"Yes!" Mei Huier wiped away tears, "Is there a flight?"

Zhang Lang shook his head: "There are no flights or trains, but I'll bring a sleeper car and set off right away!"

At the same time, Huang Yuying had already rushed to the hospital and rushed to Sun Qian's side: "How is he?"


The woman threw herself into Huang Yuying's arms, weeping bitterly, and Jin Ying said softly, "I'm not out of danger!"

"Hua will be fine!" Huang Yuying held back tears, supported Sun Qian to sit on the chair, looked at the elders of the Deng family, "Father, mother, don't worry, Hua will be fine, you have to take care!"

Deng Mingyi let out a long breath: "Yuying is right, Hua Zi will be fine, Hua Zi's mother, don't cry, go back and take good care of the baby!"

Several women persuaded the elders to leave, Huang Yuying sat slumped on the chair, just now the woman tried to support herself, but just wanted to comfort the elders: "Xiaoqian, you go and rest, we change shifts, Jin Ying, you accompany Xiaoqian to rest. "

"All of you go and rest!" the little nurse said softly, "Section Chief Deng will not get news until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Don't tell me you are not afraid to look haggard when you see him?"

The three women looked at each other, shook their heads together, and said in unison: "I won't go!"

Jin Ming looked at his sister and sighed: "Yingzi, my parents asked me to watch you, but you still..."

"Shut up!" The second girl didn't care about her brother's face at all, and stared, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

The little nurses next to him clicked their tongues secretly. No one could believe that the tall, rich and handsome man in front of him would be the general manager of Dade International Industrial Co., Ltd.!But Jin Ming obviously didn't take his younger sister's scolding seriously: "Sure, then you just guard, who made me unlucky to have a younger sister like you?"

In the early hours of the morning, the police found Mayor Lu's car on the river, which means that Lu Ximin wanted to break through the siege from the river.It's a pity that the ice surface in March was already soft, and it couldn't bear the heavy load at all. As a result, the car sank, leaving only a roof cover.

The provincial military sub-division dispatched pontoon troops to salvage the car at three o'clock in the afternoon. In addition to Lu Ximin and Lu Qiangmin, there was also Mayor Lu's driver in the car.The three people seemed to have tried to crash the car door, but unfortunately they were stuck tightly by the ice layer. The three people were frozen in the car by the icy water seeping in, and the expressions on their faces were very painful.

At the same time that the Lu brothers were salvaged, after a night and a half day and [-] hours of trekking, the sleeper cars in which all the beauties were riding drove into the provincial military hospital.When the beauties appeared in front of the intensive care unit, the medical staff were dazzled. Although they all looked dusty, they couldn't conceal the beautiful youth of the beauties.

"Xiaoqian, how is Deng Hua?"

Mei Huier was the first to rush forward, and Sun Qian smiled with tears in her eyes: "I'm awake! He's awake!"


The women whispered, their faces were full of joy, Lan Xin cried with joy: "Just wake up! I know he is the Nine Lives Cat!"

Dai Qian shrugged: "In my impression, China's security is very good, why is he always injured?"

"He was injured to save others!" Jin Yingbai glanced at the foreign girl, "If he hadn't stopped that lunatic, he wouldn't have been hurt at all. He is a pure man, you foreigners won't understand!"

Huang Yuying patted Jin Ying lightly: "I heard that this time is more dangerous than last time. The explosion close at hand almost blew him to pieces!"


Everyone exclaimed, Huang Yuying has always been precise when speaking, so there must be conclusive evidence.Zhao Xuanji covered her small mouth: "Will there be any sequelae?"

"Hmph, sequelae? Look at that bastard, he's still seductive at this time!"

"Puchi!" Everyone was amused by Mei Huier's words, isn't it? Deng barely raised a few fingers and greeted the beauties outside the glass curtain wall.The beauties finally breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the guy is not as serious as he imagined!

The little nurse who had been with the three women all the time to prevent accidents curled her lips: "You didn't see what it looked like at that time, it was so scary! There is no good skin on the entire back with an area of ​​more than five square centimeters, and the spine and ribs have been exposed. The thighs were torn apart lengthwise, exposing the pale bones inside, the buttocks..."

"Stop talking!"

Lan Xin tightly closed her eyes, and tightly held Huang Yuying's hand, as if she could see Deng's miserable situation as soon as she opened her eyes.The beauty secretary hugged the little woman's shoulders: "Okay, look at his eyes, they're all right now!"

That's right, Deng's eyes were full of smiles, as if he was not lying there injured, but got an unexpected vacation.In fact, at this moment, Deng's whole body was in pain, and his back was almost cut to pieces. The pain can be imagined.

But seeing all the beauties standing outside the glass curtain wall, Deng resisted the pain and showed a bright smile.The nurse who had been paying attention to the equipment clearly noticed that the skin on Deng's face was beating uncontrollably.Obviously, he's stiffening!

The nurse walked to the glass curtain wall, smiled apologetically at the beautiful woman outside, and closed the curtain. "Phew!" Mr. Deng let out a long breath, gritted his teeth and inhaled hard, the little nurse was annoyed: "Fake it! Keep pretending! Why don't you pretend?"

"Hiss!" Deng didn't have the time to fight with the nurse, he tried to hold back the pain, and wanted to use the nameless exercise to relieve his pain.It's a pity that the injury is too serious, and all the meridians behind him are damaged, how can they carry Zhou Tian smoothly!

He sighed deeply, the loss was great, he did not expect that the timing set by Lu Hongmin was so short, almost at the same time he jumped out of the car, a violent explosion occurred.If he hadn't kicked the car door down and carried it on his back, and at the same time curled himself up into a ball, he might have died on the spot!

Even so, he was still smashed into the coal pile by a powerful shock wave. Fortunately, there was a soft coal pile. If there was a hard concrete floor there, he would be turned into a meatloaf, or it would be a puddle Meat paste!

At this moment, Deng's lungs were itchy, the kind of itch that went deep into the bone marrow, which was more unbearable than the pain!It seemed that he was about to cough up at any moment, Deng Hua tried his best to hold back the thought of coughing, even though he knew that his lungs were full of soot, he didn't dare to cough.

At this time, every movement was disastrous to him. Countless stitches were stitched on his back, and every tiny movement brought severe pain.The little nurse bit her lip: "Hold on for a while, the painkillers should have some effect!"

The little nurse knew very well that what she said was nothing but self-deception. Section Chief Xiao Deng had a large back injury, not to mention the pain pump, even general anesthesia could not completely stop the pain.In fact, every doctor and nurse involved in the operation lamented Deng's strong vitality!

Only the image displayed on the monitor can feel the pain of the little man!Someone from Deng squeezed out a smile, which seemed to affect a certain wound, so that he couldn't help but grinned and turned into bared teeth: "It's okay, hiss, don't worry, I am Xiaoqiang, I have super vitality!"

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