my beauty fairy

Chapter 101 The Strong Fake Girl

"How about it, didn't it come for nothing?! I said this place is very good, I hope you like it!" The man driving just now said with a smile, and the fatigue on his face seemed to have disappeared.

Qiuyue and Lingfeng looked at the sunset and felt the silence around them, it was so quiet that there was no sound, even the panting of the man driving the car could be heard.

"Very beautiful, very beautiful, I like it!" Excitedly, Ling Feng took out his phone and took a few photos.

Qiu Yue lit a cigarette, distributed the smoke to several people, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said: "My fellow, your place is really nice, but your treatment is really bad, so I will accept it, you see Look at my butt, it's full of dirt, and my butt hurts like it's swollen now, can you guys think of a way in terms of safety measures. It's not a Mercedes-Benz car pick-up and drop-off, there's not even a seat cushion. "

"We locals are used to it. Next time you go out, I will definitely equip you haha!" the man laughed.

Looking at the busy people in the fields and the children playing by the rice fields, Qiuyue thought of his own village, which was also a beautiful small mountain village. A little tired, but very happy, with the most innocent smile on my face every day.

But it's different in the city. The boss's cold eyes and sarcasm, colleagues' ridicule and plotting against you behind your back, all of these are no longer as good as they were before.

The society is too dry, so dry that everyone seems to be crazy, panicking, doing things without rules and disorderly.

"My fellow, why don't you take a photo with us brothers!" Qiu Yue handed the mobile phone to the fellow.

But the fellow still doesn't know how to use it, and Qiuyue spent most of the day trying to learn it.

After Ling Feng and Qiuyue took some photos, the fellow took Qiuyue and Ling Feng into the small village. This small village gave people a quiet and comfortable feeling, very nice and comfortable.

"Wow, the air here is so fresh!" Ling Feng said excitedly.

Qiu Yue rolled his eyes and said: "I haven't breathed before. I grew up in a mountain village, and the air over there is so fresh and very comfortable. I'll take you to my hometown when I have time. It's not much worse than here!"

"Really, it seems that there is a certain gap between the air in the city and the village. If there is a chance, I will definitely be a good brother's house and visit haha!" Ling Feng said excitedly.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Okay, I'll let you have a good eye-opener then!"

"Come here, two, to register and make a record!" said the middle-aged man.

Suddenly Qiuyue and Ling Feng were speechless, they really wanted to give this old bastard a hard beating, but they still wanted to make some notes.

"Did you have nothing to do and eat enough?" Ling Feng said angrily.

The middle-aged man said aggrievedly: "Where are you full? I was going to have a meal at that time. When I saw you coming, I thought that business was important, so I left the meal and brought you back before I was full!"

"Damn! Are you insane? We came here to stay in your hotel. We came here to have a good time. You're lucky. We don't say anything about you when you pull bricks and tractors, and your sister wants to give us a record? I'm really mad!" Ling Feng said angrily.

The man quickly said with a smile on his face, "I'm not, isn't it for the sake of safety? You have to find a safe place to live, and I have to find a safe place to live, isn't it? It makes sense, I also hope The two heroes are very understanding and tolerant, please cooperate with my work, stay in the hotel happily, and go home safely! If you don’t cooperate! Hehehe!"

"Damn, what if you don't cooperate, your sister, you want to fight, don't you?" Ling Feng suddenly became a little angry.

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "If you can't stop, you won't be able to go back today. Our special car is also broken down and it's being repaired now. Of course, you yourself are struggling, and it's impossible to go back."

"You're blackmailing us, right! Do you think that I can't do it if I'm on your side? I'm afraid, I'll call someone now!" Ling Feng took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call.

Qiu Yue grabbed Ling Feng, patted Ling Feng and said: "This fellow is not bad, isn't their place also nice? It's beautiful. Don't get angry, just record our information, after all, we outsiders are not too condescending." Don't worry, it's better to be on the safe side! Both parties can rest assured that our cooperative relationship will be fine!"

At this moment, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng looked up and saw a tractor on the side of the road that looked very familiar, and the clod on it was also very familiar.

"I wiped it, isn't this the car we were riding in just now? Isn't this fucking fun to run?" Qiu Yue also looked at the man a little angrily.

The man said awkwardly: "It's fixed, it's fixed, it's fixed."

"It's a lie! But I can bear it! Ling Feng, let's register quickly, I'm exhausted today. I don't bother to yell with you. Ling Feng, just pretend you didn't see anything!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Ling Feng was also completely speechless by this man, "Well, let's just stay for one night! I'm too tired, old man, you win!"

"Hey hey, two good friends, stay safe and don't be impatient, I'll start recording your situation now." The man excitedly took out a notebook and started recording.

"Life!" the man asked wretchedly.

"Qiu Yue!" Qiu Yue and Ling Feng said, "Ling Feng"

"Gender!" Still looking obscenely at Qiu Yue and Ling Feng.

Ling Feng slapped the table and said angrily, "Are you blind? You can't tell what gender I am?"

"Ah! Helpless!" Qiu Yue was also going crazy.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, we have a lot of young and middle-aged ladyboys like you here, all of them are strong and strong, but no one dares to confirm without looking at the following!" The man took out a few photos of men with strong chest muscles. Looking at the photo below, it really shames all the men, there is no hair at all, and it has turned into a black slit with a piece of day and night abc on it.

"Qiu Yue, do you want to vomit?" Ling Feng asked.

Qiuyue nodded. "You can register later, we both go out and vomit blood first!"

After speaking, the two of them vomited blood.

"Okay, we're done, let's continue, but I beg you not to take out such photos, please!" Qiu Yue said, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The man also registered with tears on his face: "Three-Dimensional! Oh yes, you are not that. What about your place of residence?"

"We are from Jiangliang City, thank you!" Ling Feng said.

After the man asked a few more mentally handicapped questions, he stood up and shook hands with the two of them excitedly and said, "Thank you for your cooperation! Stay in the hotel!"

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