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Chapter 755 Work Entry Point

No applause!Although Section Chief Liu had the posture of devoting himself to death, he couldn't conceal the essence of wanting to steal and play tricks.Everyone knows that Section Chief Xiao Deng's two actions were all based on information obtained from the Letters and Calls Office.

Liu Xiaoguang is very shameless, no one laughed at him, but some people regretted it, why didn't he fight for the petition in the first place!It has already been stated above that to mobilize the masses, we must find a starting point for work. If we cannot find a good goal for our department, the next work will be very passive.

"It is undeniable that the first inspection department has made a good start for the work of the inspection office of the municipal party committee!" Zhou Yiming frowned, but he couldn't stop Section Chief Liu. The work overlaps with the government inspection office, but we have to find another way. The Letters and Calls Office is still a hot department, it is now, and it will be in the future! How to dig out things that others can't see is the ability!"

He almost pointed his nose at Section Chief Liu for plagiarism, but Liu Xiaoguang was far thicker than Deng, and didn't take Director Zhou's words as criticism at all.Especially when it comes to future political achievements and future promotions.No one will be humble and courteous at this time.

One thing Director Zhou was right about is that the Letters and Visits Office is not only now, but will also be a hot spot in the future, which means that the future Section Chief Liu has endless possibilities!Liu Xiaoguang felt a little bit of pride in his heart. Fortunately, he was quick in his actions. Some things are quick and slow!

"Cough, cough, cough!" Ji Wen, the chief of the second inspection department, was a little anxious. He had smoked for decades and was actually choked up: "The second inspection department was more pragmatic than pragmatic before. From now on, the second inspection department will be responsible for reporting to the provincial party committee." The inspection office reported the city's major measures and achievements in terms of material civilization, spiritual civilization, and political civilization construction. Of course, the second division will also conduct research and summary of public opinion to provide practical help for the decision-making of the municipal party committee leaders!"

Good guy, the two of you did your part, one took the lower-level route and the other took the upper-level route. It seemed that only the middle part was reserved for the first division of inspectors.Although he felt that Xiao Deng's choice of opportunities was better than nothing, Zhou Yiming still admired Deng a little bit. It is not every young man who can accept a good deal.

Deputy Director Li Qian was a little cynical: "Hey, you two are talking like a lion. The middle route is the territory of the government inspection office, which means you didn't leave room for the first department at all. Are you a little greedy?"

"I don't think so!" Deputy Director Wang Lei shook his head. "Section Chief Xiao Deng still has a lot of options. After all, the Municipal Party Committee Inspection Office has just been established, and a lot of work is left for us to develop. Comrade Deng Hua is young and energetic. Energetic and intelligent. I am looking forward to the first inspection department under the leadership of Comrade Deng Hua breaking new ground for the inspection room, so that the inspection room of the municipal party committee can truly become a sharp sword in the hands of the leaders of the municipal party committee!"

Deputy Director Wang's hat was a bit too big, but it didn't help at all. Mr. Deng even wondered if he had offended Wang Lei with the two incidents he made up.In any case, at least Deputy Director Li gave him spiritual support, while Deputy Director Wang acted like he was whipping a fast cow.

The two section chiefs who divided up the business did not look at Deng at all. It was definitely not because of any guilt in their hearts, but because of gloating.Years and years after the year, the Inspector of the First Section made a big splash, which made the two section chiefs very jealous. Delicious food can't be eaten by one person alone!

Zhou Yiming is a little strange, Mr. Deng seems to be not active enough in the new division of labor: "Comrade Deng Hua, what is the focus of the first inspection department next? Or, follow up the existing cases, implement various measures, and provide a clear answer to the leaders and the masses. Perfect confession!"

Anyone can see that Director Zhou is partial to Xiao Deng, Section Chief. No wonder, the brilliant rise of the inspection room was brought about by someone Deng.Which leader does not like capable cadres?Of course, the premise is that this subordinate will not bring himself a crisis. Sometimes the masters with high merits are not only found in ancient times.

Obviously, Chief Deng is a bit far from Director Zhou's seat, which means that he is at best Director Zhou's pawn!Right now, Zhou Yiming wants to continue to explore Deng's potential. Everyone present knows this. No one will be jealous.

"I remember that after the fake news incident, the director once discussed the issue of media supervision with Comrade Lin Ling, a famous program host of the municipal TV station. I had the honor to listen to the exchange between the director and Comrade Lin Ling."

When Deng Hua mentioned Lin Ling, Director Zhou's face twitched a few times, and there was a trace of disgust in his eyes. Old Zhou didn't remember talking about media supervision at all.Director Zhou was a little angry at the moment, and Section Chief Xiao Deng seemed to have violated his privacy.

Even though the relationship between Zhou Yiming and Lin Ling is already an open secret, a secret is a secret, at least it cannot be revealed on an official occasion.Little Section Chief Deng's words definitely touched some taboos, and some people already sneered, waiting for Deng to be unlucky.

Section Chief Xiao Deng didn't seem to notice the director's change, and continued: "From the communication between the two of you, I deeply feel that the supervision of leading cadres at all levels by the news media is particularly important! In view of this, the first section decided to focus on the news The media will continue to follow up on the supervision and rectification and situation reports involving local issues, and we must completely eliminate the situation of ignoring or even ignoring media supervision in Jiangbin City."

"Papa, papa!" Zhou Yiming's unswerving face disappeared, and he took the lead in applauding: "Very good, I just expressed my feelings at the time. I didn't expect Comrade Xiao Deng to be so attentive, which is rare and rare! Very good, but the media supervision has Particularity and timeliness, more influential and extensive, I don’t know if there is any specific plan for a subject? Or is it just a blueprint?”

Liu Xiaoguang twitched his lips cryptically, it is not so easy to make those who claim to be uncrowned kings obey.Section Chief Liu is the most taboo to deal with media people. In the past, Lao Liu would avoid media reporters. Now someone Deng wants to take the initiative?

Section Chief Liu looked at Deng Hua with a half-smile and said, "Section Chief Deng really did a great job. Of course, the task is arduous, and the first section is facing a huge challenge! Go help!"

enough damage!Not only did he snatch the great situation created by Section Chief Xiao Deng, but at the same time he didn't hesitate to make trouble, and directly used an inconspicuous promise to drive someone Deng to a dead end!Several people looked sideways at the shameless Section Chief Liu. They have never seen such a shameless person before!But if you were yourself...

"Section Chief Deng's political sensitivity is admirable!" Sure enough, Ji Wen did not allow Section Chief Liu to focus on the front, and expressed his position in a righteous and stern manner, "The issue of public opinion orientation has always been concerned by high-level officials. Chewing. As a cadre of the Municipal Party Committee Inspection Office, and a comrade in the trenches, the Second Division will never sit idly by, as long as the comrades in the First Division face difficulties, the Second Division will help without hesitation!"

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