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Chapter 886 Predicament and Opportunity

Many people could hear that Liu Hui was joking that Deng was overreaching. Big Oil is an industrial miracle built on the wasteland from scratch by gathering the best oil industry workers in the country.Countless heroic deeds and countless representatives of model workers have become a symbol of an era.

People in that era were pure idealists. They could fight for more than ten hours on an empty stomach just to ensure the progress of excavation.They can jump down the concrete mixing pit in the ice and snow and act as human mixers!

What are people in the 90s like?After more than ten years of reform and opening up, the Chinese people have changed from a gentleman who does not talk about profit, to always paying attention to economic interests.Vice Governor Liu felt sadly that no one would do anything that is not beneficial, even if it is beneficial, everyone should calculate the input-output ratio!

"An era has a label of an era!" Mr. Deng was not intimidated by the name of the executive vice governor at all, but was full of pride, "Industrial workers inherited from that era have not changed in their bones, and they still yearn for honor! Xing'an Province should Learning from the experience of Qiaozhou City, with the idea of ​​a game of chess for the whole province, you must not fight alone. If you concentrate all the strength of Xing'an Province, it is not difficult to do one thing well, and it will definitely give Xing'an Province a bright future!"

Finally, Liu Hui looked at Mr. Deng no longer scrutinizing or even critical. Many people in the 90s belittled the idealists back then.In the eyes of many people, those model workers are fools, and those who don't know how to calculate their own interests are probably brainwashed!

Only those who have come from that glorious era, and only Liu Hui and others who grew up in the 60s and [-]s, will believe that idealism really exists.People nowadays are too realistic, so realistic that it is outrageous!

Today, from a post-[-]s generation, hearing the affirmation of the imprint of that era and the respect for the older generation who had devoted themselves made Vice Governor Liu feel very uncomfortable.When honors are just black and white letters on the party newspaper, when the history of the past has become nothing but certificates, will a place or even a country have a future?Looking at it now, I seem to be a bit unfounded, honor can be passed down in people's hearts!

Vice Governor He Jinsheng did not have so many thoughts. As an executor, he paid more attention to the problems he faced, rather than blindly having illusions and hopes for the future.Many things are beautiful and picturesque on paper, but there are many problems in actual implementation. Whoever does not work will not know!

Lao He shook his head: "If it is necessary to transform the existing enterprises, the supply of coal in the province is not a problem, but the grade of iron ore is not high, I am afraid it is difficult to be the first choice. If you buy from other places, it will undoubtedly increase production costs. At that time, it will be difficult for products to be competitive, such as raw materials, let alone cars."

In fact, Xing'an Province originally had quite high-quality iron ore resources. Unfortunately, more than 60 years ago, the little devils occupied this rich land.After 14 years of predatory mining, the original rich mines have become a mess, and it is impossible to restore the honor of China's largest mining province back then.

"Four years later will be the 21st century. The new wave of industrial revolution in the new century will bring China not only opportunities, but also competition. The new century is not only the competition of talents, economic competition, cultural competition, and ideological competition, but also Competition for resources!"

Deng is not stage-frightened, and this has already impressed many bigwigs. The members of the preparation team at the director and deputy director levels off the court are still a little nervous.Chen Xianlin and the others seemed to have completely become a foil. No one looked at them, and no one paid attention to their feelings.

Being left out in the cold is undoubtedly the greatest sorrow of people in the officialdom, and the sorrow of the preparation team was brought about by their colleagues!Deng didn't notice at all that he deprived the leaders of their light: they were still talking there.

He seems to be discussing, researching and giving speeches with the big bosses of the provincial government, instead of reporting from subordinates to superiors. Even if he is reporting, he has leapfrogged!Chief Xiao Deng's eyes shined brightly: "With the help of cheap Russian steel, we will choose a suitable address to set up a rolling mill at the junction with the Far East, specializing in the production of special steel for automobiles."

It was hard to believe that the person speaking in the conference room was a small department-level cadre. Qiao Mingying nodded secretly. No wonder Huang Qiang not only did not pursue the relationship between his daughter and the boy, but also regarded Deng as an invisible son-in-law.It has to be said that Section Chief Xiao Deng has an extraordinary vision. In this regard, no one can compare with him, even among those aristocratic families in Yanjing City.

Originally, Deng Hua was overestimated, but now it seems that Comrade Xiao Deng still has more room for development. Mr. Qiao secretly sighed. It is a pity that the Qiao family is destined not to be able to walk with the surnamed Deng.Not only Qiao Dong couldn't bear it, Master Qiao couldn't accept Little Section Chief Deng either, hum, Mei Huier really is a beauty!

Qiao Mingying still had a smile on her face: "Comrade Xiao Deng, in your blueprint, how much room for development does the future automobile industrial park have?"

It seems that Governor Qiao's words seem to be chatting, but in fact, Chinese people in the 90s can never imagine the booming auto market in a few years.Right now, it seems that China's auto market is approaching saturation, and some foreign car companies even look down on China's market. Peugeot, which was the first to enter China, even quit China at a loss.

Xing'an Province is located in a corner. Although it has a strong foundation in heavy industry, as a highly technology-intensive industrial automobile industry that concentrates new materials, new equipment, new processes and new technologies in many scientific fields, Xing'an Province is inherently deficient in some aspects!

For example, special steel, such as engines, such as car models, such as the most critical industrial workers, the most troublesome technology.In the eyes of the leading cadres of Hung Yen Province, those difficulties are insurmountable mountains. Without national investment, it will be more difficult for Hung Yen Province to do things than reach the sky!

Today's leadership can never imagine that 20 years later, there will be more than 250 auto manufacturers in Huaxia, and the number of mini cars in Jiangbin City will not be counted at all.Few people can look ahead. Deng is different. He was reborn as an otaku 20 years later and has seen too many car companies rise and fall.

"Nowadays in China, the competition between several major car companies will soon become history, and some foreign-funded companies with foresight have begun to investigate the domestic market." Deng Hua talked eloquently, as if he saw the scene of Japanese cars everywhere in the future. Since I'm reborn, at least don't let the little devil be prettier than before!

Although I am humble and humble, I can always remind the leaders: "Just like the explosion of the home appliance market this year, ten years later, maybe five or six years later, the Chinese people who have benefited from the reform dividend will be It will become the main force in chasing car owners. In the future, the three major items for young people to get married will be houses, cars, and tickets. In the future, personal consumption will become the mainstream of car consumption, rather than group consumption today."

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