"Where," Deng Hua scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, "Sister Si Yu was joking, I can cook noodles and scrambled eggs, and I can't do anything else. These are all handwritten by famous chefs, that is, with the help of my kitchen, several The master just left."

Chairman Dongfang didn't care about Si Yu's eyes. Today, the woman wanted to comfort the little boy: "Okay, it doesn't matter who made it, the important thing is that it is rich enough and delicious enough! Si Yu, first of all congratulations, you can go to the Provincial Party School for further study , let's meet again at the party school, cheers!"

"I wish the two sisters can go to the next level after this training!" Mr. Deng didn't know what a good opportunity he had lost, and his smile was still bright. "The company won the third of the four places in Qingyuan City, which shows that the province The leaders of the provincial government attach great importance to the pilot project of enterprise restructuring!"

Dongfang Yi's face darkened, the advocate of the pilot enterprise restructuring was the little boy in front of him, but he didn't get the approval from the above.In other words, without competing for a cadre with a background against the sky, an excellent opportunity for further study was divided up by some people!

It seems that Mr. Deng did not get the training opportunity of the reserve cadre training class, it was entirely his own fault.The woman has been blaming herself, if the quota won is not given to Qingyuan City, maybe it will be another result.

Just like helping Si Yu fight for a spot, as long as the spot is in hand, when the training class starts, Deng Hua will go to the class, won't there be a chance to make trouble!It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world, no matter how defiant Dongfang Yi is, it is impossible to change the decision of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee!

"Stop talking, let's drink!" Dongfang Yi suddenly burst into pride, and poured wine for the three of them, "I wish the State-owned Assets Management and Operation Co., Ltd. a successful pilot reform, cheers!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two people to respond, he raised his neck and poured a glass of wine into his throat! "Cough, cough, cough", the absent-minded woman choked on the alcohol immediately!It is not so comfortable to be choked by high-grade Moutai, and the woman's nose and tears are flowing.

Before Si Yu could make a move, Deng Hua was the first to react, and stepped forward to gently stroke Dongfang's back, using his internal energy to help the woman straighten out her breath.Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, the temperature in Qingyuan City is not low. There is air conditioning in the house, and it is close to [-] degrees.

As soon as the two women entered the room, they took off their coats. At this time, Dongfang only had a thin shirt on his body.Under the warm lighting of the restaurant, Si Yu could even see the cutie in Dongfang Yinei.

The position where the little boy stroked seemed to be the buckle of the underwear, such a sensitive part, but Dongfang was delighted with it, without the slightest bit of anger or boredom.Si Yu was in a daze for a moment, could it be that the relationship between the two is really as rumored?

The man's big warm hands made Dongfang Yi very attached. In her memory, it seemed that she only enjoyed the same warmth from her father more than [-] years ago.No, it's different. Compared with the father's hand, the little boy's hand makes women feel more intimate.

At this moment, Dongfang wished to stop forever and enjoy the tenderness of the little man.Dongfang Yi was so preoccupied today that she didn't even notice Si Yu's shocked eyes, and the fire of gossip that couldn't be concealed!

As for Mr. Deng, who caressed Mayor Dong's gentle body, he didn't have any psychological barriers at all, and he had done even more outrageous things, let alone such a trivial matter!As if finally remembering that there was a third party present, Dongfang Yi took a deep breath, and reluctantly left the little boy's big hand: "Okay, thank you!"

"Drink slowly, we have plenty of time, good wine is like life, you have to savor carefully to get the taste out of it!"

Mr. Deng rarely expressed emotion, but he didn't pay attention, and his own words easily caused ambiguity!Si Yu didn't dare to look at the two of them, as if she had done something wrong, the woman was afraid that her gossiping eyes would be discovered by the sensitive Dongfang.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Dongfang Yi, who had just recovered, coughed again. The woman glanced at Si Yu with a guilty conscience, and gave Mr. Deng a hard look, "Why so much nonsense? Do you want to be a philosopher?"

It seems that Moutai is the one who choked the woman's trachea, not yourself?A woman turns her face like a book, but this is too unreliable, why did she offend her?Mr. Deng smiled wryly: "No, it doesn't mean that. Isn't this a little bit of emotion, pretending to be a literary fan?"

"Giggle!" Si Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and the flower branches that were laughing over there trembled, "Xiao Deng, you are so funny! What kind of literary style is there, do you want to have a hundred poems by Li Baidou? Or sing a song song?"

Deng Hua gritted his teeth: "I really want to sing, isn't it because I'm afraid of attracting wolves and scaring the two beauties? Uh, drink and drink, please!"

Dongfang seemed to be very tired of Mr. Deng's dragging the text, and the little boy quickly changed the subject with a glare.Gradually, Deng Hua noticed that Dongfang seemed to be purely looking for drunkenness today, and he fought bravely to be the first when drinking, and Si Yu was not to be outdone.

The two beauties seldom ate food and kept drinking, which seemed a bit creepy to Mr. Deng.These two obviously had a lot of happy events, why did they get drunk?I really don't understand women, I drink when I am in distress, and I drink when I am happy, even Mr. Deng can't help but sigh to himself.

Mr. Deng, who had many painful experiences, was suddenly a little scared, afraid that the woman would be drunk!He had seen the two beauties when they were drunk, and he had also dealt with trouble for them.

The problem is that there are only three people in the villa today, two women and one man. What if the two beauties are drunk?Even if Mr. Deng doesn't take advantage of others' danger, it's not the same thing if some things get out!

If three people drink and two beauties get drunk in Mr. Deng's mansion, who will believe that Mr. Deng is innocent when the news gets out?This matter was very bad, and he couldn't think of a better way for a while, Mr. Deng simply resorted to a unique trick. Since he can't stop the woman from getting drunk, he might as well get drunk first!

Deng Hua didn't eat food at all, and drank a bottle of white wine one after another, lying on the table all of a sudden, and fell asleep.Dongfang Yi and Si Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "What is he thinking? Sincerely getting himself drunk?"

Si Yu was a little surprised, Mr. Deng was not drinking just now, he was just drinking: "No, is it because he is not in the reserve cadre training class this time, and he is in a bad mood?"

Mr. Deng, who pretended to be drunk, was a little dizzy. Where did this go? Why did he get involved in the training class?Dongfang Yi sighed faintly, and inserted a slender hand into her hair, as if feeling the hardness of the hair.

The woman seemed to have countless emotions, and her voice seemed to be full of loneliness and melancholy: "Maybe, speaking of which, the biggest contributor to the pilot enterprise restructuring is Xiao Deng. I even asked for a quota for him, I didn't expect it!"

"Is that so?" Si Yu has long heard about Mr. Deng's actions in Gucheng County, and also knows about the entanglement between Dongfang Yi and Mr. Deng. There will be many detours in the future career!"

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