, if you decide, I'm with you!"

Dongfang Yi didn't hesitate, she answered Mr. Deng very firmly, the determination in her eyes made Deng Hua's heart warm.After all, a woman is a high-ranking daughter of an aristocratic family, and it takes more than courage to accompany him as a small person to toss around!

Mr. Deng suddenly felt a little heavy on his shoulders: "Thank you, Mayor Dong, for your trust in me. Please rest assured Secretary Liao and Mayor Dong. Backed by China's most important source of Chinese medicinal materials, Biological Products Co., Ltd. will surely go to glory!"

The man's sudden burst of self-confidence moved both women's hearts. The pharmaceutical company had tried several times before.A company that buys Chinese medicinal materials at the price of cabbage but cannot make a profit is not an isolated case of a pharmaceutical company.

China's current general climate determines that traditional Chinese medicine has been sluggish, and it is basically not competitive in front of Western medicine.For example, if you have a small cold, few people choose to drink bitter medicine soup, and there are not many Chinese patent medicines for treating colds, so patients have no choice.

Not only the common people don't believe in Chinese medicine, but doctors also don't believe in Chinese medicine. Those doctors more often believe in modern medical equipment, rather than Chinese medicine!They believe in those synthetic chemicals, not in ancient Chinese medicine formulas.

In Mr. Deng's view, Chinese medicine prescriptions are not perfect, but they are definitely not useless.Just like western medicine and western medicine have the world's largest scientific and technological strength and the world's most advanced diagnostic equipment, but there are still incurable diseases!

"If it is confirmed that it is a pharmaceutical company, maybe we can get some financial support!" Mr. Deng's choice certainly solved a problem for Secretary Liao, but it also made the woman feel that she owed something. "It is estimated to be around 500 million, which should be enough. The turnover of the pilot restructuring of the subordinate enterprises of the pharmaceutical and medicinal materials company.”

Deng Hua shook his head: "Not enough, not far enough!"

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