my beauty fairy

Chapter 285

At this time, a seductive blush appeared on Xiaoqian's face, and her eyes became blurred. Qiu Yue couldn't bear it anymore, and at this time Qiu Yue could let go.

So Qiu Yue took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed, and said with a smile, "Xiaoqian, I'll go to bed and press you!"

Xiaoqian's charming eyes blinked and she gently held Qiuyue's arm with her hand: "Hey, press it hard!"

So Qiu Yue put his hand on Xiaoqian's lower abdomen and began to press it. Suddenly, Qiu Yue faintly found that Xiaoqian's lower body was covered with silk pajama pants and black lace panties, reflecting a little bit of Ai Yishui.

Qiu Yue pretended not to understand, and said with a smirk, "Xiaoqian, why are there traces of wetness here!"

"You villain, I really don't understand, but I don't understand! I need your caress! Come and see your little friend!" Xiaoqian has already started to hum.

Qiu Yue smiled and exposed his master weapon, and Xiaoqian screamed excitedly: "Oh! It's so big!"

Seeing the popularity of his beloved little torch, Qiu Yue was also happy.

Xiaoqian was immediately ignited by the flame of passion, unable to wait any longer, climbed up Qiuyue's neck, pressed her mouth passionately, and kissed Qiuyue desperately, Qiuyue inhaled Xiaoqian's fragrance Tongue, enjoying the comfort at this time.

It wasn't the first time Qiu Yue collided with a woman, so he, who is very talented in this area, quickly got into the rhythm.

Qiuyue's hands also began to touch dishonestly. The pleasant touch of touching a big steamed bun during the last doctor visit was still hard for Qiuyue to forget.This time I can finally enjoy it to my heart's content.

Qiuyue launched attacks from time to time, making Xiaoqian gasp and scream one after another.

Both of them had their clothes off, and Qiuyue looked at Xiaoqian's naked body, and couldn't hold it any longer, so he directly raised his gun and mounted the horse, but because he was too anxious, he inserted it several times without success.

Xiaoqian couldn't wait any longer, she grabbed Qiuyue's super big stick and put it directly into her secret deep forest.

Qiuyue felt the most comfortable feeling in the world, and pushed hard, straight to the end.

"Oh!" Xiaoqian yelled hysterically, and Qiuyue started a violent "impulsive" movement.

After more than 40 minutes, Qiuyue finally reached the peak after Xiaoqian collapsed twice.The erupting pleasure of standing on the top of the mountain made Qiu Yue almost unable to extricate himself.

The two looked at each other panting.

"Um, you bad guy, you're so powerful, you made me, uh, I'm too comfortable to move now!" Xiaoqian said softly.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Hahaha..."

"It's amazing! I like it!" Xiaoqian said delicately.

The next morning, Xiaoqian's body was already normal, but she seemed to be walking abnormally, and she couldn't help but toss her feet all the time. Of course, the patriarch knew why. It's amazing, and it's really happy to make my daughter feel so happy once in her life.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Your daughter is fine."

"Thank you so much! You are really a shaman!" Parker said happily.

"We are going to Hela Snow Mountain, can you lend us a horse?" Qiu Yue asked.

"You mean that you are going to Hera Snow Mountain to find the legendary phantom castle and goblins?" Parker was surprised. He knew the legend of phantom castle from the genealogy records, because a nomad once happened in the prairie. The matter of death was because of the death curse, which infected the entire nomadic tribe, causing that tribe to be exterminated.

"Yes, we have to go, because we still have a lot of troubles there, if we don't find the elf's hiding place, we will be in trouble, those people in the interior are waiting for us to save their lives!" Qiu Yue said.

"You are the real warriors. The Walker prairie is huge. We can provide you with horses so that you can walk out of the prairie soon." Parker said.

"Oh, thank you so much, with the horses you provided, we will be much more convenient and faster!" Qiu Yue laughed.

Several people set off.

Each person galloped on the Walker prairie with one horse, and everyone chatted and laughed along the way. During the day, the sky was clear, but at night, the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and it began to drizzle, and everyone set up temporary tents.

