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Chapter 735 Blasphemy

"Dreaming!" Mo Shexiang mercilessly exposed Mei Huier's paranoia, "Maybe Huier can beat the villain to death by herself, but if she was a soldier, she would probably all be sent to the intensive care unit!"

The woman didn't know how ambiguous her words were, so Mei Huier glanced at the sisters with a guilty conscience: "Uh, so who, Xiaoju, don't talk nonsense, let's think about it, and send a surprise to the villain!"

Under the full promotion of the inspection office, the sewer flooding incident attracted the attention of all the media in Hung Yen Province, and newspapers, TV, and radio stations took turns to bombard it every day.When it comes to the nearby communities and units, they are all overwhelmed, and there are special people to come forward to receive the media every day, but not everyone has such a good personality.

"Get out of here! If you don't, I'll let someone smash the video camera and smash your dog's head!"

The Wumao Hotel is affiliated to the Jiangbin City Federation of Industry and Commerce, but it has already been contracted out at this time. Such a profitable and special industry, the contractor does not have a black and white background, so it is impossible to operate.Annoyed by all kinds of reporters, the head of the security department of the hotel is annoyed!

The reporter was stunned, and this was the first time he met with the China Television Media Group: "Sir, we have the right and obligation to supervise social unhealthy phenomena, please cooperate with our work!"

"Who the hell is an unhealthy phenomenon in society, huh? Who invited you to supervise, huh?" The Minister of Security cocked his mouth, "If you tell you to get out, don't you get out, you're shameless, right? Come on! Throw me out, Don't be polite, if you break it, just throw it in the snowdrift and bury it!"

Hotel security guards often face some special guests. If they don't have a little skill, they will leave if they can't do it for a month.Since the Wumao Hotel was contracted, the security department was banned, and the new security department recruited people who could afford the name in the society, just for appearance.

The so-called worthy name refers to the guys who have a certain status in the road, who act as the small heads of the security department, and their subordinates are not official employees of the hotel at all.As long as there is something to do in the hotel, Xiaotoutou's brothers in the society will show up, and what the hotel pays is the free use of the guest room during leisure time.

There are always a few guest rooms every day, which are made into a mess by a group of guys, men and women, that's all, and they often gather to gamble.There is actually a premium gaming table here, if you don't hit a certain amount, don't come here at all.

For a single table, tens of thousands or even 10,000+ will be charged just for the bonus. The reporters have been incessantly for a few days, so who dares to come and play?The head of the security department has long been tired of it, and prepared a group of people to teach him a profound lesson.

An old customer from Lingnan Province just came here today. He always gambles and loses every time he comes, and the tip is very generous.It was because of the presence of reporters that no one dared to come to partner with them. It was unlucky for the reporters of the China Television Media Group to get shot at. How could three well-mannered reporters stand up to a group of gangsters who beat them up!

"You guys can't..."

During this period, a woman screamed: "Get your dirty hands away! Ah! You are a hooligan! Help!"

"As expected of coming from a big city, this skin is tender and supple, it must be full of water!"

"Come here! Help!" the woman cried, "I beg you, please let me go! Ah!"

"Hey, although it's a little small, it's the real deal! Quack quack!"

Trampled and ravaged for 15 minutes, the three reporters were not humanlike, and the female reporter was even more disheveled, even the veil was missing, a pair of round and charming, full of shocking traces!

The belt of the woman's trousers was pulled away by some bastard. The trousers were pulled down, only hanging on the buttocks, and even a few hairs from the inside of the little underwear were protruding!The female reporter clung to the last line of defense: "Help! Call the police!"

"The Wumao Hotel has always been a restricted area for the police, who dares to come here to pretend to be a master, are you impatient?"

"It's well-developed! Maybe it's a chick! It's strong and upright, not like those young ladies!" Hooligans always do things for the purpose and don't care about the result. When they meet a beautiful reporter from China Television Media Group, they can't wait to pull them into the hotel room. , doing so in the hall is very restrained.

At this time Mr. Deng was preparing for the wedding, shopping around with Sun Qian, Deng Xinyu was now living a life like a little princess, and Deng Mingyi and his wife did nothing else all day, taking the little guy from morning to night, eating from restaurant to restaurant.In less than half a month since she came back, Xiao Xinyu has gained three catties and turned into a fat man!

A perfect wedding dress is undoubtedly a woman's favorite. The problem is that Mr. Deng is not satisfied with every set: "My wife, Zhao Xuanji and Dai Qian will arrive tomorrow. How about asking them to tailor a set for you?"

"Dai Qian is so beautiful, and Zhao Xuanji is fascinated by just hearing her name. How many good sisters do you have?" Ever since she knew what Deng had done in the past few years, Sun Qian always guarded Xiao Deng's side like a thief. The beauty that appeared.

Fortunately, Jinying seems to have lost interest in Deng, and Xiao Xinyu has become her target. As long as she is at home, two beauties, one big and one small, are destined to play together.There are all kinds of delicacies in Jinying, and there is a chef at home, who will satisfy the appetite of snacks at any time!

Deng's face is thick enough: "No matter how many younger sisters you have, you are the only wife, a wife recognized by both the United States and China, aren't you satisfied?"

"Hmph, I hope it's not the tablet wife!" Sun Qian sneered at this, "Mom said, let me control your wallet, is there a problem?"

Mom really married a daughter-in-law and forgot about her son, Mr. Deng smiled wryly: "No problem, absolutely no problem, don't worry, I don't want..."

The phone in the bag rang: "Deng Hua, go to Wumao Hotel immediately, something happened over there!"

"Is something wrong?" Mr. Deng has already asked for marriage leave, and he cannot be found there because of a major event, "I'll be there right away!"

Looking at Sun Qian apologetically, the latter helped him tidy up his clothes: "Go, remember not to be impulsive, and don't be a hero!"

Before returning to the TV news, Sun Qian vaguely guessed something. Although it was a bit unbelievable, there were so many coincidences, but the woman couldn't help thinking about it.A man dares to do anything for himself, and is willing to do anything, what is there to be dissatisfied with!

It was also that news that made Sun Qian put down a lot, as long as she had their father and daughter, she would be the happiest little woman in the world!The security of the Wumao Hotel has been controlled by the police, and the three journalists were sent to the hospital. The occurrence of such incidents will definitely make Jiangbin City the focus of the world's attention.

Several leaders of the Municipal Bureau came to the scene in person, and relevant leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government intervened urgently. It was not the first time that a media person was beaten in Jiangbin City, but it was the first time that a reporter from the China Television Media Group was beaten or even beaten!

In the small meeting room of the hotel, Mr. Deng was listening to the city bureau analysis meeting: "The facts are clear and the evidence is solid. The head of the security department of Wumao Hotel has been brought under control, and eight people involved in the case have been arrested..."

Zhou Yiming waved to him at the door: "Little Chief Deng, come here!"

"Director Zhou, I'm sorry I'm late!"

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