"How about this, ma'am, I'll go to your home to treat you when I'm on vacation! I'm short on time now, so I can't give you a massage, please remember my phone number!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The aunt smiled excitedly, "Okay, okay!" After speaking, she wrote down Qiuyue's phone number.

After sending off the aunt, Qiu Yue returned to the bank lobby.

"Qiu Yue, I really didn't misread you, you are really good!" Lin Yuxuan walked over happily.

Qiu Yue scratched his head and said: "Helping others is what I should do, not to mention that this is also doing something for our bank. It's nothing, you don't have to praise me so much!"

"Hey, okay, you can have lunch by yourself later, I have a friend coming." Lin Yuxuan laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Okay, I'm not busy now, I'll study the material given to me by the leader!" After speaking, he walked into the security room.

At this time, the security captain inside was already looking at Qiu Yue with a lewd smile on his face.

"Um, what's the situation with you!" Qiu Yue looked at the security captain with a little embarrassment.

The security captain looked at Qiuyue shyly and said: "I was going to let you be a woman and I'll pop your ass, but seeing how brave you are now, I'm still a woman, you can pop my ass. I'm willing to be with you. ...." Qiu Yue hurriedly took the stack of documents and ran outside the security room.

Sitting on the sofa, Qiuyue calmed down and sighed secretly, this city has grown so big, I didn't expect that there are all kinds of people, even men have become gay, what kind of world is this.

It was twelve o'clock soon, and it was almost time to eat. Qiu Yue looked at the file and saw that it was almost done, so he put it back and prepared to go.

At this time the phone rang, it was Sun Yuxiao's.

"Qiu Yue, I'm going outside your place, where should we go for lunch?" Sun Yuxiao said with a smile.

Qiu Yue thought for a while and said: "My good friend gave me a meal card, let's go to the cafeteria to eat, the food should be cheaper."

"Okay, see you in the cafeteria on the third floor then!" After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yue went to the bathroom and took the straight ladder to the third floor. You could see Sun Yuxiao and Lin Yuxuan sitting together on the third floor. Waiting for myself at a table by the window.

Qiu Yue walked over stunned, and asked awkwardly: "What's the matter with you, do you two know each other?"

"Hahaha! After listening to you last night, I thought that you must know Yuxuan from my family hahaha! She is my good friend! We are good sisters!" Sun Yuxiao laughed.

The men and women around looked at this side in surprise, this little security guard was accompanied by two peerless beauties, one was a flower of the entire banking system, and the other was a beautiful police flower who had been on TV. With the appearance of Sun Yuxiao, the originally unpopular police academy suddenly became a key school, and people everywhere crowded their heads to study and become a policeman in the future.

Lin Yuxuan said with a smile: "The good friend I mentioned just now is Miss Sun Yuxiao! Hahaha!"

Qiuyue looked at Sun Yuxiao, looked at Lin Yuxuan, and said with a smile: "Do you two know that at noon today, everyone's eyes are on me, they envy me to have you two beauties by their side, and they are still curious about my How can this poor boy, the smelly security guard, be friends with the two of you, hahaha!"

"In this case, Comrade Qiuyue, the leaders of the Party Central Committee are hungry. I hope you can go to the window over there to get food according to the ideological guideline of the three hungry people. Thank you." After Lin Yuxuan finished speaking, she chatted with Sun Yuxiao playfully. matter.

Seeing the two of them happy, Qiuyue went to the window to order three dishes and three bowls of rice.

Qiuyue put the dishes on the table, and the three of them started. Qiuyue ate the food in the city, and it was delicious, just as delicious as what his mother made.

"Qiuyue, we have already discussed it. In order to celebrate our great fate after work in the afternoon, classmate Yu Xiao specially invited two guests, Lin Yuxuan and Qiuyue, to go to the nightclub to have a good time. I don't know if classmate Qiuyue has any questions. Here's to you Three seconds, silence to agree, one two three! It seems that you have no objection!" Lin Yuxuan burst into joy.

The men in the cafeteria were all drooling looking at these two beauties, their eyeballs were about to pop out.

Qiu Yue asked curiously, "What is a nightclub?"

"It's a place to dance and drink! It's so hilarious!" Sun Yuxiao said with a smile.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Then what should I do if I don't know how to dance?"

"Then you drink! Hahahaha!" Lin Yuxuan said with a smile.

Sun Yuxiao said: "It just so happens that we have recently solved a major case, so we can have a good time, but in the afternoon, we will arrange Qiuyue's residence first, then go to eat, and then we will have a good time! Hahaha!"

"Well, that's great, let's replace wine with tea first, to celebrate our beautiful fate and our great friendship!" After speaking, the three happily drank the tea.

At this time, the director came in with a cold face, and Qiu Yuexin said that you are not too old in your 20s, and you are frowning every day, as if you have so much hatred with this world.

"Hey! Beautiful policewoman Sun Yuxiao! I'm so happy to see you!" The director was really angry. In his heart, this Qiuyue was rustic, and he was just a small security guard. How could he hook up with you? Sun Yuxiao, the number one policewoman in Shangjiangliang City, and Lin Yuxuan, a member of Huaer in the banking system, are two superb beauties. I have such an awesome background, plus such a handsome figure and appearance, and gorgeous The director couldn't catch up with these two beauties, the director was extremely angry.

Sun Yuxiao looked at the director. When she came to play with Lin Yuxuan before, he came over like a ghost. It was really annoying.

"Oh, but I'm not very happy to see you!" Sun Yuxiao said lightly.

Lin Yuxuan said with a smile: "Director Li, you come to eat, I thought you have such a distinguished status, you have to go to the big hotel opposite!"

"It's not that I saw two beauties coming and I came to join in the fun. If the two of you are not full, we can have a meal and chat face to face!" This Director Li kept smiling happily and lasciviously when he saw the beauties.

Seeing that the two beauties ignored him without giving any face, they cast their eyes on Qiuyue and shouted angrily: "Qiuyue, you are a dead security guard, you don't work hard, and you still have a face to eat? This month's wages will be deducted fifty! At noon The guest who came to help get the numbered ticket! It’s really unruly, I warn you, next time this happens, you will be fired immediately!”

Qiu Yue looked at the director angrily, and said to himself, you came to me to vent because you fucked up your nose in front of these two beauties?

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