my beauty fairy

Chapter 24 Miss Midnight

Stopping the car on the side of the road, Lin Yuxuan got in the car and left.

Looking at his new clothes, Qiu Yue thought to himself that this city is different after all, these clothes are really beautiful.

"I didn't expect that my bad luck in the last two days was finally resolved. It seems that good intentions are rewarded. I was determined to save Lin Yuxuan, and I really got rewarded. Without her help, let alone I have to sleep on the street today, maybe Until I find a job and earn money, I have to sleep on the road!" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

So Qiu Yue also hailed a taxi like others did, got in the taxi, and after a while, the car arrived at the hotel.

After getting out of the car, Qiuyue's cell phone rang.

"Hello!" Qiuyue picked up the phone, and the name on the phone was "Sun Yuxiao".Qiu Yuexin said that this should be her brother-in-law's school girl!

"Hello! I'm your brother-in-law's junior, and I'm Sun Yuxiao." Sun Yuxiao said sweetly on the phone.

Qiu Yue nodded and said with a smile, "Hi, I'm Qiu Yue."

Sun Yuxiao asked immediately, "Qiuyue, have you arrived in Jiangliang City?"

"Here we are! I'm staying in a hotel." Qiu Yue replied.

Sun Yuxiao was surprised and said, "Haven't you never been to the city? How did you find the hotel?"

"Uh, um, a lot of things happened in the city when I came here, but I can't explain it in a few sentences. Someone helped me." Qiu Yue didn't know how to explain it in a sentence or two.

Sun Yuxiao paused and said, "I just finished the case, let me go and see you! You may not know many things when you first came here."

"Yes, yes, but it's so late, don't you need to go back earlier?" Qiu Yue asked.To be honest, Qiu Yue really wanted to see what this girl with a sweet voice looked like.

Sun Yuxiao said with a smile: "It's okay, I have something to do later, I have to go to the police station and I have to see you by the way! You came all the way from the country and don't know anything, I'd better go Let's see you!"

"Oh, well, I'm in Room 1009 of 'Xinlong Hotel' on Xinhua Avenue." Qiu Yue said.

Sun Yuxiao heard that this guy came to the city so luxuriously and lived in a four-star hotel, and said, "Okay, then I'll go there now."

"Well, good!" Qiu Yue replied.

So Qiu Yue went upstairs after making the phone call, opened the door, tidied up the room a bit, and boiled some water.Sun Yuxiao will come later and make a pot of tea.Sister Xiaoyu brought a bag of tea.Farmed in the countryside.

Less than 10 minutes later, Sun Yuxiao came over and knocked on the door.Qiu Yuexin said that the speed was quite fast.

Opening the door, Sun Yuxiao was wearing a tight police suit, and there were two dimples on her fair face. To be honest, looking at such a beauty, Qiu Yue wanted to scream.The two yurt tops that protrude from the chest are tall, and because of the tight uniform, they look very slender and sexy, and their faces are tender and beautiful.Coupled with a beautiful smile, Qiu Yue quickly lowered his head, and then looked at the possibility of a partner rising.

"Yu Xiao, you are here. My brother-in-law said you are as old as me, so I will call you Yu Xiao." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Sun Yuxiao nodded and said with a smile, "Well, no problem!"

"You are really good, me too, you too, you are already the police solving the case, and I look at it, I am so worried." Qiu Yue sighed and brewed the tea in his hometown.

"What are you talking about? Why do you have so little confidence in yourself? You can also treat people, and your brother-in-law said that your medical skills are very good!" Sun Yuxiao said with a smile.

Qiu Yue scratched his head and said, "Hey, I can also see it in the current society. It doesn't matter whether you have a diploma or not, no matter how good your medical skills are."

"Look for a job slowly. Your brother-in-law said that you would look for me as soon as you arrived in the city. Why didn't I even receive a text message? Then you will suffer in the city, and your brother-in-law will have to say that I didn't take good care of you. "Sun Yuxiao gave Qiu Yue a white look.

Qiu Yue lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "It's all my fault for being too stupid. I was completely stolen on the train, and all the 5000 yuan I brought was stolen. When I got off the train, I was caught by those bastards from the Western Regions." Strong buying strong** I bought more than 100 cut cakes. Later, I rescued a girl, and she thanked me, so she invited me to dinner, rented a hotel for me, said that she would rent a house for me tomorrow, and then I posted Pay her back the wages. And help me find a job.”

"Uh, your journey has been full of twists and turns, isn't it too thrilling!" Sun Yuxiao said with a sigh.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Yes, it's really unlucky."

Sun Yuxiao asked curiously: "By the way, what kind of job did you find?"

"The security guard, she helped me find it. Then I will go to the bank where she works." Qiu Yue said.

Sun Yuxiao nodded and said: "Okay, then I will save trouble, then you can do this, and live with me from now on. My father bought that house for me, and I live alone."

"Ah? Well, it's inconvenient, you're the only one!" Qiu Yue scratched his head and said.

Sun Yuxiao immediately understood Qiuyue's worry, and said with a smile: "I often handle cases, rarely go home, only a few times a month, and most of the time I live in the unit dormitory, you can help me watch House, save money to rent a house, right!"

"That's great, okay, then I'll find you after get off work tomorrow!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Sun Yuxiao nodded and stood up: "Then you go to sleep, I have to go too."

Qiuyue took a last look at Sun Yuxiao's breasts, they were really charming, not only very big, but also a very beautiful pair of big white rabbits.

And Sun Yuxiao was also very surprised. She didn't expect that Qiuyue was not the rustic and thick-faced one she imagined, but very handsome, and he changed into a street stall, and immediately looked like a city person. , it doesn't look like they came from the country.

"Okay, slow down on your way! How are you going?" Qiu Yue asked.

Sun Yuxiao took out the keys from her bag and said, "I'm driving, don't worry, I'm a policeman, everyone is afraid of me."

After sending Sun Yuxiao out, Qiu Yue returned to the room, turned off the lights, and prepared to sleep.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

Qiu Yue looked at his watch and it was past twelve o'clock. Who the hell came to see me? I haven't met more than one slap in the city.

So Qiu Yue turned on the light and shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Put on your clothes, then walked to the door and opened it.

"Squeak!" With a sound, Qiu Yue opened the door and saw a sexy and alluring woman with big eyes and a well-proportioned body, wearing black stockings and a tube top that set off her figure very well.

Qiu Yue asked awkwardly, "Who are you looking for?"

"Handsome guy, I'm looking for you! Hehe!" The woman showed a charming smile, blinking her eyes very emotionally.

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