my beauty fairy

Chapter 155

Qiu Yue was shocked: "Damn it, it's the sound of a fucking propeller!"

"What!" Several people looked up at the roof at the same time, only to see that the black cloth scattered on the roof just now turned out to be helicopters, and four helicopters rose slowly.

Qiu Yue led people into the building, but there was no one in the building. Looking at the helicopter going away, Qiu Yue was very angry. At this moment, he came back to his senses, "No, the gangsters who rushed in just now are not the police. ?”

"Yeah, damn it, where were the 20 or so policemen just now?" Ling Feng looked around wonderingly, but there were their shadows there.

Ling Feng said helplessly, "Could he be dead already?"

"Impossible, I didn't even hear the gunfire! There's something strange about this!" Qiu Yue thought suspiciously.

At this time, Police Officer Liu called, "Qiu Yue, what's the situation over there."

"Damn it, damn it, I chased after a factory. Fat Tiger dragged Erna into the factory, and the police from Feilei Bing Country also rushed in, but now four helicopters flew away, and I don't know how Erna Na was taken there by them, but those policemen from the non-Lei Bing country also disappeared, I am very puzzled!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

At this time, an inexplicable email came to Police Officer Liu's mailbox, saying Qiu Yueshou.

"Ding... Ling!"

Officer Liu asked doubtfully, "Huh?"

"What's the matter, Officer Liu, what's the matter?" Qiu Yue asked.

Officer Liu said: "Here is your email, it is from an unknown mailbox. It is not our Huaxia email."

"Then I'll go back and have a look. Let's check again here, contact the border, and find out where the helicopter is going. It stands to reason that they dare not fly directly abroad. By the way, contact Feilei Bingguo Let's report the situation to them and see what countermeasures they have." Qiu Yue said.

Police Officer Liu said, "Well, then be careful."

"Okay!" Qiu Yue hung up the phone and said, "Let's check around again to see if there is anything wrong."

Captain Wang said: "Okay, then let's act!"

Qiu Yue led the big guys to search around, but after more than ten minutes, there was no one gathered, Qiu Yue said helplessly: "Retreat, let's go back and discuss strategies!"

"Close the team!" Captain Wang called the special police team to retreat. On the way back, Ling Feng drove the car. Qiu Yue kept thinking about this matter, wondering what the hell was going on.Could it be that they found out that Erna was taken away, and they grabbed the helicopter and flew away?But I didn't see a helicopter here, so what's going on?After thinking about it, I remembered that it was time to come out at the beginning, how could the police from Feilei Bing Country behind me be so familiar with the road here.There are only two possibilities. The first is that some of them are super familiar with this place, and the second is that they know where they are going and go straight to the destination, so they can be so fast?

"Erna, Erna?" Qiuyue yelled through the earphone, but there was no sound from the earphone, it seemed that he had exited the miniature earphone communication system.Logically speaking, it is impossible for Erna to take the initiative to turn off the earphone, because without the earphone, Erna cannot be contacted.

Suddenly Qiu Yue understood something a little bit, but he wasn't sure yet.

"Officer Liu, Officer Liu, I'm Qiuyue." Qiuyue shouted.

Officer Liu asked through the headset: "What's the matter, Qiuyue?"

"Can you check for me the driving routes of those policemen who were not from the Bing Kingdom just now?" Qiu Yue asked.

Officer Liu nodded and said, "I can check, but it will take half an hour. The system is running slowly now."

"Okay, then wait for me to go back and look, you check first." Qiu Yue said.


Qiu Yue turned off the earphones and lit a cigarette, Ling Feng saw Qiu Yue frowning and said: "What's wrong Qiu Yue?"

"I'm thinking about this, it's really weird, I can't figure out the police in Erna's country, what's going on, they left later than our people Arrived early, they don't know the way!" Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not necessarily the case, maybe some of them have stayed here before?"

"As long as you stay here, you can definitely speak Huaxia Mandarin, but at present, it seems that none of the policemen in their team can speak Huaxia Mandarin, even half a sentence. It's impossible to stay in China." Qiu Yue said with certainty.

Ling Feng asked suspiciously, you can't be suspicious...

Qiu Yue exhaled the smoke slowly, said with a smile: "Everything is possible, nothing is absolute, I don't think this matter may not be what we think, it may be what you and I think."

"But now these people are better than each other, so I can't say for sure." Ling Feng sighed.

After returning to the police station in less than half an hour, Qiu Yue got out of the car and rushed upstairs to Officer Liu's office.

At this time, the driving route of the non-lei Bing country policemen and the others had been displayed. Qiu Yue looked at the big screen on the wall and said, "Can you show us the driving route?"

Looking at the two lines above, Qiuyue and the others simply went around the road, but the non-Lei Bingguo's driving line was not like this, but basically a flat straight line, and the road was not wasted. A little extra.

"Qiu Yue, what do you mean..." Officer Liu asked.

Qiu Yue pointed to the lines on the wall and said with a smile: "This is where we started, which is our police station, and this is where we chased them, which is the side of this building, but our lines are all There is a detour, but these policemen in this non-Lei Bing country obviously did not take a detour and went directly to the past."

"Um, you put it that way, I found this doubt, but it may also be that some of them know this place." Officer Liu said.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said: "No, no matter where we go, we have to stay at least a year to get familiar with a place to this extent, and in a year, any human being will definitely be able to say a few words at the end. At least they can speak a few words in the local area, but these policemen can’t speak a word, which means that they are not often brought here. And there is another possibility to get out of this level, that is——they know Erna and the others followed Fat Tiger to where to flee."

"You mean, you mean... you mean they got through? They're in a gang? So, so they run over there first, and we're all focused on them, And the real role is this team of policemen, and it will be easy to escape if no one pays attention.”

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