my beauty fairy

Chapter 149

Qiu Yue got into the car and followed the comrades in the police car directly back to the police station. At this time, there was cheering in the police station. Qiu Yue's cell phone rang, and it was Sun Yuxiao's call.

"Yu Xiao, I'm Qiu Yue." Qiu Yue said.

Sun Yuxiao said with a smile: "I don't know who I want to call, how stupid!"

"Hehe, what's the matter, are you going to tell me that the organization wants me to go back as soon as possible?" Qiu Yue asked.

"It's our big leader who told you to go back quickly! Haha!" Sun Yuxiao smiled and handed the phone to Lin Yuxuan.

Lin Yuxuan took the phone and said coquettishly: "You dead Qiuyue, is there a beautiful woman over there who sees that you don't want to come back?"

"No, no, that's okay. I'm here to perform official duties this time. How can there be any beautiful women? You think too much, you think too much!" Qiu Yue muttered.

Lin Yuxuan finally gave up, but she still insisted: "Then are you going to come back tomorrow?"

"I'm not very clear about this, because the current itinerary is not something I can decide on my own. After the celebration banquet here tonight, we may return to the capital first tomorrow morning, but when will we return to Jiangliang City from the capital? Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, but I will try to go back as soon as possible, so don't be angry! Go back and treat you and Yu Xiao to a big meal!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Lin Yuxuan nodded with a smile and said, "Well, forget it, Yu Xiao and I will clean up the dust for you. After working for so many days, come back and let you have a ready-made meal."

"Uh, okay, okay, now I'm going to the police station, we just came back from work, do you see if Yuxiao has anything to tell me about work, if not, I'll go ahead and get busy! "Qiu Yue said with a smile.

"Well, okay, go ahead and get busy!" Lin Yuxuan replied after asking Sun Yuxiao.

When Qiuyue walked into the police station, the first thing he saw was Erna in black, that cold woman who was a spy from a foreign country.

"Um, I always pretend to be very deep, but this time your mother has made great achievements and is still so deep, I wiped it off." Qiu Yue thought to himself.

Walking to Erna's side, Qiu Yue said with a smile: "What are you thinking, Agent Erna's cold girl, do you agents all pretend to be cool?"

"I don't want to talk to you!" Erna turned and walked in, but just as she walked in, she came out again and said, "Tell Police Officer Liu that I want to go out to live tonight, and I don't want to live with you. As for your party I won't participate either." Erna had an indifferent expression on her beautiful face.

Qiuyue was helpless, and said in her heart that you, a little girl, have a lot of things to do, and you are still too arrogant to let you live here.

"Why, is there a reason? Do you think the environment here is bad?" Qiu Yue asked curiously.

Erna turned around, smiled meaningfully and said, "I don't dislike the poor environment here, but I just don't want to hurt you!"

"Um, what's the matter, what are you talking about, it's so inexplicable." Qiu Yue said helplessly.

After speaking, Qiuyue stared straight at Erna, Erna shook her head helplessly and said, "You guys won't understand, anyway, just leave it alone."

"Fart, you can't do it. When you come to China, you have to get along with each other in a friendly way. This morning, your leader and our police officer Liu have already talked to let you stay here, but now you say you want to leave. It's inexplicable! "Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Erna sighed and said, "I can't tell you clearly, I'll go to Police Officer Liu."

After finishing speaking, Erna turned around and walked into Officer Liu's office. Officer Liu was giving a video report to the leader. Erna sat quietly on a chair and waited for Officer Liu. Qiu Yue looked back at the person beside Erna in the yard. A few policemen or secret agents from the non-Lei Bing country were all in a hurry and didn't know what was going on.

"It seems that this matter is not as simple as I imagined it to be!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

So Qiu Yue walked downstairs quickly, found a policeman from the non-Lei Bing country and asked, "What happened to you?"

But after Qiuyue finished speaking, the policeman gesticulated and didn't know what he said. Qiuyue waved his hands helplessly and turned around and asked: "Comrade policeman, who among them who are not from the Bing Kingdom can speak Chinese except Erna?"

The policeman seemed to be taking care of the daily communication of these policemen, and said with a smile: "Except for Erna, none of these policemen can speak Chinese anymore."

"Um, I'm dizzy, I can't ask now, what stupid woman wouldn't say it." Qiu Yue muttered.

Which policeman asked: "Qiu Yue, what's the matter, what's the matter, I can speak the language of the non-Lei Bing country."

Qiu Yue suddenly said excitedly: "I have something important to ask them, can you help me?"

"Okay, I can translate for you when you talk to them!" The policeman said with a smile.

Qiu Yue nodded, and said in his heart that he was finally going to solve the mystery, to see what happened to Erna.

So Qiuyue asked: "You help me ask them what happened, just say that our Chinese Congress is helping you."

Which policeman will still translate with a policeman from the non-Lei Bing country.

The policeman chattered another group, and the policeman said: "He said that this matter is very complicated, and he can't explain it clearly for a while."

"Um, I'm stupid, you just say that I know they are in great trouble, and that I can help them, but he has to explain the matter to me in a short time, and I can help them only after he explains clearly." Qiu Yue added.

The policeman then translated it with the policeman from Feilei Bingguo.

After the policeman finished speaking this time, the policeman's eyes lit up in Feilei Bingguo, and they talked excitedly and babbled a lot.

"He said can you really help them?" The Huaxia policeman translated to Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue nodded helplessly and said: "You tell him to speak quickly, just say that I can help him, but he must cut it short, quickly, and tell me the whole story, otherwise God has no choice! "

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, the Huaxia police turned around and talked a lot with the non-Lei Bing police.

The policeman nodded and sat on the edge of the flower bed, and started a long explanation. During this period, he kept chattering non-stop. The Huaxia State policeman looked back at Qiuyue to mean that he would translate every sentence he said, or wait for him to listen to everything before translating.

Qiu Yue signaled to let the Huaxia National Police listen to everything before translating by himself.

"(*&&*......¥...%¥%...¥Go to Lei, but people say that no one can stop me, so is that the one who just went to high school and went fast..." That gangster And the police talked for about ten minutes and finally finished.

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