my beauty fairy

Chapter 152 Appearance

Ling Feng nodded with a smile, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said, "Hehe, it's all about thinking about the country. Well, you are really amazing, and you are becoming more and more mature!"

"It's alright, alright, don't let the ink smudge, okay, tell me how your body is doing now, we're going to take part in the action tonight." Qiu Yue saw that Ling Feng was about to talk about what he had and what he didn't have.

Ling Feng nodded and said, "It's okay, Doctor Qiu!"

"It doesn't look like a big deal to you. Seeing that your wounds have solidified, you will recover within a short period of time. My medicine is out of print!" Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng sighed and said, "Tch, let's go out, they are going to decorate the canteen for the evening celebration banquet."

"Well, let's go!" Qiu Yue said.

So Qiu Yue and Ling Feng came to the cafeteria, where many policemen were already busy packing their things.

Qiu Yue and Ling Feng joined them in the action, and arranged all the dining tables in two rows against the wall. After a while, Erna and Officer Liu also came to join Qiu Yue and the others in setting up the scene. Qiu Yue asked Said: "Brother Liu can handle it?"

"Well, the task is done, let's wait for them to come tonight!" Officer Liu nodded and said.

"Okay!" Qiuyue looked at Erna, Erna's expression was no longer so serious, and occasionally she would smile when she was busy with everyone.

Before he knew it, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Qiu Yue saw Police Officer Liu greeting him, so he came to the corner and asked, "Brother Liu, what's the situation?"

"The intelligence department said that guy had already entered Taiyuan City, but a follower followed him for less than 5 minutes and lost him, so now we don't know where he is. The last place he lost was less than 10 minutes away from here. The distance, so it is possible for him to come in now." Officer Liu said.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Okay, then we will proceed according to the original plan, and I will say hello to Ling Feng."

"Well, let's go!" Officer Liu said.

Qiuyue turned around, pretended to be very happy to celebrate and came to Ling Feng's side, and took two glasses of beer.He smiled and said: "Now that person has come, we may start to act, you go out first, and then use your small telescope to observe carefully, I will watch from here, if we reach an agreement, let's have a drink!"

Ling Feng also pretended to be celebrating and clinked glasses with Qiu Yue, and happily drank the wine.

Immediately, the whole venue was immersed in a very tense atmosphere. Everyone was fake happy. It was necessary to create a very high anger for the killer, so that the killer would dare to attack, and if the killer lowered his vigilance, they would be able to act, right? !

"Miss Erna, can we have a drink?" Qiu Yue walked over with a smile and said.

Erna took the wine with a smile and said with a smile, "Okay! Thank you!"

The moment the two clinked glasses, Qiu Yue said with a smile: "He is already here, be careful, we are near you! Put on the wireless earphones." Qiu Yue handed a wireless earphone to Erna while clinking glasses.

He also put on his headphones.

Ling Feng's voice came from the earphone: "Everything is normal outside now, and there is no suspicious person."

"Hahaha, our party is about to begin!" Qiu Yue shouted with a smile.

So a beautiful policewoman walked onto the stage, picked up the microphone and preached: "Today our celebration party officially begins, everyone please go to their respective positions, our art troupe will bring you beautiful music and songs! "

"Oh! Good!"


Everyone is immersed in this joy, although there are certain dangers behind this joy, but everyone is not afraid.

At this time, several beautiful male and female policemen walked onto the small stage, smiled and picked up the microphone and began to sing a beautiful song. At this moment, Qiuyue felt a very strange feeling. When I felt it, I was in trouble, Qiu Yuexin said that that guy might be here.

"He's here!" Qiu Yue said with a low laugh.

But Qiu Yue looked around with the wine but didn't see it, "Ling Feng, what's going on outside?"

"I didn't see any strangers." Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue suddenly became curious, his senses were always very accurate, but why didn't there be any phenomenon today.

So Qiu Yue got closer to Erna, but the closer she got to Erna, the more she could feel the danger was around her. Suddenly, Qiu Yue saw a male policeman next to Erna put his hand into his trouser pocket and didn't know what he was doing. , the male policeman drew his short knife and prepared to attack Erna.

Qiu Yue threw the quilt over with all his strength, and it was too late and then it was too fast, the moment the male policeman's knife cut Erna's back, Qiu Yue's quilt was thrown over, Qiu Yue picked up his speed and rushed over, aiming at the The killer just punched hard, unexpectedly, the killer stretched out his arms, grabbed Qiu Yue's neck directly, pushed Qiu Yue half a meter away, and Qiu Yue couldn't get close to him.

"Dare to ruin my business! I'll kill you! **!" the man said coldly.

The blade turned around and slashed at Qiuyue. At this time, the party stopped, all the police and special police surrounded the city, and Erna rushed up and kicked the man fiercely.

The man didn't look sideways, flashed slightly, let go of Qiu Yue's hand, turned around and kicked sideways, unexpectedly when the kick came out, a knife point appeared on the toe of the shoe, it turned out that this guy's knife not only Only in his hands, and his shoes are full of dangers.

Qiu Yue leaned down to avoid the man's kick, to be precise, a knife.

"Grab him!" Officer Liu shouted into the headset.

A group of people rushed up, but the killer was the killer, and they beat three times, five times and two times. A group of policemen and special policemen were beaten to pieces, leaving only Qiuyue gasping for breath.

Ling Feng rushed in, picked up the sniper rifle, and shot at the killer's feet.

"Hmph!" The man sneered, and flung out the short knife in his hand vigorously. The short knife rushed towards Ling Feng's, and Ling Feng jumped aside to avoid the knife.

Taking advantage of the moment when she was worried about Ling Feng, Qiu Yue picked up a cup and threw it over forcefully again, and Erna didn't take any time to kick that guy at the party center.

Qiu Yuexin said that it was really helpless, this stinky girl would kick someone hard at the Party Central Committee when she hit someone, if this mother kicked someone in the balls just right, she would not be able to survive.

Erna's kick was too slow, and the killer reacted too quickly, and directly clamped Erna's leg with his leg, so Erna fell backwards with one foot unsteady .

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