my beauty fairy

Chapter 12 The Police Betrayed Me

Chapter 12 The Police Betrayed Me

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "I brought it, a contract and two receipts, both of which are related to the embezzlement money for this road construction."

Wang Tiansheng said in a low voice, "That would be great. I'll handle the filing procedures and some documents for you later. Did the village chief find out?"

"No, I stole it while the village chief was asleep. But once I report the village chief, the village chief will of course know who stole it, but he will have been arrested by then. Blame me in heaven, hahaha!" Qiu Yue said with a laugh.

Wang Tiansheng nodded: "Well, this village chief is corrupt and broke the law, and doesn't work for the welfare of the people. It is right to get him out."

"Hehe, Brother Tiansheng is right." Qiu Yue smiled and took a deep breath on the cigarette.

After smoking, Qiu Yue followed Wang Tiansheng into the hall. He said it was a hall, but it was actually not that big. He filled out a few forms, and then took notes with a police officer, and handed over the contract and so on. .

But when Qiuyue finished taking notes, a police officer from the police station smiled and said to Qiuyue: "No problem, let's go, you take us to the village chief and bring him to justice!"

Although looking at this little police officer's expression was weird, Qiu Yue thought that there could be nothing wrong in the police station!

So Qiu Yue followed the police officers to a bread police car, Wang Tiansheng smiled at Qiu Yue and said, "The rest is up to you!"

"Hey, brother-in-law, I'll treat you to dinner after the matter is settled!" Qiu Yue laughed.

After getting in the car, except for the driver, the police officers in the car basically had a mobile phone and chatted on WeChat. Qiu Yue didn't know what they were doing, and he was in a daze. Qiu Yue did have a mobile phone, but he could only make calls. Can't send messages.

"Brother policeman, are you talking to your mobile phone? You miss your wife and children! Aren't you a local?" Qiu Yue looked at the male policeman next to him and said to the mobile phone with joy, and the expression on his face changed. Change to go.

Qiu Yuexin said that these guys either miss their wives too much, or they have mental syndrome.

The policeman looked back at Qiuyue, like looking at a Martian, and said suspiciously: "Don't you know, WeChat, you can only believe it. You have to believe that the end of the phone may become your secret, so you can Might actually make her your mistress. Do you understand?"

"Uh, what's so weird. I don't understand." Qiu Yue shook his head.

The policeman said, "Show me your mobile phone."

After Qiu Yue handed it over, the policeman's eyeballs almost fell out. It turned out to be the same brick as before, and it was green screen.

"Hahaha, no wonder you seem to be out of the orbit of the earth. Look at our mobile phone, you can chat on WeChat, just send a voice chat to the other party. I asked out my first crush last night. Let me I will never forget it!" The police officer said passionately.

The driver sneered and said: "It's not that you will never forget it. You look like a girl. When you take off your pants, a gun, two bullets, and your ass is almost exploded. Even if you don't remember it forever, I have to do it for you." You will never forget it!"

Along the way, Qiuyue spent their time ridiculing each other, and Qiuyue thought that he was really a little out of date, and even such an advanced chat tool as WeChat didn't know about it.

But the car did not arrive at the village chief's house, but at the wheat field.

When he arrived at the wheat field, Qiu Yue asked curiously, "Comrade policeman, this is the wheat field, this is not the village chief's house!"

The driver said: "Our boss asked us to take you here, get off!"

Talking about the driver farting, it was called a stinky, Qiuyue was choked and coughed, thinking that even if he didn’t do anything else, he had to get out of the car for this fart, otherwise he would have to be choked later tracheitis.

So Qiu Yue got out of the car, thinking that the other police officers would get out of the car too, but unexpectedly when Qiu Yue got out of the car, the car rushed out like an arrow leaving the string.

"Hey! You!" Qiu Yue was shouting.

The voice of the village head came from behind.

"Hey, isn't this Qiuyue?" The village head looked at Qiuyue maliciously, and a group of people followed behind him.

Qiu Yuexin asked what was going on, why those policemen ran away suddenly, and why did they leave him behind.

I took a closer look and saw that the little friend under the village chief was still standing upright, his trousers couldn't be lifted up at all, the trousers were kicked under the eggs, and the upper part was wearing a big windbreaker, but because the length was too long, he could still see clearly.

"This, what is this, is it?" Qiu Yue looked at the village chief suspiciously.

The village head came over with a smile, patted Qiuyue on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You are not simple, you actually got my documents, and you go to the police station to sue me, you sue!" Lift it up and shake it.

Qiu Yue took a closer look and found that it was the document he handed over to the police station in the afternoon!That's evidence.

"Why did you appear here?" Qiu Yue looked at the village head in shock.

The village chief laughed and said, "Damn it, the director of the police station is my boss, do you f*** think he will harm me?"

"No way, no wonder those policemen left me and left. So they threw me to the village chief." Qiu Yue kept muttering in his heart, it seemed that he was going to be beaten up again by the village chief today.But looking at the village chief's wretched face, Qiu Yue said to himself that he is also a person who has set foot in the realm of comprehension now, how can he still be like a little donkey at the mercy of others, today he has to fight!

So Qiuyue mustered up his courage and pretended to shout loudly: "You old bald donkey, you bully good women, search for people's fat and people's anointing, sooner or later you will step down! Even if I don't succeed today, someone will punish you in the future !"

"Haha, I have to thank you for that. Thank you for treating my illness yesterday and letting my little torch burn again, and it burns very vigorously. Before, I couldn't deal with one woman by myself, but now I am against ten of them." The village head sneered while playing with the stick in his hand.

Qiu Yuexin said, how could this fucking village chief win with so many people.

"Fight it, I won't bear you scoundrels anymore!" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

Qiu Yue snorted coldly.

The village chief sneered: "Look at your poor appearance, but your medical skills are not bad. How about joining me in the future and bringing you delicious and spicy food?"

"Impossible!" Qiu Yue said lightly.Suddenly, because of anger, Qiuyue felt the profound energy in his body continuously condense, and thought to himself, what's going on?

The village chief waved his hand, and a group of men with sticks and table legs rushed up and greeted Qiuyue.

All of a sudden, the anger that Qiu Yue had held back for so long erupted at the same time.

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