my beauty fairy

Chapter 273 The First Night

"Haha, you still dare to report me, you should beg me not to tell your jealous wife what happened tonight, otherwise she will go to your hospital and you will be famous in history!" Qiu Yuele laughed loudly. He smiled and said, does he know Wang Benchuan's wife is a super big vinegar bottle.

Wang Benchuan's expression changed immediately after hearing this, "Oh, don't talk nonsense, it will kill people! We don't know what happened today, and no one knows what happened!"

"Yes, let's treat it as a dream!" Father Lei Luo said excitedly, jumping up and down, his wife is also a vinegar pot, no less jealous than Wang Benchuan's wife.

After a while, there were only Qiuyue and Sana left in the room, and Sana shyly said, "Let's go in and sleep, please let me take good care of you!"

Qiuyue and Sana entered the house, and after Lapi waited for them to enter the house, he immediately waited outside the door, took a stool and sat at the gate.

A moment later, Sana's gasping sound came from the room, and then she screamed loudly, and the screaming became louder and louder.Lapi, who was sitting at the door, immediately laughed when he heard it, "It's really a shaman god! It's too powerful to make Sana, who is like a wolf like a tiger, scream!"

Sana's yelling lasted for more than two hours before it ended, causing Lapi to stay up all night. He was completely inferior. It took two hours for others to do it, and only a few minutes for him. There is no comparison!

The next morning, Sana came out with a happy face, and Lapi was surprised: "Sana, how did you become younger and more beautiful!"

No, Sana's face became smoother, her water color became better, and she was obviously younger by three or four years. These are the good effects of the autumn and the sun.

"Am I getting younger? No way!" Sana immediately ran to the mirror, and when she saw her young self in the mirror, she couldn't help screaming: "Ah, is this me? How did I become so young?" Already!"

At this time Qiuyue came out and saw Sana looking in the mirror, Lapi hurried over, took Qiuyue's arm and said: "Shaman god, you are too powerful, more than two hours! Can you teach me?" ?”

"How much time do you usually have?" Qiu Yue asked.

"Less than five minutes!" Lapi said in shame.

After hearing this, Qiu Yue felt a little sad, and thought that this imposing man with a height of 1.8 meters is almost 1.9 meters. He only has the ability to last less than 10 minutes. The prescription is simple.

"Ah! It's unbelievable! If you can improve for more than half an hour after drinking the medicine?!" La Pi looked unbelievable.

"As long as you drink the medicine according to the method I said, you can do it too!" Qiu Yue smiled.

"Okay, I will definitely take my medicine on time, and I will do what you did and yell at my wife for two hours!" Lapi said firmly.

Not to mention, this Lapi's will is really firm. Since then, he has been drinking the medicine for two years, and he has been drinking it all night. If you don't want to be a wolf, you can't bear your wife, so how can you get countless other wives!

When the sun came out, Ling Feng and others all came back.Ling Feng had a smirk on his face, "Qiu Yue, last night was so fucking funny!"

"What's going on?" Qiu Yue asked curiously.

"That wife named Tess was sleeping with me last night, but she kept barking, and she screamed so loudly, she yelled out all kinds of boring words!" Ling Feng laughed.

Father Lei Luo looked at Wang Benchuan who had a sad face, and said jokingly, "Brother Benchuan, did you show off your glory last night?"

Wang Benchuan shook his head with a bitter face.

"You've stole the limelight, Sana's screams kept me up all night!" Wang Benchuan said, looking at Qiuyue displeased.

"How could it be?" Qiu Yue asked in surprise.

"You don't know, when Sana yelled, I don't know whose wife seems to have eaten a drug, and has been pestering me all night!" Wang Benchuan said with a wry smile.

"Haha, Brother Wang, have you been sucked dry!" Qiu Yue and Ling Feng immediately burst out laughing.

After breakfast, everyone was about to leave, but the patriarch Laxi repeatedly asked them to stay, Wang Benchuan shook his head like a rattle.If you stay any longer, you will be tortured to death by someone's wife at night!

Patriarch Laxi sent us a lot of roast lamb and goat milk, enough for everyone to eat for several days. The Simba people were so enthusiastic and sent them away for several miles. In the end, Sana ran to Qiuyue and blushed. Said: "God Shaman, you are welcome to come again, and I will sleep with you!"

"Let's go two days further and we'll reach the Cree Desert. Before reaching the Cree Desert, we'll pass by the Salak people. They're as hospitable as the Himba people!" Father Lei Luo said with a smile

"Is it the same as the Himba tribe, letting our wives sleep with us?" Ling Feng asked excitedly.

"No, the Salak tribe doesn't have this custom, but they have another custom, which is to grab the bride's first night right!" Lei Luo said.

"What, grabbing the bride's first night right, can't it be, the groom doesn't have the right yet?" Ling Feng was a little excited and surprised.

"The groom does not have this right, and the groom can also participate in robbing the bride's first night right." Lei Luo said.

"According to what you say, the first night of the groom's marriage to the bride is likely to be someone else's? The groom can only watch others rob his wife for the night!" Qiu Yue shook his head and said, what a strange custom this is!

"Yes, the Salak tribe believes that the bride's first night should belong to the bravest warriors in the tribe, so they will fight for it by force!" Lei Luo said.

"Damn, if I were from the Salak tribe, then all the brides would have to let me develop for the first time!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"How did they rob the bride? With a knife or a fist?" Qiu Yue looked at Lei Luo suspiciously and said.

"They don't necessarily compete here, because their habit is to like freshness, and they always keep it fresh. Sometimes they make punches, sometimes rely on physical strength, sometimes rely on wisdom, but most of the time these are the types, It’s all mixed and matched. Let me tell you a secret, there is a great Sarac god in the Sarac tribe. If anyone can snatch the right of the bride’s first night, and take away the first night, he will be born this year He will be full of happiness for a year, and his luck will be very good, and God Salak will bless him!" Lei Luo said with a smile.

Qiu Yue chuckled and said, "Oh, this is interesting. If that's the case, then I have to fight for it, for my happy face, for my good luck, hahahaha!"

Several people laughed after hearing this.

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