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Chapter 642 Resistance

Liu Hujun, member of the Qingyuan Municipal Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee, and deputy secretary, visited the former German Democratic Republic and the reunified Germany when he was the deputy secretary of the Youth League Provincial Party Committee. He has deep feelings for Germans and Germany.

Secretary Liu said in a deep voice: "Germans have a rigorous personality. So far, German joint ventures in China are undoubtedly the most successful. Introducing German technology and learning the world's most advanced energy-saving standards are of great significance to Qingyuan City. profound significance."

"Britain!" Ferron raised his voice, "As the first country in the world to step into capitalism, the British own the world's top companies. It is the most sensible choice to introduce technology there!"

How could it be such a mess?Dongfang Yi didn't expect that where to go would become the focus of debate among the Standing Committee members. Look at the indifferent Liao Jing.Having been with Secretary Liao for a long time, Dongfang got to know Liao Jing better and better. Secretary Liao's expression at this time was already dissatisfied with the meeting.

Taking advantage of the intermission, Dongfang Yi went to Secretary Liao's office and sat on the sofa angrily: "Secretary, is it that important where to go to learn the scriptures? Why don't you make a decision right away? We can't afford to delay!"

Liao Jing smiled slightly: "Dongfang, you are too impatient. This is not your style. The Standing Committee still insists on democracy. Even if I am the secretary, I must respect the opinions of comrades."

"But..." Dongfang Yi stopped abruptly, and she suddenly remembered that it should not be Secretary Liao who is in a hurry, but Zhang Wei, acting mayor!That's right, the Standing Committee was convened by Zhang Wei. The two sessions will be held soon, and the acting mayor wants to make some achievements, so that the representatives who have votes in their hands can see their abilities.

Now that Liao Jing has settled on Diaoyutai, she seems to want to take the opportunity to ask Mayor Zhang for favors!Not only that, the achievements of the advocates of the enterprise restructuring pilot project have been settled, and Secretary Liao doesn't seem to need to be so anxious.

Liao Jing seemed to see through the woman's mind, and sighed quietly: "To be honest, I can't make up my mind where to go. According to Deng Hua, going to Japan may be the best choice. But you also saw it. Members of the Standing Committee are not optimistic about that side, the damage that the little devil brought to this land was too deep!"

Although it is a bit far-fetched, it cannot be denied that what the little devil did in Qingyuan City back then left deep wounds on the people of Qingyuan City.If any ruler does not pay attention to this point, he may be rejected collectively by the deputies of the National People's Congress. Undoubtedly, this is also where Zhang Wei struggles.

"Does it take a few more days of meetings before a decision can be made?" Dongfang Yi was a little frustrated. The members of the Standing Committee seemed to have ignored the hard work of the cadres below.The choice of Japan as the target was after careful consideration. At the very least, you can apply for a Japanese government loan.

Japan's aid to China includes three parts: paid aid, free aid and technical assistance. The paid aid part is the so-called yen loan, the free aid part is Japan's grant to China, and the technical assistance is provided by Japan for free to China. Technical cooperation such as personnel training.

On the night after Fei Haiqing's appointment in Yanjing City, Deng Hua went to Japan to give an explanation. Both Dongfang Yi and Liao Jing agreed with this plan.It's just that when it comes to national feelings, as Liao Jing said, the little devil committed too much crime back then and caused too much harm to the local people.

Mr. Deng has no time or qualification to participate in the high-level decisions. The establishment of Biological Products Co., Ltd. is true, and it faces many problems.This is almost a copy of the team of the pharmaceutical company, the organization is bloated, and the executive power of the management is poor. The manager of the pharmaceutical company, Tang Feng, is busy with the affairs of Tang's Chinese medicine company all day long, so he doesn't care about this side at all.

Manager Tang didn't even have the heart to deal with the evaluation of state-owned assets, so Deng Hua frowned: "When will Manager Tang come back?"

"I don't know!" Qian Shinian, the director of the office of the pharmaceutical company, was tired of being interrogated by a doll like an interrogation, which was too embarrassing.It's just that he is not a big official, but his position is extraordinarily public. The State-owned Assets Management and Operation Co., Ltd. is the most popular unit in Qingyuan City right now.

As soon as it was established here, it has managed many enterprises, has assets of hundreds of millions of yuan, and has taken on the important task of piloting enterprise restructuring.Deng, as the assistant to the general manager and the head of the planning and development department, is also the person directly responsible for the restructuring of Biological Products Co., Ltd., and his authority is real.

Even though he is just a small cadre at the deputy department level, in front of him, he is full of confidence.Deng Hua gritted his teeth with hatred: "I must contact Manager Tang immediately and find someone to go to his house. Hurry up! The time for enterprise restructuring is tight and the tasks are heavy. He must be present for the assessment of state-owned assets and the registration of those negative assets. How can we play missing?" Woolen cloth?"

On the one hand, Pan Xiaozao, deputy manager and secretary of the party committee of the pharmaceutical company, coughed: "Comrade Deng Hua, Manager Tang is going to the provincial capital on business. He may go down to investigate the procurement of medicinal materials this year. It is difficult to contact without a phone."

Obviously, the leading cadres here didn't take Assistant Deng as a dish, that's right, Pan Xiaozao, a senior deputy director, was already doing Mr. Deng a lot of face by being here, what else do you want?It's just that Deng Hua's business is indeed busy here, and the city has decided where to purchase, and it is destined to purchase a batch of brand-new equipment.

It's just that until now, not to mention the internal fundraising of the pharmaceutical company, even the mortgage loan has not been settled, how could Deng Hua not be in a hurry.It doesn't help others to be anxious. Manager Tang is the legal representative and the key person.

The two people in front of them didn't take this seriously at all. Deng Hua was impatient: "Secretary Pan, please think of a way again. The city will send people to go abroad to investigate and purchase soon. If you can't catch up with this bus, the pharmaceutical material company The restructuring will be in trouble."

"Haha, Comrade Xiao Deng, you are busy." Pan Xiaozao stood up and said goodbye with a smile on his face. "The company has recently undergone a high-level restructuring, causing panic. I have to deal with some chores and I don't have time for company. Sorry!"

In a blink of an eye, there was only Mr. Deng, the bare-handed commander, left in the room. It seemed that the restructuring of the pharmaceutical company was not accepted by the company's leadership.They put Xiao Deng's assistant aside, and they didn't look anxious at all.

Presumably, as the senior executives of a pharmaceutical company, there must be various interests involved in it, and the restructuring will touch the fundamental interests of a group of people!Deng Hua gritted his teeth. Mayor Zhang obviously wanted to restructure related projects and introduce equipment and technology before the two sessions.

It is already December, time is running out, and extraordinary measures must be used to promote the restructuring of the pharmaceutical company.However, Tang Feng's dignified department-level cadres are not Liushuwa Township Party Secretary Wu Yu, who tossed the pharmaceutical company to pieces and was able to secure his official position.

Deng Hua thought over and over again, this matter should go to Mayor Dong, or even Secretary Liao.Before he could leave, the phone rang: "Hi, I'm Deng Hua!"

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