my beauty fairy

Chapter 338 Corruption

Lin Yuxuan walked over slowly and took out a bottle of water. When Mrs. Zhao helped Secretary-General Zhao up, Lin Yuxuan gently fed Secretary-General Zhao and drank some water. At this time, a miracle happened, and Secretary-General Zhao Actually woke up.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. With such a severe fainting, it is impossible to wake up after drinking some water, unless the condition of the legs improves!

But it was like this at this time. After Zhao Xueer gave Secretary-General Zhao a drink of water, Secretary-General Zhao woke up unexpectedly.

"No way, what the hell is going on! Can you wake up in this situation?" A doctor shouted as he looked at Secretary-General Zhao on the ground in shock.

"Wow, is it really a miracle doctor?"

"It can't be true, can it?"

"Is this true?"

The people around sighed together, looking at Secretary General Zhao lying on the ground in shock.

Lin Yuxuan cried, "Uncle, you're awake!"

Mrs. Zhao also cried and laughed and said: "Old Zhao, are you okay! You finally woke up! You scared us to death! You old villain! Woooooooooo!"

I saw Secretary-General Zhao cursing and said: "Those bastards are going to kill me just because of tens of thousands of dollars. They are really not raised by a bunch of people! I'm asking them to settle accounts!"

Both Lin Yuxuan and Mrs. Zhao grabbed Secretary-General Zhao. At this moment, a careful person discovered a tiny detail!That is, Secretary-General Zhao's legs stretched and curled back just now!

"Could it be!" shouted an old lady.

Immediately afterwards, the old lady stepped forward and shouted: "Don't cry, you two, look at his legs! Look at his legs!"

Lin Yuxuan and Mrs. Zhao looked down, oh my god! ! !In an instant, Zhao Xueer and Mrs. Zhao almost fainted in surprise!Seeing that Secretary Zhao's leg actually moved!

"Auntie, my uncle's leg moved! It moved!" Zhao Xueer shouted excitedly.

At this time, Secretary-General Zhao said: "Yes, it actually moved, and it didn't hurt at all!" Secretary-General Zhao touched his leg with his hand, and there was nothing wrong with it, and it didn't hurt at all!

Qiu Yue chuckled.

Secretary-General Zhao said, "I'll stand up and try!"

As Lin Yuxuan and Mrs. Zhao tried to support Secretary-General Zhao to stand up slowly, they didn't expect that the leg was definitely broken by those doctors and onlookers just now, and it would never recover again. ?

Everyone looked at Secretary-General Zhao in surprise. Secretary-General Zhao walked back and forth a few times, but nothing happened at all!

"My God! It's amazing! It's amazing!"

"Oh my god, this Qiuyue must be a monster!"

"There really is such a miraculous medical skill in this world!"

"Last time I said in the report that Qiuyue saved the patient, I thought it was a joke, or it was a lie. I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes this time. It's incredible!"

A group of people around started talking crazily.

Lin Yuxuan looked at Qiuyue, walked over slowly and said in a low voice: "Qiuyue, I'm sorry just now, I was really a little anxious, and there is no precedent for this kind of recovery before this matter, so I just... …”

"It's nothing, I don't blame you, then the doctor said it's hopeless, it's nothing. Now, let your uncle pay the 400 yuan for the ambulance and go back!" Qiu Yue Said.

"Well, okay, but my uncle told you to go over and chat with you, you can't leave!" Lin Yuxuan said.

At this moment, Secretary-General Zhao came over and said, "Qiu Yue, thank you, uncle doesn't even know what to say!"

"It's nothing, Uncle Zhao, as long as there is nothing to do, it's nothing! I'm Lin Yuxuan's boyfriend, so I should do it!" Qiu Yue said modestly.

Secretary-General Zhao shook his head and said, "Let's go, come home with me and let your aunt cook some food and chat with you. You saved my two legs this time. When I broke my legs just now, I thought I would never be able to stand again." Woke up!!"

After chatting and laughing with Secretary-General Zhao, they arrived at Secretary-General Zhao's house after a while. After returning home, Mrs. Zhao began to prepare meals.

Qiu Yue and Secretary-General Zhao sat together and chatted.

"Secretary Zhao, what's going on with you? How did you get hit by a car, and the car escaped?" Qiu Yue asked puzzled.

Secretary-General Zhao said with a sad face, "Oh, you don't know. Didn't I offend someone recently? Those people are just asking for trouble for me!"

Qiu Yue laughed and said, "I don't know what's going on?"

Secretary-General Zhao didn't intend to talk to anyone, but thinking that Qiu Yue was his life-saving benefactor, it was fine.

So Secretary-General Zhao began to talk: "We are in the same town, and we all work in the town government department. These people joined forces and wanted to allocate some money from the town. This is not a normal expenditure category. I There is no need to change this seal for them, but these people transferred public funds for their own private interests, and then covered the seal in my office when I was no longer there, and then went to them when I found out They are still not satisfied with the theory, saying that I don't cover it because I don't know how to praise, let me know the current affairs as a hero, I have always been displeased with those corrupt people, so I reflected this matter with the above The situation of the matter, those people were found out, and finally they were asked to pay back the money, and they were punished accordingly! But now they are not happy, and think that I am deliberately causing trouble, so they find someone to beat me, go to I ran fast last time, but they didn't catch up. This time, they didn't find someone to hit me with a truck. The collision was not serious, but two legs were broken. If it wasn't for you, Qiuyue, if it wasn't for you I will never face anyone again this time!"

"Oh, is that so? I just said why someone would punish you so much for no reason, but don't be afraid, Uncle Zhao, I will find relevant police comrades to help you solve this matter, don't worry !” Qiu Yue laughed.

Secretary-General Zhao sighed and said, "Oh, these people and the police have already figured it out, how can it be useful to find the police!"

"It's okay, Uncle Zhao, you believe me, the investigation team that was transferred from the city this time hasn't returned yet, I'll call them later to investigate this matter for you! We will use legal means Deal with those villains!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

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