my beauty fairy

Chapter 283 Monk

"Woo!" The desert wolves seemed to be very afraid of the black armor, they retreated immediately, turned around and ran back.The black armor followed closely behind, and they accelerated their crawling speed.

After a while, the two groups of black shadows disappeared into the darkness...

And here, Papa Lei Luo let out a long sigh, "It's dangerous! The black iron armor is chasing the desert wolf, and we are safe for now!"

"Do you think the black iron armor can catch up to the desert wolf?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"I'm sure that these desert wolves will eventually be eaten by the black iron armor!" Lei Luo said firmly.

"No way, the desert wolf runs so fast, the black iron armor can't catch up anyway, how could it be eaten!" Qiu Yue wondered.

"Hehe, you don't understand the black iron armor. They are chasing day and night, because they can follow the scent of the desert wolf. Desert wolves can't keep running. After a long time, they will lack water , sooner or later you will be too tired to run, and will be eaten by the black iron armor in the end!" Lei Luo said.

Everyone couldn't help being terrified when they heard this, the black iron armor is really terrifying, chasing it day and night, never giving up, never giving up until the goal is reached, it is simply the king of the desert!

Everyone rested for a while and continued to move forward. After walking for about four hours, they finally saw the desert oasis.It was already afternoon, close to dusk, and the golden sun shone on the green grass. Although the lake water was not so clear, it was the most precious water in the world to the people in the desert.

At night, Papa Lei Luo set up a tent, and everyone lived on the grass not far from the lake. It was late at night and everyone fell asleep.

But Qiuyue is very agile now, and while he was sleeping, he felt something unknown approaching.

So Qiu Yue immediately opened his perspective eyes, and immediately saw more than a dozen desert monitor lizards outside the tent. These desert monitor lizards are carnivores, very ferocious, and specialize in sneak attacks.They smelled people, crawled out from under the sand, and were quietly approaching the tent.

Qiu Yue quietly left the tent. At this time, the monitor lizards were still more than ten meters away from the tent. When they saw someone coming out of the tent, they stopped crawling immediately.

"Damn it! This desert monitor lizard is so fucking cunning! I thought I didn't notice you!" Qiu Yue threw the incendiary bomb, thinking that the incendiary bomb would be very useful along the way, "Swoosh!" Five popped out at once. Molotov cocktail.

call!The fire fell on the desert monitor lizard and immediately burned, "Tch!" The desert monitor lizard screamed.

The other desert monitor lizards were immediately startled by the incoming fire, and immediately turned around and fled, swish!It quickly disappeared into darkness.The five desert monitor lizards that were hit by the fireball rolled all over the ground, screaming, and the night sky in the desert looked particularly terrifying.

All the people in the tent woke up. Seeing that Qiuyue had disappeared, and the screams and fire outside the tent, they knew that Qiuyue had gone out to deal with some animals.

"It's the voice of the desert monitor lizard!" Lei Luo said in surprise.

Everyone got out of the tent and saw the desert monitor lizard rolling on the ground, screaming, "The monitor lizard has been dealt with, you can continue to sleep!" Qiu Yue laughed.

"It's so dangerous! These desert monitor lizards are very cunning. They were going to attack us. Fortunately, you found them, otherwise we would all be buried in the mouth of the lizards!" Lei Luo sweated.

Everyone returned to the tent. After being disturbed by the monitor lizard, everyone no longer wanted to sleep and chatted until dawn.

"We'll be able to walk out of the Cree Desert in another day!" Lei Luo said.

"Ah, we still have to go for another day!" Ling Feng said in surprise.

"One day is the fastest time, and only when it goes well can we walk out of the Cree Desert in one day!" Father Lei Luo said.

You must know that the weather in the desert changes a lot. Sometimes it is sunny in the morning, and it is dark clouds and strong winds at noon. The sky changes faster than a child's face.

Everyone continued to move forward, and the strange thing was that the journey went smoothly, without any major incidents, only a few small sandstorms.A day later, everyone finally walked out of the Cree Desert. Lei Luo pointed to the distance and said, "The Walker Prairie is ahead! As long as we pass the grassland, we can see Hela Snow Mountain!"

This place is amazing, it is winter, but the grass here is green, this is the magic of Walker Prairie! Lei Luo pointed to a piece of green grass in the distance.

There are many horses running on the vast green grassland, as well as flocks of sheep and yurt-like tents.

"Xilili!" There were several neighing sounds of horses, followed by the sound of horseshoes blinking from far to near.

Four horses came, and immediately sat four men, dressed in animal skin clothes, with animal fur, with hairy girdles tied around their waists.

"Welcome to our Monks!" shouted the one-year elder on the horse.

"Oh, it's Patriarch Parker! Long time no see, do you still know me?" Lei Luo ran to the elder's horse.

"Oh, Lei Luo! Long time no see!" Patriarch Parker said with a smile.

Under the leadership of the patriarch Parker, everyone entered a yurt-like tent. All the nomads living in the Walker Prairie lived in yurt-like tents.This is easy to carry and easy to install.

After everyone sat down, Parker ordered to serve kumiss and roast mutton. Since entering the Cree Desert, everyone had not had such a sumptuous dinner.Huang Fu grabbed the roast mutton and ate it in big mouthfuls. Jiang Fan was not polite, picked up the kumiss, grabbed the roast mutton and ate it.

At first, Wang Benchuan couldn't lose face. When the plate of roast lamb was almost gone, he became anxious and reached out to grab it.He stretched out his hand, and when he was about to grab the roasted lamb, Qiuyue grabbed the roasted lamb with his hand first.

"Hehe, you are a step too late, wait for the next set!" Qiu Yue laughed.

"Uh, I'm not very hungry, you can eat first!" Wang Benchuan said a little bit unhappy, stubbornly.

"Hehe, old grandson, you are so funny. You are already so hungry that you pretend you are not hungry. This is a shame!" Lei Luo laughed.

"Uncle Chuan, let's eat it, I'm just kidding, I've already eaten a piece." Qiu Yue smiled and handed the roast lamb to Wang Benchuan.

Wang Benchuan was no longer polite, grabbed the roasted lamb, bit into it, and ate it with big mouthfuls.Seeing Wang Benchuan wolfing down his food, everyone burst into laughter.

The whole group was very tired, so everyone ate very deliciously. They ate lamb shanks together. The test was delicious.

At this time, the sound of horns and horns came from outside the tent, "Woo!" The sound became one at a time, followed by the sound of gongs and drums.

"Is there any activity outside?" Qiu Yue asked.

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