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Chapter 724 Rejected

"How come? Where's the old man's nursing doctor?"

Unexpectedly, Lan Lao had an accident at this time, Deng Hua clenched his fists, even if Deng was not a conspiracy theorist, he still doubted the real background of the incident.Less than two years away from the election, Lan Lao's existence is as important to Lan Beishang as China's nuclear weapons are to the US and Russia's deterrent power!

Lan Xin was sobbing, she could hardly speak, Mei Huier snatched the phone: "The nursing doctor was negligent, I think it might be deliberate... Woohoo, Xiner, why don't you let me say..."

When the phone was hung up, Deng Hua felt a little stupid for a moment. Could it be that someone really dared to harm Lan Lao?That's impatient to live, not to mention Secretary Lan's thunderous anger, the higher-ups will definitely dig deeper into such "accidents".

No matter what, I am going to Yanjing City, the old man treats me better than my own grandfather!Deng is still a little worried in his heart. Lan Beishang has always been cold to himself. If there is no Lan Lao, I don't know what kind of changes will happen.

This is definitely not unfounded worry. Lan Beishang and Lan Lao have different personalities. Maybe it is because the red era has endured too much, and this Lan Shu has a slightly gloomy personality.If it wasn't for this nature, it wouldn't have caused the expansion of anti-corruption in the previous life, causing him to fall on the last step to the top!

At this time, it is not time to think so much, so I should rush to Yanjing City as soon as possible, maybe I will help the old man.Called Director Zhou, but turned off the phone, Deng Hua gritted his teeth, and called Secretary Huang directly: "I'm Huang Qiang, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, Dad. I'm Deng Hua. I need you urgently!" I forgot that it was already midnight, and maybe Secretary Huang had already fallen asleep.

The other side seems to be relieved: "Do you want to go back to Beijing? Go ahead, I will ask for leave for you, don't worry, I will ask someone to help you prepare the plane ticket for tomorrow morning!"

"Thank you, Dad!" I didn't expect Secretary Huang to be so well-informed, and I thought about it. The Lan family and the Huang family are inextricably linked.Although Huang Qiang can't be regarded as the core force of the Lan family, in terms of standing in line, Secretary Huang is still inclined to the Lan family.

From what Deng Hua knew, the Lan family didn't seem to have contributed much in the process of Huang Qiang's promotion.Even if he came to Xing'an Province this time, it was not the result of the operation of the Lan family. It is said that Lan Beishang preferred Tao Xinming to Xing'an Province.Obviously, for Secretary Lan, being in-laws with the Huang family is not as good as a hardcore old subordinate.

Presumably Secretary Lan valued that Tao Xinming was born innocent, without the shadow of a family, so the future is easy to control!Huang Qiang is different. Although the Huang family is in decline, there is still a family heritage after all.No one can guarantee whether the former old leader will be able to support the Huang family in the future. One day, the duck he cooked will fly away, which will probably make Lan Beishang too late to regret.

The intrigue of the top management is not yet understandable to Deng Hua, and those rumors were also revealed by Huier's big mouth.No longer in the mood to sleep, Deng Hua simply sat cross-legged on the ground. The heat from the ground made people feel very comfortable. Soon, Mr. Deng fell into deep cultivation.

Early in the morning, someone sent a plane ticket to Deng Hua, and Director Zhou called himself: "Xiao Deng, don't worry about the affairs of the unit, you must take care of the affairs of the capital, and don't come back in a hurry! I have already asked Wang Tao to pick you up , take you directly to the airport, and take the VIP channel!"

"Thank you, thank you, Director!" Secretary Huang should have said hello, but actually it was Secretary Huang who communicated with Secretary-General Shi Jiaqiang. Deng Hua didn't know this, "As long as the old man's health improves, I'll be right back!"

Mr. Deng didn't know how much room for Director Zhou's imagination he gave to the old man.The old man of Mr. Deng's family in Yanjing City just hasn't shown up for a long time, and the media all over the world are speculating about the old man's physical condition.

You know, the old man's influence on the world's No.1 most populous country is absolutely unique!In Zhou Yiming's mind, Section Chief Xiao Deng went to Beijing for that old man, and since that was the case, the identity of Deng was confirmed.

Deng Hua didn't care what Director Zhou was thinking, and Wang Tao drove him to the airport: "Brother, what happened? Tell me, if you need help from your elder brother, just mention it, it's fine!"

Now is not the time to be polite, Deng Hua took out the keys of the house: "Brother Tao, this is the key to the house, I have time to look at the backyard, and there is another set of keys in Jin Ying's hands. This is the key to the single apartment, although the size smaller……"

"Hey, it would be nice to have a nest to get married!"

Wang Tao was easy to be satisfied. To put it bluntly, he definitely couldn't meet the conditions for room allocation. That apartment was cramped for Deng, but for Wang Tao, it was a world of difference compared to a flat.One of the most important reasons why Xiaojiu's mother objected to the two of them was that they had to sneak under the eaves of others after they got married.

In fact, the vast majority of young people in Jiangbin City have to rent a house when they get married, and many of them have to live with their parents.In this era, it is not surprising that three generations of people, old and young, are squeezed into a small apartment of [-] to [-] square meters.If it wasn't for Wang Tao to drive the leader, even if Deng Hua wanted to give him the house, he wouldn't be able to. There are too many people who are older than the two brothers and don't have a house.

The temperature in Yanjing City and Jiangbin City seems to be different in different seasons, where the dripping water turns into ice, but here, under the sunshine at noon, there is still a hint of warmth.It was Tao Tao who came to pick him up from the plane: "It is said that the old man is in very bad condition and has been in the intensive care unit. The comrades of the central government sent people to stay in the hospital and asked for emergency treatment."

An accident caused such serious consequences that even Mr. Deng had to believe in conspiracy theories.Lan Lao stays with people 24 hours a day, and if such a serious situation occurs, the political situation may become unstable!

Tao Tao drives very steadily, and there is actually a pancake fruit and a can of well-insulated soybean juice in the car.Probably only Tao Tao would be so considerate, Deng Hua nodded gratefully at Tao Tao: "Thank you, I'm really hungry, I didn't eat anything in the morning!"

The little boy's mere smile already made Tao Tao very pleased, it seemed that it was enough to satisfy her small thoughts: "Slow down, don't worry, there is a doctor at the hospital, you are here to give Xiner spiritual support!"

Everyone understands the truth, but how can you not be in a hurry?Mr. Deng wolfed down a set of pancakes and fruit, and choked on it!Fortunately, there is soy milk, so send it in time, otherwise Deng will be offended!

The two drove to the hospital, but Deng Hua was turned away, and several people in plain clothes stopped Deng Hua and Tao Tao.The arms of several people were bulging, and it was obvious that they were hiding weapons: "Sorry, we have been ordered not to allow visits."

Such strict inspections made Mr. Deng feel at ease. At least Lan Beishang did not panic.Thinking about it, I don't know how many storms Secretary Lan has experienced, how could he make mistakes in his busy schedule!

But it seems a bit wrong not to let me in: "I'm Lan Xin's fiancé, you..."

"Who's yelling here?"

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