"It seems that the sky is about to change!" Wang Benchuan said.

"Yes, it will be troublesome if it snows heavily, and it will be difficult for us to enter Hela Snow Mountain!" Father Lei Luo said.

The night was so peaceful, everyone wore fur coats and wrapped themselves in blankets and fell asleep.Snowflakes were flying outside the tent, suddenly the horse screamed, Qiu Yue woke up immediately, "Woo!" came the howling of a wolf.

"No, a pack of wolves is coming, hurry up and protect the horse. If the horse is eaten by the pack of wolves, we will be in trouble!" Father Lei Luo exclaimed.

"Ling Feng, I'm going out to drive away the wolves, you stay in the tent to protect everyone's safety." Qiu Yue stepped out of the tent.

"Be careful!" Wang Benchuan said.

The horse screamed, stepped on the grass restlessly, and made a clacking sound.The wolves were approaching the horse very fast. With a sound of "Aw!", the wolves suddenly became excited and ran faster.

Qiuyue immediately released five incendiary bombs, hoo!The five wolves who ran in the front were burned by the fire and immediately screamed.The wolves behind were stunned by the sudden fireball, they stopped moving immediately, and looked around vigilantly.

Finally, a wolf saw Qiuyue, and it immediately understood that the fireball came from this person, and with a groan, more than a dozen wolves rushed towards Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue sneered, and kept firing incendiary bombs, those wolves were burned immediately, and the wolves behind screamed so frightened that they dared not move forward.

The wolves did not dare to move forward for the time being, but they had no intention of retreating. They kept wandering around the horses, looking for an opportunity to attack.

Seeing such a situation, Qiu Yue couldn't help frowning. There were about a few hundred wolves, and it was impossible to drive them away with the fire, nor could they keep consuming them all the time. The temperature was so low that the snow seemed to be falling more and more.In the end, it is impossible to consume with the wolves, what should I do?

Qiu Yue thought about it, and suddenly thought of Liu Yunzhan. Thinking of this, Qiu Yue raised his right palm, opened his palm, facing the wolves, and silently recited the spell.

With the sound of "squeak!", Qiuyue felt the palm of his hand was full of energy, he opened it forcefully, pushed forward, and a burst of energy gushed out from his palm.

"Crack!" A bolt of lightning struck out, and the nearest wolf was hit by the lightning immediately, and fell to the ground with a scream.

After the wolves were killed by lightning, the wolves seemed to be afraid of Qiuyue, and retreated one after another. They were far away from Qiuyue, but there was no sign of leaving.The wolf is greedy by nature and will not give up until it achieves its goal. If you want it to retreat, you must kill the wolf king.

Who is the wolf king among hundreds of wolves?Qiu Yue looked carefully, and generally speaking, the wolf king was taller and stronger than the ordinary wolf. Qiu Yue searched according to this goal, and finally found the wolf king.

The wolf king is very cunning, he hides among the pack of wolves, this guy is tall, his fur is shiny, especially his long tail drags on the ground, and there is a strand of red hair on his mouth.He was commanding the pack, ready to attack again, and he was indeed cunning, trying to outflank the attacking horses.

It would be easy to find the wolf king. Qiu Yue immediately approached the wolves, facing the wolf king with his palms, and silently recited the spell.The wolf king didn't notice Qiuyue's intentions, and was still busy commanding the wolves.

it's time!Jiang Fan spat out his palm, "Crack!" A bolt of lightning flashed across and hit the wolf king on the head.

The wolf king let out a scream, fell to the ground and died, which frightened all the wolves, and then Jiang Fan made several five thunder and lightning hands, plus several Lihuo.The pack of wolves had no leader, and each ran for his life. Like the ebb tide, the pack of wolves ran away one after another, and all of them escaped in the blink of an eye.

The wolves were gone, the horses stopped barking, snowflakes were falling in the sky, and the night seemed to be quiet.When Jiang Fan returned to the tent, Zhuli ran over happily, "The wolves have been driven away?"

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