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Chapter 801 Lin Ling's Arrangement

Lan Xin smiled apologetically at the beautiful host, and gave Mei Huier a hard look, Mei Huier would only listen to Xiner's words.The two sisters are like siblings, even Mei Huier sometimes doesn't take Mei Xudong's words seriously.

Lin Ling didn't care about Er Yatou and Mei Hui'er's jealousy at all: "Section Chief Xiao Deng must have heard my story. I climbed up desperately to avenge my parents! It's not that I want to make you a victim. If you want the result, if you are angry, you can hit me casually, I will not run away."

"Is the case in the blood book true?"

For the past few days, the beauties had heard about the blood book from Deng. Huang Yuying sympathized with Lin Ling's experience, and all the beauties were staring at Lin Ling.The beautiful host nodded sadly: "It's all true!" The woman bit her lips tightly, "I wish I could eat Lu Qiangmin raw, as well as Lu Jianmin and Lu Ximin. Without them, Lu Qiangmin would have fallen into the law long ago. Get away with it!"

There was a brief silence in the ward, presumably no matter who it was, who was ruined by the five tigers of the Lu family, they would want to sleep on their skin and eat their flesh!Mei Huier sighed, the little girl had always been soft-hearted, she had long since lost her hatred for Lin Ling, and instead felt a little sympathetic.

"Director Zhou said you're leaving?" It's meaningless to worry about what happened, Deng Hua is very calm, so what if a woman is used as a weapon?Just like what Jin Ying said, Zhou Yu was willing to fight Huang Gai and was willing to suffer. Even if Lin Ling didn't use Mr. Deng, Deng who knew the truth would not stand idly by.

Lin Ling nodded: "I've got nothing to worry about, and it's pointless to stay in Jiangbin City. I want to go to the south and find a new life. Don't worry, I will explain clearly about the training class, and I can help Lu Wen Find a new partner, no worse than me."

"Thank you Lingjie!" Deng Hua thought for a while and said sincerely, "If Lingjie still wants to be the host, maybe she can go to Huaiyang Province. Although Qingyuan City does not have the influence of Jiangbin City..."

The beauty secretary gave Deng a blank look: "Don't come up with bad ideas!" Then she looked at Lin Ling, "Xiao Lin, I've heard about you. It's okay for a weak woman to use some means to avenge her parents. If you want, You might as well leave the spotlight and come to Baishan Province, and I will arrange a good seat for you. Of course, if you have other arrangements, just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

"Thank you!" Lin Ling cried bitterly. For more than [-] years of life, women have lived for one belief.Now that my parents have avenged their revenge, I realize that my life has been a failure, and it seems that I have never had a youth at all!The woman's tears completely melted the grievances of the beauties. After all, Deng's injury was self-inflicted.

The second girl sighed: "Sister Ling, Sister Yuying is right. The Kanto people have a strong nostalgic complex, and I believe it will be difficult for you to adapt to the living environment in the south. Going to the nearby Baishan Province, there is no habitual obstacle, and there is no adaptation. obstacles. And you are used to life within the system, you might as well give up something and start a new life.”

"Thank you!" Lin Ling stopped crying, "I imagined it was very simple at the beginning. If I become the focus of world attention, I might be able to avenge my parents. In fact, I don't like being turned into a vase, I don't like being a doll of high-ranking officials, I don't like... "

The woman's rambling narration seemed to reveal a secret world. A weak woman had to submit to a high-ranking official in order to get revenge, and had to bear the burden of humiliation.The beauties were all stunned by Lin Ling's narration, they didn't expect such a poignant story behind such a glamorous woman.

Although he had already guessed, Deng Hua was also moved by Lin Ling's life, a girl who had suffered a blood feud since she was a child, everything seems to be a story in the 30s and [-]s, but it happened in China today!

From Lin Ling thinking of himself, Mr. Deng suddenly discovered that the lives of women and his are so similar, the only difference is that he was born again!And the little girl doesn't have any advantages. Facing the mighty Lu family's five tigers, she is proud to be able to do this!

Lin Ling's complaint made Mei Huier furious: "Five scumbags! They should have gone to hell a long time ago!"

"Huh!" Jin Ying also forgot that she had run on Lin Ling just now, "I have heard that the five tigers of the Lu family are not good people, but I didn't expect them to be more dirty than I imagined! Sister Ling, you are a good person, who said that women are not as good as men?" ? Your parents have spirits in heaven, so they should be satisfied!"

Wu Fengjiao held the hand of the beautiful host: "Sister Ling, you have already avenged your uncle and aunt, so let the past go! Back then, my whole family was killed by animals. If Deng Hua hadn't helped me avenge me, I wouldn't have lived in this life." Chance!"

The beautiful host was tearful, pouring out the pain in his heart, and deeply thanked the beauties for their comfort: "I have no regrets! The five tigers of the Lu family deserved their crimes. I have already prayed in front of my parents' graves, so that they can feel at ease when they know the truth!"

The demise of the five tigers of the Lu family has extraordinary significance for Jiangbin City. Before that, the Lu family was not only the No. [-] government, but also the number one force in the underground world.With the collapse of the Lu family, the underground forces in Jiangbin City have once again set off a wave of waves, and many forces need to re-divide their territories and re-compete for profit space.

On the second day after the discovery of Lu Ximin's body, more than a dozen incidents of armed fights occurred in Jiangbin City, each of which was a gang fight.Every day, the police officers enter a state of first-level combat readiness and are ready to dispatch the police at any time. What is more tense than the police is the surgical emergency department of various hospitals in Jiangbin City, where dozens of trauma patients are admitted almost every day.

Director Li Yuejin, who had just been commended by the Ministry of Public Security, also looked tired when he visited someone Deng: "Hey! This is the first time that Jiangbin City has been so chaotic except in the red era. Not only local underground forces compete for power space, but also foreign forces. Infiltration. To be honest, Section Chief Xiao Deng, if you are not injured, I will definitely ask the leaders of the municipal party committee for instructions and invite you to the bureau to help me!"

"Director Li is just joking!" Without waiting for someone from Deng to answer, Huang Yuying spoke first. The woman came back from traveling hundreds of miles every weekend to accompany Mr. Deng, "Xiao Deng has never worked in the political and legal system. His His personality is tired and lazy, not suitable for a disciplinary unit, thank you Director Li for your love."

Looking at Deng with a casual face, he seemed to enjoy the woman's arrangement, Li Yuejin was stunned and said haha: "It's just a joke, if I want to pry, Director Zhou will have to let me go."

With Director Li's shrewdness, it is natural to see the extraordinary relationship between the two people, especially Xiao Huangdou, who is playing, looks more and more like Xiao Deng, Section Chief.Li Yuejin finally understood that the relationship between Xiao Deng, Section Chief, and Secretary Huang was far closer than many people imagined!

"Deng Hua is impulsive and often makes mistakes. It was a headache in Gucheng County!" Huang Yuying was like a wife, telling Deng's deeds, "Of course, thank you Director Li for your appreciation. In the future I hope you will take care of me during my work!"

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